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Dimentio of White Disk

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Dimentio of White Disk

"And so I arrive, like a sudden windstorm at a kindergarten picnic!"
-Dimentio, Super Paper Mario


ORIENTATION: Biromantic Demisexual

BIRTHDATE: Fall 2736
AGE: 39 as of 2775
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler / Self-Proclaimed 'Professional Non-Harper Entertainer'
WING: Pavane

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black, long and usually tied up in a ponytail + bangs
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10", skinny
PLAY-BY: picrew by marq
EXPY SOURCE: Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
Take one look at Dimentio and you know he is up to something. His face always has this big smile on it that looks just a little too bright and a little too wide, not to mention, there's absolutely no joy behind the eyes. Much like Tom Cruise. He has pale skin, blue eyes, and long black hair. His bangs, if you want to call them that, are long and frame his face more than anything else. The rest of his hair goes up in a ponytail.

Dimentio loves to dress up nice when he can, as good fashion is always the best first impression. He likes purples and yellows, but white and black always find their way into his wardrobe as well. He's very color-coordinated, and you'd be hard-pressed to ever see him looking anything less than well-dressed.

Dimentio comes across as a light-hearted, goofy man who likes to joke around and have fun. But, he still uses large words and big phrases regardless of the joke. He always sounds smart, even when he's not acting so smart. In short, he likes to present himself as somewhat of a very impressive jester. It doesn't help that his biggest hobby is sleight of hand tricks and any sort of magic trick he can work his brain around.

Underneath his sorta-goofy, sorta-academic persona, Dimentio is a mischievous little brat. It would not be hard to imagine him doing a haughty anime villain laugh in order to mock another person. He likes to make fun of people behind their backs and is all around just a little snot. He's a compulsive liar, and cares about himself before other people every single time without fail. He doesn't get angry though. He buries that down as he thinks that, once someone else gets you angry, you have lost all standing in whatever battle you are in.

While he never had any sort of formal education, he is quite smart in the common sense and 'street' smarts departments. He is getting better at reading, and better at writing, but he's not completely there with the Weyr-borns yet.

FAMILY: Dimala (mother, alive), Viventio (father, alive), Journeyman Harper Vivala (little sister, alive)
BIRTHPLACE: A small hold outside of Ista
Dimentio was born the first of two in a small hold outside of Ista Weyr, and it was there that he was raised all his childhood. His little sister, Vivala, left when she was quite little to become a harper, leaving him home all alone at home. His parents were farmers, and Dimentio was expected to help farm as well. However, he was not a fan of farming and wanted to do something else with his life. He picked up sleight of hand tricks while he was younger as a means to pass the time, and ended up getting quite good at them.

The hold needed another wherhandler to help protect it, Dimentio saw this as his chance to get out of the career he was set up to do for the rest of his life. He bought an egg from a traveling caravan and waited for it to hatch. After a bit, the egg hatched, revealing a very swirly grey-white wher, Disk. She was quite loud, and not exactly the greatest fan of work, but they worked quite well together. They stayed at their hold for a long time, and Dimentio much rathered guard duty over farming- he was not built for that. Not a long time after, he found himself in the company of a dark white flit, which he named Prognosticus.

Eventually, both Dimentio and Disk's egos got way too big for the hold. Neither of them were exactly looking for a place with lots of drama to go to, and it seemed like every single Weyr had more drama than they were worth. And then there was Semaca, the brand new Weyr with very minimal history. A clean slate. A chance to become something powerful and important- it was a perfect match! The two of them left their Istan hold and went to Semaca, joining up with the Pavane squad.

Dimentio is enjoying his life in this new place, and has been spending the time that he hasn't been working educating himself on reading and writing, as well as continuing his hobby of sleight of hand magic tricks. He is not a fan of the constant flooding, and wished that they had a better system in place to defend against all of that water. But, hey, that's Chopin's job, not his. The pirates don't concern him at all, honestly, he doesn't even notice them half the time.
Last edited by AtlasHyperion on Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:17 pm, edited 9 times in total.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
Weyrling Toska of Green Bombyxith
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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Am Disk! Can call Didikins if Dimentio want!


NAME: Disk
AGE: 22 as of 2775

LENGTH: 11.75
COLOR: White
Disk is quite long for a white wher, but not too long- or so she says. To her, she is the perfect size, and she would almost certainly tell you that. A dainty wher, Disk walks elegantly wherever she goes, and you can see the ego in her by the snooty, upwards tilt of her head. Her hide consists of two colors: A base color of light grey, and white spiral patterns everywhere. The spirals consist of one long bit plus the spirals, and they come in groups of 3 lines. They connect to the next spiral pattern, and the next one, and the next one. Her whole body is covered in these patterns.

Disk is a bright and cheery wher, with a little bit of darker side. She is the wher equivalent of a popular high school girl, essentially. She likes fancy things, and she likes being adored, and talked to, and talked about. She likes the spotlight, and she has an ego to reflect that. She is incredibly self-centered and values herself over everyone else... always.

She likes to jump out and scare people, or just generally creep them out. For a girl who presents herself as the sweetest and kindest, she has an absurd obsession with the morbid and the strange. With her handler, she likes them, and will lovingly pick on them. She expects the same treatment from them... but a little lighter. She's one of those people who can dish it out for hours and hours, but say one word back at them and she'd burst into wher tears.

VOICE: Disk has a bright voice which is slightly nasally. It's very pretty, or so she says.
Last edited by AtlasHyperion on Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
Weyrling Toska of Green Bombyxith
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2018 4:24 pm
    Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:44 am
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NAME: Prognosticus, sometimes called Prog
BIRTHDATE Summer 2761
AGE: 14 as of 2775

COLOR: White
Prog is a long gal, but she's not quite large in any other sort of size category. Her hide is a dark black color, except for the white patch at the top of her wings and a little bit of her tail. It has a sort of bubbly-milky quality, lots of bumps. Inside this patch are little black ovals and circles. Overall, she's quite pretty, and she knows it.

Prog feels most comfortable around books, and then her person. She's just... really strange. She's not lazy, always moving around, even around books. She's practically the perfect page turner. You can't stop the gal from doing just about anything. And after all that, she just likes making trouble in any way she can! She's kinda nasty for a small little thing, but she's not angry. Quite happy, in fact.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
Weyrling Toska of Green Bombyxith
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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