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Edel'reiss of Brown Erenosath

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Edel'reiss of Brown Erenosath



NAME:  Edel'reiss, originally Edelnareiss - “Eda” for short
GENDER:  Little Lady
ORIENTATION:  She sassy, watch out

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2753
AGE:  22 as of 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr


EYES: Light blue but noticeably cloudy looking in left.
HAIR: Very light brown, long, and almost pushing to the blonde spectrum. Edelnareiss' hair is rather wavy and almost 'crinkly' with a lot of volume to it. It's almost always pulled back and twisted into some hairtie, lest it constantly get in her face.
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'2 but moderately built. She's not what someone would call 'skinny' as she likes to move around a lot and be active. She personally thinks she has too much in the chest department.
PLAY-BY: Original

Edelnareiss is reasonably small and will always be small. While she usually dresses in rather nice looking clothing, there seems to be a mismatch from time to time. Long shirts or blouses that could almost look like a dress, while wearing pants or leggings underneath, paired with intricately designed shoulder covers, among other accessories. She tends to dress far nicer than the more average person, but is usually found running about through the brush and being physically active, closer to a Holdless on the run.

If left unattended, her hair would be a matted mess, but then always kept it a reasonably nice done up style. A flop of bangs pulled over one side and braided sections on the side pulling her hair back to be tied in one big section. Clearly something she took time to do every morning.

With semi-rounded features, namely in the cheeks, Edelnareiss seems right in between of 'baby fat' and thinning to adulthood. Most noticeably, there's a severe band of scarring going up the left side of her face, ending close to her eye. This is noticeably something she rarely tries to cover, in fact, she seems to purposefully make sure it's seen.
Her usually clothing color preferences are greens, oranges, and reddish browns.


Edelnareiss may be short in stature, but she well makes up for it in personality. While generally 'nice', she has no qualms or hesitance to speak her mind. She doesn't take well to people belittling her. However, she tends to take offense to even relatively innocent comments. Try to cause trouble for her (or what she counts as trouble), and she'll give it right back in a moment's notice. One of her most used tactics is kicking the shins of people who get it started with her. It's always been a good way to get people down to her level for a 'fair' fight. Such an attitude has gotten her into heaps of trouble, and certainly into a lot of things that were well over her head to handle. It takes a lot of effort on her part to bite down such things – to weigh the worth of a fight or to prove a point.

Edelnareiss is out to live for herself on her own terms. While not 'childish', she's always more interested in things that suit her tastes. She's hyper aware of her mortality, and she's determined to live without regrets, even if there will always be some to bear. Despite this, she also knows she has a penchant for trouble. She's usually torn on matters of doing what she wants and being true to herself and her motives, but through it all, she doesn't actually like being a bother to people (if they really don't deserve it). It is something that dwells deep in her heart, and it's one of the few things that can sober her up, causing her to go into a secluded and dreary spell. Having caused unintentional stress and hardship on her family, due to her past antics, it is something that weighs heavy on her. Should someone close to her call her a 'burden', she takes it exceptionally hard.

Overall, Edelnareiss takes pride in being honest and forward when she speaks and acts. It makes her feel less bothersome if people don't have to question her motives or such. She's spunky and she pouts when things don't go as she likes, but she's determined to shine and live. One major plague on her though, is that her eyesight. Her left eye has a cataract since childhood. The clouding on the lens of her eye makes seeing details with it difficult, as well as general fading and blurring. She occasionally feels the strain as her eyes technically see differently due to it. Edelnareiss likes to say it's from the scar on her face, though her eye trouble has no correlation. She relies semi on the shared sight of her blue flit, Muiren, in hopes others won't notice too much. She gets very uneasy when he's not present, and he's usually always with her. She's absolutely going to fake it until she makes it~


Parents – Alive
Uncle – Alive
Cousin - Alive
Born on a cold winter evening, Edelnareiss arrived exceptional small but reasonably 'normal'. Her parents were not aware at the time, but the lens of her left eye had not formed correctly. While Edelnareiss could see from it, it steadily started turning noticeably paler – with white clouding scattered about the center (eye cataract). While still usable, the clouding in Edelnareiss' left eye made things like color seem faded and sometimes blurred or hazy. She tended to fight seeing through mis-matched eyes, tending to favor her good one. Such practices made it common for her to take lots of tumbles and bad falls due to her eyesight. It came across to many that she was just a very clumsy and careless child, as glasses offered little aid and she would not wear a cover for an eye she claimed she could see from - The start of her finding offense from others when there was (probably) none intended.

Her parents, though very loving, always seemed at the end of their rope dealing with their daughter's behavior. Though normally reasonable, Edelnareiss seemed to constantly be getting into or starting fights with others her age. Some even older than herself or even adults. Afterall, she knew herself not clumsy; she didn't fall or knock things about on purpose. She found it terribly hard to convey her struggles to anyone. About one eye working perfectly well and the other causing halos around light and blocking out intricate details, or focusing on using one and losing her depth perception.

By chance, Edelnareiss would attain a painful facial injury from a firepit mishap when she was 9 turns, not minding some coals before taking a tumble on them. This left a lasting burn scar going up her left cheek, and while her eye technically received no injury, she took to telling strangers or new faces, that her eye was injured from it. Somehow that seemed more palatable to others to understand: a firestone injury caused her eye trouble. It certainly sounded more exciting to her, anyway.
Still, Edelnareiss was aware that her penchant for arguments and taking offense to others' comments was putting an uncomfortable pressure on her family. She wanted to be good and reliable, but she also didn't want to just swallow assumptions from others. It frustrated her that it felt like very few took her at her word, as if she had to work extra hard to make people believe or accept it.

For some time, Edelnareiss sought out the company of her older cousin, as he and her uncle were in close proximity. Her cousin was generally good natured and didn't care much when his smaller cousin got rowdy. They bonded well and had a pleasant push-n-shove type of relationship. A gift of a firelizard egg on a following nameday helped her spirits to lighten too. The companionship of the little Blue flit was welcomed, as all he needed was food for his undying loyalty. Not to mention, his occasional mental imaged helped greatly, as it would take the strain off her conflicting vision.

Edelnareiss would spend the next number of turns trying to find what she wished to do with herself. Edelnareiss understandably wanted some space...wanted to do something all her own. Something she wouldn't have to rely on someone else for or be burdensome due to her weaker points. She was an adult and she wanted full reliance on herself and her own efforts.

After a lot of thought, Edelnareiss decided to travel to the southern content, to Semaca Weyr and their newly set up port. Semaca was very far, but part of her felt the distance would help in a way. She'd miss her family, but it would be nice to be around completely new faces. To be around others who didn't know of her past issues or her in general. To really make it feel like she was on her own and she was all she could rely on to make the effort count. Plus, a part of her was curious if she could make it to stand as a candidate, either for a dragon or a wher. Edelnareiss was very skeptical, as riders and handlers seem to be the best of the best... Still, she wasn't willing to squander the chance if it was there. If she could manage it, she would, and she wouldn't have to live with the idea of what-ifs.

Fake it until she made it~ Or... didn't.
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NAME: Erenosath
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2775
AGE: Newborn as of Late Summer 2775

LENGTH: 40ft
HEIGHT: 10ft
COLOR: Brown
HEX CODE: #603f2f
A sturdy, if on the smaller side, brown, one built with strong legs and broad wings, Erenosath is somewhat average in his physical appearance. He hardly stands out among larger dragons in the clutch, and he is not notably flashy. He is a warm, almost klah-brown all over, with his wingsails being darker towards the edges. His wing-fingers are a paler, sandy color. His markings are stunning. With large swathes of a pale brown tapering off into a deeper brown, they cross over his face, around his eyes, and down his back to his tail.

Erenosath is a serious and kind dragon who does genuinely want to do the right thing. He is brave, noble, and understanding. A dragon who likes to look at every angle before making a decision, he does have a problem with sticking to his convictions. He has the potential to be a strong and smart brown, but he will need to be able to build a firm foundation of knowledge and maturity to really stick to his decisions. He can be easily swayed, and will need to learn to properly tell others "no" when push comes to shove.

To his rider, Erenosath is supportive and caring. He will try to attend to them, to do what he can to make them feel better or feel that they have someone in their corner. He cannot stand pettiness and cruelty, it is one of the few things that really sets him off. He is very close to Freth, the two of them almost made for each other, finding each other a wonderful compliment and companion to one another. As he grows more confident in himself, he'll become bolder and more self-assured in his decisions.

Voice: Calm, yet a little unsure of himself, Erenosath has yet to really grow into himself and his voice shows it. He is somewhat soft-spoken, which will change as he grows more confident.

Why Me?: Definitely a big and somewhat friendly dragon for Edelnareiss, Erenosath does initially feel that because she is small he has to watch out for her. He'll learn, of course. Right now he just thinks she needs him.

Last edited by EW-NA on Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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(From Flit Trove)


NAME: Muiren
AGE: 13 as of 2775

Muiren is a noodly little firelizard. Mostly a solid color, the lightest of blue over his body, perhaps looking a touch silver in the right light. He has a slightly round belly and rather long tail.

Muiren is a loyal little friend, always keeping close to Eda's side. He's very observant, trying to keep track of most things going on around him, as he basically functions as his owner's 'better' eyes. For all his loyalty, sadly his stomach tends to get the better of him. He loves to eat, soft pastry type things being his absolute favorite, even over meat. Meat pies are just heaven though~ If tends to get himself and Eda into trouble, as he tends to forget to ask before shoving his face into something absolutely tasty - and said tasty thing is rarely his own.
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