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F'ayt of Brown Ferrugith

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F'ayt of Brown Ferrugith

"Oooo, I foresee that this is going to be mad scary. You go first."


NAME: F'ayt
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Bisexual

BIRTHDATE: Late Spring of 2755
AGE: 20 as of Late Fall 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr

EYES: Dark Blue
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'5", petite.
Faytola is a very pretty young lady. She has deep dark blue eyes, long eyelashes, and an excellent complexion. She sits around the middle of the standard height range, and is a bit small in build. She's not necessarily delicate, but she definitely has little defined muscle. Her black hair falls past her shoulders, and is slightly wavy. The shorter it is, the wavier it will get, but she prefers to wear it longer. She also has a small beauty mark just under her left eye.

In terms of fashion, she's content with whatever is available in the moment. She doesn't particularly care about pretty, preferring comfort and function over fancy. She does, however, own a silver bracelet that was a gift from her mother. She wears it on her left wrist, and treasures it deeply.

Faytola has a good heart, but she can be a bit... odd. She makes outlandish claims at times, one of which being the fact she claims to be able to see the future. She can't actually do this, and knows as much in her heart. This habit comes from a deep seated fear of being alone. In her mind, she has to be as interesting as possible to keep people's interest, or else they may end up leaving. This can also drive her to be overwhelming, on top of extravagant. She means well, but she just isn't the best in social situations.

Despite her shortcomings, she tries her hardest to be a good friend to people. She's highly empathetic, and wants to help people where she can. This extends to everyone, even people who might not deserve her kindness. Even if people have wronged her, she can't bring herself to cut them off most times. It leads her to a lot of stress and self doubt, and feeds into her fear of loneliness. It can also be easy to take advantage of her kindness, since she's so reluctant to cut anyone out of her life. Only time will tell if she'll learn to balance her own desire for companionship as well as the need to stand up for herself at times.

Cressida (Mother)
Unnamed Father
BIRTHPLACE: A small hold beholden to Fort Weyr
Born to a single woman in a small hold, Faytola doesn't come from wealthy beginnings. The most valuable thing her mother owned was a silver bracelet that had been passed down through her family. It was already aged, but well kept throughout the years. It was promised to Faytola when she was young, as a 'coming of age' type present. Faytola never coveted it, but she knew she would treasure it. Not for it's monetary value, but for the fact it came from her mother, whom she loved very much.

Near the middle of her 15th turn, a dragonrider would visit her hold and she would be searched. It was an exciting prospect, while also being frightening. Her hold and her mother were all she had known thusfar. Weyrs had so many people, so many strangers! She'd be alone if she were unable to make friends. But, Faytola was fairly confident in her ability to do so. Her mother was supportive, and both promised to keep in touch despite the distance. Cressida also decided to give the bracelet to her daughter a little early, as a good luck charm as well as a way for Faytola to keep her home in mind always.

Fort was everything she had heard about in the stories travelers told. It was a bit much, for someone who had grown up in a small hold. Semaca Weyr, on the other hand, sounded a bit more manageable for her. She transferred there soon after realizing the bustle of Fort was just a bit too much for her to tolerate yet. Semaca wasn't quite that big yet\, yet still provided the opportunity to impress. As the turns passed she got to see many things; several hatchings, spotties (which were QUITE SCARY ACTUALLY), and just the general functions of a weyr. She also managed to weave a lie to some of the Semaca population that she was able to see the future. It was a 'gut feeling turning out to be right' situation spun into an interesting lie. Weyr life took getting used to, and she made plenty of mistakes, but Faytola likes to think she's made at least some friends in her time at Semaca, even if she hadn't had the chance to impress yet. She still had plenty of time to do that!
Last edited by Ignys on Mon Aug 26, 2024 3:45 am, edited 5 times in total.
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NAME: Ferrugith
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2775
AGE: 1 as of Late Summer 2775

LENGTH: 53ft
HEIGHT: 13.25ft
WINGSPAN: 79.5ft
COLOR: Brown
HEX CODE: #322625
A big brown, Ferrugith is a strong flier. He has a nose that notably curves downwards, like some runnerbeasts do. On the large end for browns, he's strong and steady, firm and unyielding. He is a dark, rich brown all over, with his legs a sprinkling of a a lighter brown that seems to be "sprinkled" on the divide between the colors. The undersides of his wings are patterned like a huntbird, lighter streaks of "feathers" and darker markings in bands across the large sails.

An old bastard of a brown, Ferrugith is stubborn, grumpy, and completely set in who he is. He has no desire to change, and even at a young age he may as well be a brown who has been around forever. He has no desire to side with tyrants and bullies, and anyone who thinks he would be dumb muscle on their side to win an argument would be woefully incorrect. He is a defender, one who will plant his feet and demand the world move for him, for he will not be moved. He doesn't think of himself as anything special, truth be told. He's a dragon, he's supposed to fight Thread and maybe chase a queen if he feels like it, he doesn't really think he needs to be or do much more than that, because he's not that special. If something is bothering him, he will try to bottle it up, to push it down so no one else gets bothered by it. Surely it isn't that big of a deal, nothing worth raising a fuss over.

To his rider, Ferrugith is a competent partner and a personal guard. However, he has no tolerance for any sort of mean-spirited actions, and he will sit them down and chew them out if he must. He would rather work with them than against him, and he has no reason to start an argument unless something is wildly over the line. If his rider wants to stay in bed and not drill? Fine, Ferrugith will go on his own, he'll get something useful done and drag his rider through it later. As long as he knows what to do, everything will be fine.

Voice: With a voice that is gruff and grumbly, Ferrugith is more likely to grunt at someone in response. He is not silent, but he is very to the point when he talks, preferring to speak plainly and clearly.

Why Me?: Hopefully Faytola will get used to Ferrugith outright exposing her wild claims immediately. If not, well, at least he's big and warm at night.

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