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Deir of Bronze Rollieth

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    Thu Jun 09, 2022 3:16 pm
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Deir of Bronze Rollieth

"My job here is done."
"But you didn't do anything."
-Sailor Moon


NAME: Deir
GENDER: Cisgender male
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2750
AGE: 25 as of Summer 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'7" and slender
PLAY-BY: Baydews picrew
FULL APPEARANCE: Deir is the definition of a "pretty boy." He is attractive, albeit in a feminine sort of way, with soft, rounded features, full lips, and long lashes. There are defined bags under his steely blue eyes, however, as though he hadn't slept in days. His skin tone is a light brown in color, with freckles splattered over the bridge of his nose. Deir's brown hair is a medium hue, a shaggy mess. He wears a few small, thin braids, as well. His sense of style can be kindly described as "unique" or "eclectic," but that's putting it generously. He likes flowers, feathers, jewelry, accessories, and so on...often without regarding whether they match or look good together. It's never too much, in his eyes, and it makes him feel good, so why shouldn't he over-accessorize?

Deir is not especially weak, but he certainly looks it. His strength, endurance, and other physical abilities are decidedly average, but he has a slender, frail-looking form. Despite this, and although below the average height for a cisgender Pernese man, one would not assume that Deir was anything below average from the way he holds himself. Between his shoulders back posture and his wide grin, this man practically exudes confidence.

PERSONALITY: Deir is not a smart man. He thinks he is, but he is not. Despite his use of fancy words, some of which used incorrectly, he is not as intelligent as he likes to try to appear. Sure, he has a regal way of speaking, but if you listen to the actual content, it often sounds a bit ditzy. He's very pretentious...but also very stupid. Despite being little more than a minor farmholder's second son, he has an inflated sense of self worth. Everyone adores him, everyone wants to be him, everyone's jealous of him. Clearly, he's just so great that everyone is focused on him, always. He's a smug man, and although not arrogant enough to be unapproachable, he's still very sure of himself and confident in himself. Because he's clearly so great, he's very set in his ways, believing that he knows best.

Despite thinking he's the best thing to grace Pern, Deir is a bit of an oddball. He has weird taste in just about everything - fashion, food, hobbies - and is generally a tad too self centered ('s all about him!). Although he has matured over the turns, he can be a little whiny on occasion, if he feels slighted, though he is less likely to take everything as a personal attack. He's also a coward. If things get too dangerous or scary, he'll run away, he'll cry, and so on...but no, he's brave, CLEARLY. It's one of the many things he brags about. To hear the man talk about himself is to hear about the most mighty man in the world. Even beyond exaggerated tales of his own virtues (which he firmly believes), he can be a bit dramatic, with theatrical displays.

If there's one good thing to say about Deir, it's that he seeks the truth, and seeks to share it. Of course, he does so in a stupid, bumbling way, and his truth is, naturally, subjective and often skewed. Still, he values honesty and open communication. He wants to make sure everyone is aware of everything, and doesn't really tell white lies. If honesty will get him in trouble in any way, he might chicken out and just leave an anonymous note. What counts as true can include correcting misperceptions, being helpful, informing someone that a friend is talking about them, telling the candidatemaster on his peers...and so on. Varying degrees of helpfulness. He likes puzzles and riddles, especially when they have one objective answer. Although he is not AS bad at them as one might assume, due to being such an airhead, he's still not GOOD at them.

He loves dragons and would like to be a dragonrider.

-Father: Aorndeir
-Mother: Aurozzi
-Brother: Rozaorn (2748, +2 turns)
-Dragonrider Cousin (significantly older than Deir)
BIRTHPLACE: Minor Hold (Istan territory)
HISTORY: Aorndeir and Aurozzi were leaders of a minor hold, barely more than a cothold, under Istan territory. Their small hold was temperate, with a perfect climate for growing certain crops. It is at this humble farming hold that Deir's tale begins. It did not, however, begin in 2750, but in 2748, two turns before his birth. Deir's brother was born, the "heir" for his family's minor hold, and the small degree of status that it held. (Of course, it was a small farming hold, so that status involved manure and hard work, but Deir did not see it that way.) For his entire life, Deir felt like he was living in his older brother's shadow, though this wasn't necessarily the case. Deir was convinced that HE should be the rightful heir to this glorious estate, that his brother was given all of the love, that he was sorely neglected, and so on.

Of course, none of these things were accurate. Deir had a pleasant childhood, in which he was doted on just as much as his brother. In fact, he was very close to his mother, despite sulking like the petulant child he was whenever his brother got a modicum of attention from Aurozzi. Over the turns, Deir would grow out of this sulky way of being, but in his childhood, he was a moody child who demanded everything be about him. And if it wasn't about him, why, then he was a VICTIM of so many TRAGEDIES.

At 5, thread began to fall. Any excess vegetation was culled, and the utmost care was taken to protect the crops. Despite this, the family hold was not hit hard by any tragedies, be they plague or thread or war. These things were not personal to Deir. He would know of their existence, albeit vaguely, through an older cousin, a dragonrider who visited annually. From a young age, Deir admired dragons, though he'd only seen one in his life.

Although he was born "Rozzideir," his mother called him "Little Rozzi" and "Rozzling" throughout his life. When he was five, this was very cute. When he was fifteen, it became embarrassing. Around twelve, he insisted she not call him that anymore, associating even the name "Rozzi" with being babied. No, he would be Deir now. This was the name of an adult. Changing his name did not stop Aurozzi from babying him throughout his life, however. Surprisingly, Deir didn't mind hard work, but he didn't exactly seek it out either. He didn't much care for getting dirty, however, which was common in the hold.

In 2770, he was given a firelizard egg by his mother, which hatched Cody. He would protect her with his life, if it came down to it. Two turns later, Deir decided it was time to forge his own life, to leave to be on his own. He'd heard good things about the island of Semaca, the lush, tropical paradise, which was always seeking more weyrfolk. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, he bid his family farewell and traveled to Semaca Weyr, hitching a ride with his dragonrider cousin...where he was surprised at how different it was from his visions. Where was the luxury! Where was the easy life! Why were there spotties! Still, he supposed this was his home now, and he would make the best of it. His dragonrider cousin more or less left him to his own devices once they arrived, having transferred themselves, leaving Deir with no connections in the weyr.

After arriving, he realized something: dragons were even cooler than he'd thought. He hadn't seen any up close, beyond his older cousin's dragon, before moving to Semaca, and once he had...he became obsessed. By mid to late 2773, he decided he would get searched, no matter what it took...but it was a shame he had to wait for Dragon Day.

  • Early Winter 2773 - Impresses to Rollieth
Last edited by Pan on Thu Aug 31, 2023 11:10 am, edited 8 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Thu Jun 09, 2022 4:09 pm
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NAME: Rollieth
BIRTHDATE Early Winter 2773
AGE: 1 as of Summer 2775

LENGTH: 50 ft
HEIGHT: 12.5 ft
COLOR: Bronze
Small and rather pudgy, Rollieth is distinctly more roly-poly than the average bronze. Even for a bronze though, he's shiny; it approaches utter gaudiness. His hide is a mix of colors in shades of bronze ranging from brownish to greenish to orangey to pale to a base of true, bright bronze. His entire hide is patterned with them, and somehow looks like a particularly tacky bit of upholstery that one might find on a Lord Holder's chair that went out of style several decades ago.

Rollieth is... a lot to take in. He's loud and seems to have no idea what manners or etiquette are. He has a bad habit of butting into conversations that he's not a part of and making everything about him. He's an extraordinarily messy eater, and doesn't seem to mind in the slightest that his rider has to clean him up afterwards; in fact, he doesn't seem to get why he has to be cleaned up at all. He has no concept at all of personal hygiene, and will only bathe when his rider makes him. He also has a bad habit of giving unwanted advice, most of it terrible. His taste in visual matters is particularly suspect, and he'll often tell his rider that horrible outfits look good.

For all of his faults that can make him rather annoying though, Rollieth is loving and dedicated. He cares about the Weyr and its inhabitants, and at least tries to make friends with everyone. He has a loose view of the color hierarchy, not thinking himself better or more deserving of leadership because he's a bronze, but convinced that bronzes and golds are duty-bound to be responsible for the well-being of others regardless of their positions. He helps out wherever he can, though he'll also frequently point out that he's done so and wants it to be acknowledged. He craves being vocally appreciated more than he does things being done for him in return, unless maybe that something is food.

Rollieth is his rider's greatest advocate. He'll tell everyone how great they are, usually very loudly. They can do very little wrong in his eyes, unless they try to deny him food or refuse a favor he tries to do them... no matter how bad an idea said favor actually is.

Why me?: Sweet, sweet chaos to me.



The Wayside Home Clutch
X's maiden clutch/second clutch/etc., anything noteworthy

Egg: Rose Garden
Class: Residents
Inspiration: Schitt's' Creek, Roland
Info: Lessen your grip, and you will find that others accept your embraces more.
This large egg is tan, marked with only a single red rose despite its name. It seems overbearingly friendly.
Dam: Gold Nebulaeth
Sire: Bronze Ziodyneth
Number: 9 out of 14 to impress
Details: They're just so stupid together
Location: Semaca
Last edited by Pan on Thu Aug 31, 2023 11:10 am, edited 5 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Thu Jun 09, 2022 4:12 pm
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NAME: Cody (Codanis, Favored of the Dragon, Beloved of the Many, Herald of the Times to Come) (She does not answer to anything but Cody)
AGE: 4 as of Summer 2775

COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #ce3d72
FULL APPEARANCE: Cody is a cute, tubby little lady. Despite her constant activity, she gained significant weight after hatching, and kept most of it. She's a pudgy little thing, but very cute and pokeable. Cody has a little bit of a waddle, and can be a bit clumsy on the ground, but in the air, she's full of grace. Her length is average for her color. Her markings are pink, with a wine hue over her back and a brighter pink beneath it. There are wing-like markings, almost like feathers, under her sails, in the brighter pink color.

PERSONALITY: Despite her regal name, Cody is not an elegant, poised, queenly creature. No, she is energetic, cheerful, and absolutely a precious baby. She likes making noises, and can be heard chittering and squeaking loudly at all hours of the night. She is very cute and affectionate, enjoying curling up on people's laps, at least when it's time to sleep. When it is NOT time to sleep, she is running and flying and knocking things off tables and playing and she does not slow down, ever.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:39 am
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Clouds and grey come when you least expect them, but they move on just as quick. It's always nice to appreciate the quiet times they bring. Just look up though, the sun will be here soon enough!


NAME: Lady (Lady of a Thousand Moons, Rukbat's Chosen, the Neon Glory)
BIRTHDATE Summer 2775
AGE: 0 as of 2775

COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #6c5aae
FULL APPEARANCE: A Garnet with all the trimmings! A splashed array of neon pinks and purples, with a cool toned pale belly. Complete with flaming tipped rims along the wings. The pink bottom feety pads are the fan favorite~

PERSONALITY: A soft, melancholy sort of firelizard, this garnet is on the quiet side. She moves slowly, but with purpose, and observes her world in a cautious but calm manner. She yearns for something--though even she isn't sure what--and accepts the positive with the negative. That said, she seems to be more of a pessimistic personality, overall.

Everything but personality by EW*NA!
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
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