"Would you look at that? I did a thing"
-- Quinn, Potionomics
NAME: Toniq, often goes by Niq
GENDER: Nonbinary
PRONOUNS: They/them/theirs
ORIENTATION: Sure (aka pan)
BIRTHDATE: Fall of 2753
AGE: 23 as of Spring 2777
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wher candidate, finder of items of dubious provenance
EYES: Purple
HAIR: White
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'0", slender
PLAY-BY: Quinn (Potionomics)
EXPY SOURCE: Quinn (Potionomics)
Niq is albino, with pale skin, white hair, and purple eyes. Quinn keeps their hair cut somewhere between their ears and their shoulders in length, preferring layers and a slightly more disheveled look for it. It's naturally wavy, so there's a fair amount of volume to it. They have a perpetually sullen expression, with full lips, bags under their eyes, and a button nose.
They dress fairly monochromatically, preferring off-white or black for most of their attire, but they have a strong sense of fashion. They like baggier tops that hang off one shoulder or have cutouts along with tighter fitting pants to emphasize their slender figure. Their style can best be described as "no effort, but not sloppy". They take fairly good care of their possessions, but they are also not typically fussed about replacing them if they need to or if they find something they like better. And posture? They hardly know 'er, which is to say, they are a chronic, incurable sloucher.
Toniq is incurably snarky and sarcastic. Their sense of right and wrong tends to be a little looser than the average Pernese's, which means that they feel very at ease with the idea of living among pirates. In point of fact, Toniq has no problem with taking the wares out from under the noses of the pirates if they think they can get away with it. They tend to put their own self-interest (and their own curiosity) above other people's feelings most of the time, and tend to lead with the attitude of 'what can I get out of this interaction'.
Toniq isn't totally selfish, however, and can even be altruistic in their own fashion. They like offering 'mutually beneficial' arrangements to people they find interesting, mostly involving them finding things for them that might be hard to get otherwise...for a price, of course. They don't trust charity or pure altruism, always expecting an ulterior motive or for the other shoe to drop. It's not that they think people are inherently bad, it's just that they find people easier to understand when their motives are out in the open from the start. It's also just more believable. After all, Toniq wouldn't want to do a total stranger a favor for nothing, so why should they ask the same of others? For this reason, they tend to be fairly blunt, as well as open about the fact that they're just using people, just so there's no misunderstandings later on. They can actually be fairly sociable, seeking people out to talk to and offer deals to. They are selective about who to approach, though, and after too much socializing will need to retreat somewhere to recharge with alone time.
They have a fondness for things gross and slimy, considering them as simply misunderstood. It's something Niq can relate to. For a long time, they felt like it was them and Boxer against the world, and while they aren't opposed to letting someone into their little family, they're not just going to open their doors for any old person who comes by.
FAMILY: Various drudges in Valley Hold
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None, currently
BIRTHPLACE: Valley Hold (Benden Territory)
Even from a young age, Toniq was always a little jaded. They never really seemed to connect with their parents, always a little distant. Their parents were caring and kind, but were drudges and couldn't afford much for their only child. Toniq was raised with their cousins, their various aunts and uncles like second parents to them, but they also didn't seem to click with any of their blood relatives, always putting themself a little apart from everyone and everything. It was just their nature, and while many in their family tried to be understanding, it was sometimes still a source of friction that they didn't like to join in on things. Still, on their tenth birthday, many of their older relatives pitched in to get them a firelizard egg, as it would otherwise have been more costly than anyone could handle. Boxer emerged, and for the first time, Niq seemed to actually be connecting with someone.
Because their family didn't have a lot, Niq had to grow up a little faster than some, but not as fast as their oldest cousins, who always looked out for the younger ones. Niq was able to fairly self-reliant from a young age, so at sixteen they decided that they were certainly old enough to find a place for themself that felt like a better fit than the hustle and bustle of the minor hold they lived in. They stowed away on a ship, only revealing themself when land was no longer in sight and scrubbing and cleaning to repay the passage. The ship made land in Semaca, where they were subsequently kicked off. They made their way to the Weyr, curious about what it was like, how it differed from life at Valley Hold. What they found was that it wasn't as different as they'd thought it would be; because it was so remote, even those who had a lot didn't have all that much, everyone pitched in where they could, and people were always on top of each other. But between the dragons, the lack of family always pestering Niq to try something new or join in, and the more lax gender and sexuality norms, it was just different enough that they felt comfortable here, and decided to give making a home there a try. They've even started getting to know some of the wherhandlers, preferring to stay out of direct sunlight so their sensitive skin would be less likely to burn. They're considering even trying to acquire a wher egg someday, although it's not something they're planning on going out of their way to do anytime soon.
- Update goes here!