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Galo of Garnet Quadratoth

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Galo of Garnet Quadratoth

"If anyone gives ya heat, I'll put them out."


RETIRE INFO: Adopt if Lio is in play, retire if not.
NAME: Galo
ORIENTATION: Gay, very gay.

BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2743
AGE: 33 as of Late Summer 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Pavane Squad

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black, cut short on the left side
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6' 3", well built with a trim waist
PLAY-BY: Galo Thymos (Promare)
Galo is a fairly average looking man, with a strong jaw and thick eyebrows. His hair is black and he keeps the left side of his hair cut extremely short. barely fuzz compared to the other side which is long and spikes oddly. There simply isn't any controlling it, or Galo simply makes no effort to do so. His eyes are sky blue, and he has the faint beginnings of crow's feet at the corners. He tends to wear pants that look too big for him, and foregoes a shirt entirely if he can get away with it. His left arm is covered in burn scars, but the damage wasn't enough to lessen its functionality.

Galo, for lack of a better term, is all brawn and very little brain. He isn't necessarily dumb, but the way he acts can definitely make others think that. He's rather impulsive and has odd solutions to problems that sound far-fetched and silly. Despite his odd ways, Galo is very compassionate. He doesn't like to see people hurt or wronged, even if it may take him time to realize something like that is happening. He likes to help people, and tries his hardest to support anyone who may need it. This can also manifest as being too faithful and easily deceived. He can often be fooled by silver tongued people into believing things that aren't necessarily true. Galo can also be rather impatient and, combined with his tendency to be trusting, this can get him into a lot of trouble.

Meeting Lio, and subsequently becoming his weyrmate, has made him more willing to mull over what he's told, and think more critically about things. He's still a hard headed moron at times, but being around the right people has lessened some of his impulsive nature.

Kray (Adoptive Father/Role Model)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Lio of Garnet Shisenitath
BIRTHPLACE: A Minor Hold near Fort Weyr
HISTORY: TW: Death, Injury
Galo doesn't remember his parents well. When he was young, maybe seven turns old, a small fire had broken out. The blaze spread too quickly for them to escape unscathed, though Galo was only burned on his left arm and some of his side. His father, more severely wounded, died soon after from the complications the burns presented. His mother lasted longer, but the resulting infection of her wounds took her life as well a few seven days after the fire. The Creche stepped in to take over raising Galo.

As he aged, Galo latched on to an older hold guard trainee named Kray. He became a sort of father figure for him, after he had lost his own. From him, he took an interest in protecting people. Part of it stemmed from the fire that took his parents, part of it from how regal and knightly Kray appeared to him. He regarded the hold guard with rose colored glasses, not knowing that he grated on Kray's nerves. Eventually, as Kray was candidate age at the time, he was searched and taken to Fort Weyr. He was only eleven, and his role model had been snatched out of his life, but this put another bright idea in his head: could he become a dragon rider?

At first, he was understandably hesitant. Most dragons spit fire, the very thing that took his parents and left him with burn scars on his arm. On the other hand, they were the protectors of Pern. He mulled over the idea for turns, bouncing back and forth between his desire to be a hold guard and the more luxurious idea. Many turns past until another searchdragon stopped by the hold. He was sixteen by then, and was chosen to be a candidate. He hesitated, but this was a chance to see Kray again. A chance to make him proud!

He arrived at Fort Weyr and stood for two turns before Quadratoth showed up. A beautiful, metallic purple from a hatching that included one as fierce as Serapheth. He was delighted with her! Her and her sister couldn't be more different, and Quadratoth was perfect for him. The months before her hatching were startling to Galo. Golre's war declaration and subsequent death were almost enough to scare him away from riding. After impressing Quadratoth, he was extremely glad he had stayed. In his time there, he hadn't stumbled across Kray at all. He just figured that, in the turns Galo was still at the hold, he had impressed, graduated and transferred elsewhere. It was disappointing, but he had other things to worry about now with Quadratoth.

The next few turns were chaotic, with plague, severe threadfall, dragons fighting on the sands, and kidnapped riders. It frazzled Galo a bit. He found himself looking for a steady anchor in the chaos, and that anchor happened to be Semaca. The chaos of the Trailblazers and their poisoning was the last straw for him. He put in his transfer to Semaca early in 2766. That's where he met Lio of Garnet Shisenitath.

They clashed at first, Galo's trusting nature colliding hard with Lio's intolerance of ignorance. They found common ground in their shared experience with fire, and eventually came to like each other quite a lot. becoming weyrmates at that point seemed like second nature. Since then, Galo has found himself quite comfortable with his position, and the general calm of Semaca compared to other weyrs. Beign weyrmates with Lio just made the past four turns even sweeter, and allowed him to grow more as a person.
Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:28 am, edited 13 times in total.
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NAME: Quadratoth
BIRTHDATE Early Winter 2761
AGE: 14 as of Early Winter 2775



LENGTH: 40ft
HEIGHT: 10ft
COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #704277
A medium sized Garnet, but a very pretty one. Quadratoth is unique in the fact that she has a metallic shine to her, which is not normally present in other colors. It may be a sign that she is different, but she doesn't seem to mind. She is stocky and built with four powerful legs. She is built to fight, and not even charging whers will be able to knock her over. She is a deep lavender color under her shine, and she has a thick band of a lighter purple under her head and going down her neck. The same color lines her neck in large circles, and her wings' "fingers" are splashed with the same purple.

Curious would describe Quadratoth to a fault, and would be the one-word term for her if she was not extremely clumsy. She is more likely to fall flat on her face during a landing and throw her rider - all on accident, of course - than be dainty and graceful. She means well, but sometimes it seems like she has four left feet, or she isn’t entirely sure of where all of her limbs are at once, and it is not uncommon for her to just fall flat on her face after tripping over nothing but air. As she grows, she will be able to learn to be graceful, but the first turn or so will be full of trips and apologies. She's very outgoing, very curious, and rather friendly. She may look big but she's definitely a pretty dear sweetheart.

To her rider, Quadratoth will be always looking to go out and do something new and interesting, and she will let her rider know about the new flower and new rock she found. However, she will be very concerned about her rider’s well-being, if a little over-protective (especially after a bad landing) and will apologize profusely if she causes her rider harm in any way. She likes to talk, and loves to go meet new dragons/riders/people/whers/etc.

Voice: Her voice is high-pitched and very fast, as if she is always excited and always needs to tell someone something. When she is serious, her voice reaches a more normal pitch, but is still faster than normal.
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