"No, my parents weren't married."
NAME: Ra'sin (formerly Raymesin)
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
BIRTHDATE: Winter 2748
AGE: 23
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: General Dogsbody and former pirate
EYES: Pale blue
HAIR: Blond
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'1", athletic
PLAY-BY: Cary Elwes
Fairly tall and relatively thin, this young man has a shock of blond hair and a ready smile that doesn't reach his eyes as often as it should. Agile and with no fear of heights, he has the rolling walk common to sailors, and one or two small but visible scars on his face, lines that must have been deep but clean injuries. His hands bear the ingrained flecks of tar characteristic of a life at sea, and there are a couple of scars on his forearms and torso, too. Nothing big or dramatic, just the marks of a life lived on the edge.
Usually clad in a coarse unbleached linen shirt worn soft with age and washing, with plain green trews and perfectly ordinary brown boots, Ra'sin typically throws a heavier and darker leather jerkin on when it gets cold - which, in Semaca, doesn't happen often.
It's complicated.
Ra'sin is, at heart, a man looking for a life of adventure - but an adventure on his own terms. While not exactly burdened with morals, he does have a code of honour of sorts, or rather a list of things he won't do. As far as he's concerned, life is a dance along the blade of a razor, and he's got no desire to slip by doing something stupid. After all, that'd be an end to him having fun, and where's the point in that?
Blessed with refined tastes given the chance to induge them, and a devil-may-care attitude, he does understand the value of hard work - but he'd far rather be lounging around with a drink in his hand, a song on his lips, and a willing lady or gentleman in his lap. Then again, who wouldn't?
FAMILY: Ra'sin's father was a Seaholder from Tillek, born to a woman who wasn't his wife and had the poor luck to die in childbirth. Several half-siblings, the fate of whom he neither knows nor cares about.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None. He's far too much in love with himself.
BIRTHPLACE: Star Cave Seahold, Tillek
Ra'sin was raised as part of the Holder's family, mostly as the butt of the jokes, though the heavy hand of his father - and his own native intelligence - stopped his siblings getting too bad. He learned the fisher's trade, but when the vessel he was on was boarded by pirates he joined them in search of a life more to his taste. A seagoing ship would, after all, be infinitely preferable to a fishing schooner.
What he actually found was that pirates swab decks, run up the rigging, and empty the bilges too. Still, there were lessons in swordsmanship, and the enterprising youngster soon proved himself willing to both learn and use those lessons. He blended in with the crew happily, learning his own role with speed and then turning his quick wits on those around him. The Captain, the Mate, the Bo'sun - he watched and he learned, taking in something of the arts of logistics, navigation, and picking targets (and learning to spot who was working and who was shirking and how to see it, which helped Ra'sin immensely when it came to looking like he was being useful while not using too much energy).
A bad squall hit his ship, and with the Mate washed overboard by a rogue wave, Ra'sin stepped up and used the knowledge he'd gained, along with a very loud voice. It was all going swimmingly until a rope broke and dropped a spar on his forearm. The ship's surgeon - a Journeyman Healer, once - set and splinted it, and while that was happening the squall blew itself out leaving only the sea to contend with.
There's not much use for a pirate with one arm in a sling, especially not when the feathers of older pirates have been well and truly ruffled by some young whippersnapper not only telling them what to do but being right. Since the squall had blown them close to Semaca, Ra'sin's been put off the ship with his pay and his gear, and a glowing recommendation from his Captain... that someone else hire him.
Ah well. The southern continent, and dragonriders! A whole new adventure awaits...