" Principles aren't principles when you pick and choose when you're gonna follow them! "
--Chidi Anagonye, The Good Place
NAME: Chidi
ORIENTATION: Bookromantic (Seriously though, probably hetro of some sort)
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2740
AGE: 39 as of Early Spring 2773
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Journeyman Scribe
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10" | Surprisingly Ripped
PLAY-BY: William Jackson Harper
Chidi is a tall and surprisingly solidly built man, not something one would guess at first by looking at him. He has dark brown eyes and short wiry black hair and keeps his face clean and clear of any facial hair if he can help it. He dresses practically and in neutral colors that could work in any weather, though adjustments to the climate change with Semaca have seen a few more splashes of color in his wardrobe. He is rarely seen without a satchel that carries his writing supplies, no matter where he might be.
Chidi is a man who prides himself on his knowledge of most topics, having been a scribe since he was old enough to apprentice. His grasp of grammar, words and organization are a credit to his dogged pursuit of knowledge, decorum and learning. His obsession with knowledge and being overly critical of himself have lead him to deeply stressing over even small details. This often prevents him from getting tasks done in a timely manner and thus looks poorly on him, despite his actual talent for the craft. His intense anxiety is a daily constant for him.
And when he feels anxious, he will work out to combat the almost constant flux of anxiety that is his daily mindset. He has a good heart and tries to help others around him the best he can but his crippling inability to reach decisions have often caused stress for those around him and himself. As such he often clams up, his stomach turns violently and he is paralyzed as he tries to imagine every single possibility and outcome to a situation leads to nothing being done. He is also prone to guilt fits as a result of his indecision and this only compounds his stress levels and caused him to fully shut down, and sometimes cry.
Emeka ||Mother ; Weyrfolk
Ndeye || Father ; Scribe
SIGNIFICANT OTHER:....books are nice!
Chidi was born to Emeka and Ndeye of Igen weyr and was the first and only child. As a lad, he was more interested in books and scrolls that his father often had around than playing with other children of the weyr. His father decided that perhaps his son would share in his chosen path and contemplated sending him into apprenticeship. But the failing relationship between Emeka and Ndeye and their constant fighting lead to a delay with that plan being set in motion. In a plea to keep his parents together, young Chidi put together a little drawing and notes and presented it to his parents in an attempt to keep them together.
The ploy seemed to work and the couple stayed together but this set a dangerous precedent for the young lad... that there was always a direct answer to any problem or question in the world. His parents however, only had stayed together for his sake. This instance would be the catalyst for a larger inner demon to take root within the lad later in life.
With his parents having decided to stay together, he was soon sent off when of age to be a scribe like his father. While there, he made a close friend named Uzo, another apprentice like himself. His indecisiveness had taken root by this point and while his friend did the best he could to try to support him and help him... there was little he could do. This flaw would constantly cause Chidi issues and it become a lot more clear to him when his best friend graduated to a place of higher learning.. and here he was.. 18 and not graduating with his friend.
He would be in this endless feedback loop of being absolutely unable to decide things, overcorrecting his work, rambling in his writing and endless bouts of guilt over having caused stress to everyone around him. It was due to this that he was nearly 26 when he finally graduated to Journeyman status. When he returned home, he was convinced his parents were ashamed of him, how could they not be? He had taken much longer than he should have to graduate.. all because he just.. could not make a few choices. While they assured him this was very much not the case, he could not reason with himself that it was not.. thus he stressed.
He had met and been in a fairly serious relationship with another scribe during this time named Allesandra and his parents noticed that he was once again, having problems making a choice if she was the one to commit fully to or not. Eventually his inability to make a decision lead her to give up on him and they broke up. He did not take this breakup well and started to pull inward and was consumed with guilt and often would refuse to come out of his room, going back to obsessing over his book of Pernese etiquette and decorum that had consumed most of his adult life.
He was in his thirties at this point and his parents were very concerned. So after some deliberation, the pair decided a fresh start somewhere new might help him in getting past this breakup and maybe.. just maybe.. he could work through his issues. Knowing that he never really could make choices for himself, they packed up their things and his and travelled to Semaca and he started work alongside his father helping take care of documenting things for the Weyr.
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