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Weyrling Phelps of Blue Velfryth

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Weyrling Phelps of Blue Velfryth



NAME: Phelps
GENDER: Cis man
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Pansexual, prefers men, has a thing for muscles
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2751
AGE: 22 as of 2777
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Weyrling, former pirate, cook, and cabin boy

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black, kept mid length, just below the nape of his neck
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6' 3", trim, but with good muscle, like a swimmer
Phelps is a slightly taller than average man, with a trim physique from years of sailing and swimming. He has reddish brown eyes, and a crooked nose that shows signs of having been broken multiple times. His hair is thick and wavy, kept just short enough to stay out of his eyes. He often slicks back the top to assist in keeping it out of his eyes. He's prone to resting grump face, even if he is not upset. Phelps also sports a small patch of beard, that will grow in as he gets older. After many turns on the seas and in the elements, his skin is perpetually tanned, and often burnt from the sun sun and wind.

When it comes to his clothes, Phelps prefers light garments that won't weigh him down too much if he gets wet. In terms of patterns or styles, he doesn't care much, and will haphazardly mix and match styles and pieces he's acquired from trading at various ports. No matter what, he always keeps his preferred knife in a trusty sheath on his belt.

Phelps is a passionate man, he can be shouting furiously one moment, then laughing heartily the next. He gestures as he speaks, moving his hands wildly to emphasize his speech. His emotions flow as easily as the tides, and are passionate, but fleeting. He is especially prone to anger, and will quickly let his temper get the best of him. Give him a few moments to cool down though, and he'll be fine, but he will hold a grudge. This makes it difficult for him to make friends, as not many folks take kindly to strangers yelling in their faces.

When he does make a friend though, he is steadfast and loyal to them. He will quickly rise to defend a friend, even if it means putting himself in danger to do so. He sees himself as a bit of a protector, and will even fight if his friends tell him to stop or let it go. Once he is riled up, nothing other than giving him time to step away from the situation will get him to calm down, and any efforts made by others to get him to back off will only make him angrier.

He's also self-absorbed to an extent, and doesn't show much interest in people or things that don't grab his attention. He is quick to direct topics of conversation to things he cares about, or will even just leave the discussion entirely if it's boring him. In a fight, if he doesn't have someone he considers a good friend involved, he's only looking out for himself and making sure he gets out alive. He won't risk his own skin for a stranger, or even an acquaintance. Doing that is how folks meet an early end in his book.

Phelps is very passionate about food, and loves exploring new cuisines and ingredients, as well as sharing his creations with others. He will feed a hungry stranger if they need a meal, even if it means cutting into his own provisions. He won't completely starve to feed a stranger, but he will share what he has. Due to his passion, he has no patience for wasting food or misusing ingredients, and has started more than one fight over these issues.

Father - Fisherman
Mother - Merchant
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None at the moment
Phelps was born to a merchant and a fisherman living in Ista Hold. He was raised to have a love of the sea, as it was the source of both his parents' livelihoods. From a young age, he was taught to swim and appreciate all that the ocean provided. Both his parents were loving, though short tempered, a quality he inherited from them.

His parents were passionate about food, and passed that passion onto him. His father freshly caught most of their meals, while his mother would trade for exotic spices and ingredients they could use. Food was their love language, and no matter how heated tempers got, the family would always come together around the evening meal.

Young Phelps was fascinated with the seas, and wanted to sail them to see other parts of the world. When he was 15, his father got him a job working as a cabin boy on the same merchant ship a friend worked on. He eagerly accepted the job, but quickly learned that being a cabin boy was drudge work and not at all glamorous. Phelps kept at it though, as the visits to other ports and holds was worth the days of manual labor. He took every opportunity he could to try new foods and learn more cooking techniques, with hopes that maybe if he learned enough, he could transfer to the galley instead of having to keep with the cabin boy work.

After several turns of working on the ship, he became fed up with just doing the work of a cabin boy. He wanted to become a cook on the shop, but they had no need for him to do such a task. After several heated arguments with the captain, he quit in a rage.

At the time he quit, he was at a port car from home, and messed work. After some searching for work, he found a pirate ship in need of a cook. Through some fast talking and display of his cooking prowess, Phelps was able to convince the pirates to take him on in their galley. Thus began his tenure on the pirate ship. He liked working for the pirates much more than he did the merchants, as getting the chance to cook kept his spirits up. He worked for the pirates for several turns, and while he didn't kill anyone, he certainly did his fair share of stealing and plundering.

After several turns working for the pirates, Phelps wanted out of the crew. He enjoyed the cooking and the comradery, but didn't want to keep committing crimes and risking his neck as much as required to be a pirate. He's grown fond of Semaca, and has heard many rumors that the jungles are ripe with strange and interesting plants and animals. He wanted to explore the jungles and see them for himself, to discover the sorts of flavors hiding there, but he's not stupid enough to do it on his own. For now, he's staying in the southern continent, planning on how best to go about getting those exotic ingredients.

  • Late Summer 2777 - Impresses Blue Velfryth
Last edited by FirebrandPhlox on Mon Mar 03, 2025 10:02 am, edited 13 times in total.
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NAME: Velfryth
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2777
AGE: Newborn as of Late Summer 2777

LENGTH: 38ft
HEIGHT: 9.5ft
FULL APPEARANCE: Velfryth is a lanky dragon, with a thin tail, a narrow face and nose and small feet. She appears more elegant than delicate, however, and is built much closer to the standard ideal of a dragon than many of her classmates. Most of her hide is the pale blue of an icy winter Semaca will never see, while her wings are a rich, royal blue. That same royal blue forms intricate markings along her spine, from her nose to partway down her tail, that might resemble scales or feathers, depending on who is attempting to best describe them. She is undoubtedly a beautiful dragon.

Velfryth is a graceful, rather serene dragon. She is regal and though she seems to be gentle, it is very clear that she can and will fight if provoked, and many of her siblings do not want to challenge that. She is the type to silence someone with a look. There is an air of superiority to her, that she fits herself above other blues purely because she is Velfryth, and she does not need any other justification than that. She also is not a fan of Semaca's heat, and will likely often be found cooling off in a lake or river if she can get away with it. She finds firelizards and whers beneath her as well, and notably does not want to interact with them. She will ignore a wher if they speak to her.

To her rider, Velfryth's nobility borders on annoyance. She is stubborn as she is beautiful, and needs to be pushed and prodded into doing her drills and lessons. Why must she do these things? She is already perfect. Therefore you cannot improve upon perfection. Obviously, she could not be more wrong, but she is going to need a lot of work and someone who can hold their own with her. She's a strong dragon, and she knows her own perfection... no matter how inflated her ego.

Voice: Like a snowfall on the valley, Velfryth's voice is as calm and light as she presents herself. She rarely raises her voice, but she is quick to show her annoyance.

Why Me?: Though she doesn't really have a strong sense of duty, her stubbornness should push Phelps into doing better just to out-stubborn her. Or they'll be a tire fire, one of the two! It'll be fun!

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