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Tempering Fear [Ageno]

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    Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:34 pm
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Tempering Fear [Ageno]

Retsuko insisted on the lake.

Given the time of day ... or the darkness of night, in this case, Retsuko felt far out of her element. Initially she'd given herself over to the idea of dragon candidacy. Even the dual candidates shared their 'classroom' duties that took the expanse of the time when the sun was out. Here in the dark, those awake were watch-whers and their handlers. Maybe a nocturnal rider or two. Or witless candidates, drudges going about their duties before sleep commanded them, cooks prepping for meals tomorrow while keeping the stew and k'lah warm for those night-shifters.

Her last venture out after dark had been to meet Ronnie and the Osk that was responsible for her first injury. Before that, the camping trip ... Those events ran almost parallel to one another. One caused great anxiety and the other ... relief. Retsuko hadn't expected Osk to be apologetic. He was far too big and brutal and old and ... sensitive, regretful. Ashamed. Quite a sight to see a large creature like that be aware of his actions and even more to know he felt guilty for it.

Mckenzie offered her to meet his own partner a few weeks back. She mulled it over long and hard but it wasn't until this past visit with Osk that Retsuko felt bold enough to consider the proposal. So she'd sent FoxFire off with a note - a request to meet - on the next full moon. Lunar light spilled onto the walkways, giving Retsuko's quivering nerves a balming courage.

With the help of a drudge, Retsuko set up a little table and a pair of chairs just off the beaten path. Hot k'lah blew steam into the air tinted with winter's soon-to-be-arrival. She made herself at home on one chair, sipping slowly and sighing when the green on her shoulder made loving nuzzles under her chin. FoxFire was a new addition, and welcomed. The affection she gave Retsuko was a massive help in the healing process, that was for sure.

"If I ... start getting spooked," Retsuko told the green quietly, "try to restrain yourself." The green already had a habit of hissing at folks who made her feel pitiful. "I don't want to cause offense."

FoxFire blinked in limes and chirped. The scratching of her eyeridge prompted a sound like a purr.
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    Fri Aug 30, 2024 11:45 pm
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Retsuko's note was received gladly, Mackenzie reading it through twice to ensure he understood. A full moon from today would see Retsuko ready to face her fears: to meet Kenziesk, a strange wher, face-to-face. Yuki was sent carrying a note of acknowledgment and agreement, which she delivered faithfully and easily. Some days later, Mackenzie and Kenziesk were walking together to where Retsuko dictated they meet, near Fort's lake. Though he was admittedly nervous, he was beyond pleased to help Retsuko, to be a part of her path to healing. Kenziesk padded quietly alongside them. Well, mostly. Kenziesk still think Mackenzie coddling her, she quipped, though she kept her eyes fixed ahead. Retsuko needs help remembering that not all whers are wantonly dangerous, he protested, frowning a little. We can help her do that. We can help her be strong again. Again? she countered. Not strong enough to stand on own two legs. Apparently needs Mackenzie's too.

Mackenzie sighed softly. Kenziesk disapproved of him wanting to help Retsuko and wouldn't let it drop easily, much to his chagrin. It was more complicated than that, of course, her reasoning behind her disagreement, but she wasn't being forthcoming on that front. Rather, she'd wait for an appropriate time to share what knowledge she would impart upon him. But seeing a figure Mackenzie soon identified as Retsuko, both slowed as they approached. Mackenzie didn't separate from Kenziesk to greet Retsuko directly. Not that Kenziesk would've allowed that. Where Mackenzie went, she would follow. Not in some sort of protectiveness, but to demonstrate her place here: she was Retsuko's teacher, not some sort of demonstration piece. Mackenzie rested a hand at her shoulder, a gentle touch to ground himself, and called to Retsuko. "Retsuko, good...evening, I guess!" he greeted, managing a little smile. "We're here, as you requested. Retsuko, meet Kenziesk."

Though she blinked slowly at being introduced, Kenziesk said nothing afterwards, made all too aware that Retsuko was nervous in company of whers by Mackenzie's intermittent fretting these past weeks. By her judgement, it would be best to allow Retsuko to grow accustomed to seeing her before introducing additional factors. It would be a slow and tedious process, but Kenziesk was willing to give Retsuko a chance...provided Mackenzie stopped babying her.
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    Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:48 pm
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It was obvious - her discomfort, that was. Meeting in the middle of the night with the pristine lake as their backdrop almost appeared scandalous and certainly those looking their way might make assumptions. But Retsuko had eyes more for the wher than she did for the scribe, charming though he was. Mackenzie had gone above and beyond these past few sevenday. From her first attack - that briefest meeting in the infirmary before fellis juice and warmth pulled her away from the land of consciousness - and onward. Small contacts, intermittent crossings of paths ... but each one filled her with a hope. And all of it built to this moment.

Under the full moon. Pale light sparkling amongst the rippling lake waves licked by frigid wind. A chill, subsiding with the touch of a hand on her shoulder. Retsuko smiled. It seemed faint, but really it exuded some confidence. Just a little. Not terribly strong, but not the quivering girl from earlier.

FoxFire was glowering. The green didn't hiss or growl, but there was a spark of red striking fire in her wheeling orbs of green as they fixed upon the unique where beside Mackenzie. Her glare did not absolve - addressing a nonverbal warning and tightening the hold her tail had wrapped around Retsuko's bicep as if to say - She is mine, do no harm or peck your eyes out I will.

"Mackenzie," she addressed. And then she looked for the wher, who was not hard to locate given her size and ... spectacular color. Immediately the anxiety washed away into something obscure. Wonder, awe, terror and admiration. She was looking at a tornado from a distance, aware of its awesome power but mesmerized by the beauty in its swerves and grace. "She is ... Ah, you are," she corrected quickly, forcing herself to address the wher directly, "just .... glorious."

Retsuko swallowed. She dared not look away, some creeping dread that Kenziesk might strike at her the moment her gaze switched locations taking a prominent stand in the back of her brain.

"I uh ... I met Osk," she uttered quickly, waving Mackenzie to seat himself. She wanted to talk, more than anything, in the presence of his company. To test her nerves ... strengthen them ... "He's the ... the brown, the one that ... " And her eyes flicked to her arm. The bandage was gone now - the one from her forearm, at least. But the appendage looked far from normal - malformed and twisted with a large chunk missing from the edge and decent atrophy from the elbow on. A newer roll of gauze was wrapped around her palm. "Osk ... The lady that was with us - Ronica? They've bonded. She called me out to meet him and ... "

That was ... an event.
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    Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:52 am
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Seeing Retsuko attempt a smile, Mackenzie mirrored her expression, trying to put her more at ease before Kenziesk, as well as calm his own nerves. As elusive a goal as it was, he wanted everything to go perfectly, and it showed in his eyes. Yuki wasn't present, by Mackenzie's request, but he still felt her worry touch his mind, a wordless answer to his own fretting. Habitually, he mentally soothed her, reiterating that she was to stay in his quarters and that everything would be alright. Obedient, but unconvinced, she quieted. Kenziesk wasn't nearly so troubled. Though she felt Foxfire's glare and sensed her flurry of emotions, she didn't deign give her a response, to encourage such behavior; a firelizard was no threat to her.

As Retsuko began to speak, Mackenzie stayed quiet, letting her lead at her own pace, though they seemed proud and quite pleased that she found it in her to address Kenziesk directly. Kenziesk listened until she was sure Retsuko was done before answering. Good to meet, she greeted, her voice as high and reedy as usual. Mackenzie talk often of you. Kenziesk want see Retsuko with own eyes. Mackenzie blushed. It was true that he'd been quite fretful lately, much to Kenziesk's chagrin.

Mackenzie hastily seated himself at Retsuko's wave, but Kenziesk moved too, padding near her bonded and resting on her haunches. Though she was aware of Retsuko's anxiety, she moved as she normally would; there was no sign of aggression or hostility in her body language, but she moved in a wher's usual heavy step, in spite of her subpar build in contrast to most whers. As Kenziesk made herself comfortable, Mackenzie listened intently, nodding where it seemed appropriate. But Kenziesk wasn't so gentle. Brown that bit you, she finished Retsuko's sentence before Mackenzie could respond, regarding her calmly. Saying what happen not easy, but keeping in head hurt more. Like festering wound, best face what wrong before rot sets in. Mackenzie's mouth went dry, but they managed a small nod. "I-I agree," he hesitantly chimed in. "That's what we're here to do! To help you heal. Meeting Osk is huge. H-How do you feel about it? About him?"
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    Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:55 pm
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Kenziesk was certainly the scathing sort. Retsuko shrunk under her words, hastily folding her hands into her lap and twiddling the thumb that lacked much strength. Her eyes were down and away and she swallowed hard. Of course, she expected no less from a wher. This one had a very familiar air about it. Retsuko found vague allusion to the temperament of her own mother.

Inexplicably her brain turned towards her parents in recalling their expressions of horror after the bite incident. Her father had wept. Her mother had screamed - at her, to some degree, and at the wher who was not within earshot. 'How could you be so stupid to get close like that?! What's the matter with you?!'

What had been the matter with her? What had she been trying to prove that day?

"She's quite ... parent-like, isn't she?" Retsuko whispered meekly. The ghost of a smile appeared on her face although now it was tined with fear that she'd earn this wher's ire as well. Stop. Stop. Breath. She did - inhaling low and slow through her nose and exhaling through her mouth. " ... But, she's right. I should ... I need to acknowledge things for what they are. Face value. And ... nip it in the butt, so to speak."

Meeting Osk was huge?

"Yes, he was." Retsuko blinked and backtracked. "Oh you meant - yes, yes. It was ... definitely a lot more different than I thought it was going to be. I was ... worried he'd ... continue what he did before. More biting. More anger. But ... " She glanced at her mug to remind herself it existed and hastily sipped some of its warm contents to moisturize her parched mouth. "He uh ... wasn't good with words. Could not talk. Not yet, maybe. Ronica said he was out in the wild for so long he just ... forgot how. But the emotions ... I was bewildered. He was ... sorrowful. Ashamed for what happened. Wanted to bring me food 'because I couldn't hunt for myself anymore' if you could believe it."

Retsuko laughed into her mug. It was a soft, gentle noise. Green eyes locked onto Mackenzie's and her brow set firmly.

"Whers are ... not what I expected. He was so human with his emotions and, though it dawns on me that dragons probably have similar experiences, whers just feel so much more ... independent?"
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