"I'm telling mother!"
NAME: Joffrey
GENDER: Cis Male
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Aromantic Heterosexual
BIRTHDATE: Fall 2760
AGE: 16 as of Fall 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
EYES: Green
HAIR: Blond
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'5", average build
PLAY-BY: Jack Gleeson
EXPY SOURCE: Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones)
Short for a young man, Joffrey is dwarfed by many of his peers, male, female, or otherwise. His platinum blond hair is kept short, tucked behind his ears and never permitted to get too long. It might obscure those green eyes of his, the ones that fail to charm basically everybody.
He does not seem to make up for his stature with any physical attribute. His physique is nothing but average, boasting no hidden muscle or bulk that might soften his overall image.
He dresses very neatly, in as fine a cloth as he is able to obtain (read: beg his parents for), and can be seen avoiding getting himself dirty as often as possible.
Joffrey is about as near to a city-slicker as would be possible on an agrarian planet. Having grown up in the secure bustle of a Weyr, anything outside of that protective bowl feels too wild. When it comes to anything that could be considered gross, he is a massive wuss. Triple that if it's a bug, he is terrified and he will scream. He will swear it's just because he prefers to be clean, and bugs are extra dirty, but he's not fooling anybody. He has a tendency to try and boss others around, though as a child his usual method to control anybody was to go whine to somebody with more authority. As a teenager, he still threatens to snitch or cause real trouble, but he's easily cowed when actually confronted.
He will lie to try and convince others to his side, and is often surprised when he's caught in those lies. Most are small lies, mostly annoyances, but he's likely to run into trouble if he does it around a Weyrlingmaster or anybody else with real authority.
He thinks of himself as quite the aspirational catch, but he's more in love with himself than he could ever be with anybody else, though he admires the loyalty of a good canine.
Masterhealer Father
Journeyman Glasscrafter Mother
Cousin R'tan of White Mazath
Cousin Lancel of Green Alezaeth
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: His own reflection
HISTORY: Born of a chance meeting at a Gather, Joffrey's mother initially charmed his father with her work, some of her glasswares tools he could use in his craft as well. Quickly smitten, they paired permanently, taking up residence in the Weyr where both had adequate duties near their child on the way. Though Joffrey spent some time in the creche, he has been doted upon by both parents, who could not have envisioned a more perfect son (or so they say).
He was a fretful child from the beginning, which only encouraged his mother to smother him in extra affection, when her work allowed. When it didn't, Joffrey made his displeasure known to any creche minder nearest to him.
As he grew, he never seemed particularly drawn to any craft. He did not have the empathy of his father, nor the deft hands and sharp eyes of his mother, so he loitered around the corridors of the Weyr, avoiding being drawn into chores whenever possible.
When his parents sought new opportunities on the southern continent, Joffrey saw only a filthy jungle waiting for him. Still, at 14 he had no other prospects, and made the crossing alongside them on a pirate vessel. He complained about the state of the boat for most of the journey, though usually under his breath and not in full view of any pirates. After a year of the bugs somehow not killing him, he caught the attention of a white dragon at Dragon Day. There is some potential there, however deep it may be buried, that he might make a good rider. All that remains is to find the right egg.