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Weyrling Qu'sere of Brimstone Privagaith

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Weyrling Qu'sere of Brimstone Privagaith



"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Qu'sere; Quensere (pronounced 'quinn-sare-ray'); accepts Quinn for simplicity
GENDER: Nonbinary, AMAB
PRONOUNS: NB (they/them/theirs), but accepts Masculine (he/him/his) or Feminine (she/her/hers) pronouns
ORIENTATION: Demiromantic Demisexual

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2748
AGE: 24 as of Early Spring 2772
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Journeyman Harper, weyrling

EYES: Bright blue
HAIR: Bright auburn; kept long and held back in a neat ponytail or braid
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'0", lean and lightly built, but not pathetic or wimpy
PLAY-BY: N/A; art credits go to, hair color edited by Jabberwoky! :D
Quensere can be described as pretty. They stand at an even 6' tall, with a lithe body structure and long slender limbs. Their hair is a bright auburn red, silky smooth, flowing to their rump when left to flow loose, though they usually keep it tamed in a neat ponytail. Their eyes are a bright blue, a lovely sight, like a lagoon in summer. Their skin is a pale ivory color, creamy and blemish-free; their lips thin and almost always curved in a gentle smile. Their wardrobe consists of simple, yet fashionable garments; light turtlenecks and matching slacks with stylish, but practical, boots.

Quensere is a gentle soul, through and through. Trained as a diplomat and a teacher of the arts, they seek to bring understanding to all of Pern. They loathe conflict of any kind, and always attempts to defuse a fight with calm reason. When all else fails, they sigh, throw up their hands, and quietly slip away to inform a superior of the dratted incident. They love their work as a Harper, viewing their duty as the first priority over everything, except perhaps true love.

Yes, true love. Quensere is a complete hopeless romantic. They believe wholeheartedly that true love exists, see Exhibit A: their parents, considering the way they met one another. Love brings light into an otherwise dark and cruel world; a beacon of hope for everyone everywhere. They refuse to engage in a romantic relationship with anyone who doesn't have that spark, feeling they must to save themselves for "the one."

Quensere is extremely intelligent and clever, with a wonderful sense of humor. That said, Quensere just isn't the joking type themselves. Sure, make a joke, you'll get a positive reaction from this Harper. Play a prank, and they'll brush themselves off and laugh good-humoredly. They simply don't engage in such conduct themselves. They additionally love experiencing new things, and cooking and eating foods with exotic spices is a favorite hobby of theirs.

Despite all this, Quensere is still human, and thus far from being perfect. They are quite honorable, so much so that they will stand up to defend a soul in need, becoming a perhaps unwanted champion. On the other side of the coin, they will flee a fight if no reasonable ending can be agreed upon, unable to tolerate the conflict. They are also completely devoted to their work as a Harper, to the point of running themselves ragged from overwork. Occasionally, this overworking will result in Quensere falling ill, requiring strict bedrest until fully recovered. Shockingly, they can also be ridiculously stubborn on matters of great importance, especially toward people they aren't overly fond of.

A flaw that Quensere will deny until the day they die: they are bossy. If there are several ways to do something, Quensere will select what they believe is the most efficient method and absolutely refuse to go another way. They'll try to present the merit their own method with logic before getting bossy, but they'll still stick by their ways. Quensere is also a stickler for efficiency in everything that goes on around them. If possible, every task around them must be completed with speed, grace and no waste. Ever.

In short, Quensere favors peace over violence, and strives to be a good example for all. He is smart and both quick- and eager to learn, with a firm belief in true love and the heart of a romantic. When they make a promise, they will see it through to the end, no matter what. They are good-tempered and good-humored, and though they aren't one for jokes or pranks themselves, they love a good laugh, preferably at their own expense. However, Quensere has the tendency to overwork themselves, leading to additional stress, exhaustion, and even illness.

Queneth - father - living, Ruatha Hold
Elesere - mother - woodcarver - living, Ruatha Hold
Siblings - none
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None, but open!
Quensere had a quiet and simple upbringing. Their mother was a simple woodcarver with no particular training, and their father a sort of lost soul, having just arrived from a bad place. The two of them met when Elesere spilled her basket of market goods, Queneth stopping to help pick it up. He met the fair maid Elaine, and the two immediately hit it off, spending time together quite often. They grew close, and eventually became intimate. It was about a season after that Elesere realized she was with child; Queneth's child. Nine months later, she brought forth her child: a son. After much deliberation, she settled on a name, a blended name: Quensere.

Quensere was a quiet and gentle child from the start, always standing up for those who couldn't stand for themselves and working hard to cheer up the crestfallen. Quinn grew up with the love of their amazing parents. Such a lovely life inspired the child to make many stories and fanciful imaginations in their head, never curbed by their mother or other outside influences. Quensere showed promise with their intellect and love of learning, displaying a talent for the Harpercraft from a young age. The Craft interested the child quite a bit, and Quensere thus applied for Apprenticeship as soon as they were of age. They were accepted, much to their parents' pride, and began tutelage immediately.

Quensere was around 15 Turns old when they decided to request they/them pronouns. Sure, being male was fine...kind of. Something didn't quite sit right with Quensere as they grew older, and things settled once they made this decision. They still accept he/him pronouns, but prefers they/them, and has begun to accept she/her as well. So what if you're born one gender? Quensere made their choice, and hasn't looked back ever since.

Quensere developed into a bright young person, their talent for Harping shining through as they ascended quickly through Apprenticeship. They graduated into Journeyman rank at 22 Turns, much to their joy, and began to walk the tables and teach others the wonders of Harping. In celebration, their mother gave them a gift: a firelizard egg. Quensere was delighted, and became even more so when the egg hatched out their little gold Serena.

They were a Journeyman Harper! All their hard work was finally paying off! They should be content and perfectly happy...right? However, something was tugging at Quensere. Something deep, that couldn't be ignored. They figured out what it was when a Searchrider descended on Nerat and discovered that Quensere had a chance at Istan Candidacy.

Despite this amazing opportunity, Quensere was torn. What about their parents, and their place as a Journeyman Harper? In the end, it was their mother who finally persuaded them to go with her near constant urging. If they decided Candidacy wasn't for them, the world would still be waiting when they got back. With gratitude and excitement, Quensere accepted the Search, packed their bags, and said their farewells before returning with the rider to Ista Weyr.

Candidacy was a tiring endeavor from the start. A pair of Candidates were embroiled in their own little world of drama, and Quensere began to miss the calm of home. They tried to mediate the conflict, but it was no use; the fight escalated, and Quensere gave up. They heard of the developing Semaca Weyr of the Southern Continent and requested transfer, becoming hopeful and eager for this next step. They had been selected once by dragonriders, and they would not waste this chance. If Semaca needed more Candidates, Quensere would happily, faithfully oblige.

  • Late Fall 2774: At Vranath and Cainhurth's Sekhmet Coven clutch, Quensere Impresses to a dragonet most unique: Brimstone Privagaith! Afterwards, they elide to Qu'sere.
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Onward to glory, dragonrider.


NAME: Privagaith
BIRTHDATE: Late Fall 2774
AGE: Newborn as of Late Fall 2774



LENGTH: 31.5 ft
HEIGHT: 7.75 ft
WINGSPAN: 46.5 ft
COLOR: Brimstone (Green-Ranked)
HEX CODE: #dbb965 - #a20000 - #00e4e7
Privagaith is stunning, in a flashy, hard-to-miss way. She's strong and athletic, her frame maintained through a mixture of genetics and effort. The size of a large green or small blue, she manages to be very muscular without looking stocky. She's a powerful flier and her flame is hot and strong. She's easily the most physically gifted threadfighter in her class. The most eye-catching thing about Privagaith, however, is her color. A unique mutation dubbed "brimstone," Privagaith's hide is a sunny yellow, fading into red near her tail and wingtips. Her wings are a gradient of blues. Her sides are streaked by striking, vivid markings shaped like meteors, splashes of red, pink and turquoise naturally blended together. Her face and headknobs are striped with red. A few holders uneducated about dragons might briefly mistake her for a gold, despite her small size and lack of shine, but to those who know better she is clearly something else entirely unique.

Privagaith takes great pride in her role as a dragon and one of Pern's protectors. She is deeply ambitious and wants to make it far someday. Privagaith trains hard and has both the athleticism and intelligence to excel at her lessons. She has little patience for anyone who would hold her back. In her own way, she is fairly naive and believes almost unquestioningly in the glory of the weyrs and the work that dragons do. She can be quite entitled, expecting her and her rider to have the best of everything and is very willing to approach leadership and request a change if something doesn't measure up to her high standards. If her weyrling class is holding her back from her rightful glory, for instance, she doesn't see why she shouldn't be allowed to train with a different, better group. She respects Semaca's hierarchy and looks forward to earning her rightful place near the top of it. Pirvagaith takes great interest in Semaca's traditions and will be resistant to any changes to however Semaca happened to be doing things at the time she hatched. She thinks any disapproval of said traditions comes from a lack of understanding rather than genuine disagreement. She's not such a hardliner she'll act against her own self-interest in the name of tradition, and will fight for reform if a tradition is actively harming her, but the bar is pretty high. Privagaith has little interest in Semaca's less conventional squads and wants to fight thread, considering it a dragon's rightful duty. Her mind will be difficult to change.

In lessons or drills, Privagaith does her best to be the consummate professional and has little interest in chit-chat or distraction. Outside of drills, she is confident and personable, to the people and dragons she likes, at least. She is an unashamed flirt around handsome male dragons, especially when she rises, preferring to take an assertive role and tell them exactly what she wants, instead of waiting for them to figure it out. Privagaith gets into her share of petty rivalries with dragons for reasons that may seem inscrutable to most. If a dragon even slightly implies their home weyr is better than Semaca in any way? Or their wing did better than hers last threadfall? Or bronzes are superior to uniques? It's on and she won't give up until she's proven them wrong. She'll bicker with her rivals endlessly in her private time, but will work with them during threadfall and will be quite upset if any real harm comes to them. Privagaith sees Quensere as both her friend and her partner in the fight. She wants them to rise together. She will find it frustrating and confusing if they doesn't agree with her aims, and may to try to enlist their superiors' help into making them cooperate, as she tries to mold them into a rider worthy of a place in the harper's songs they so love.

Voice: Privagaith's voice is feminine and a bit haughty.

Why Me?: A consummate soldier for the consummate diplomat. Privagaith sees great potential in Quensere and hopes they can use their complementary strengths to rise to the top together.



Last edited by Agenothree on Sat Mar 25, 2023 11:20 am, edited 12 times in total.
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NAME: Serena
BIRTHDATE: Late Autumn 2767
AGE: 5 as of Late Spring 2772

Serena is a simple gold in coloration. While her head, paws, and the tip of her tail are a bright gold color, the rest of her deepens to the bright burnished orange of the sunrise as one beholds her body. Serena is of average size and stature, and flies gracefully with little to no showiness or inefficiency.

Serena is the perfect example of a gold. She is a queen through and through, fair and kind and gentle and just. She stays close to Quensere’s side, often perched on their shoulder like a regal sphinx, surveying all her eye can see. Did I say she was perfect? Serena isn’t entirely perfect, no. She is prone to fits, often caused by petty events such as seeing a pepper shaker out of place and not being able to put it back perfectly, or even triggered by bigger, more consequential events, like seeing a cat torment a cornered mouse. All in all, Serena is a good lizard, but flawed, just like everyone else.
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