It was Shouto who found her out in the hall. She knew his voice well, and the hands gripping her elbow were familiar. And the scent. With her eyes losing their luster, Sc'let began to notice her other senses were picking up the slack - just a little, nothing crazy, but enough to be tangible. It was especially noticeable after she'd had her eyes bound with cloth for a while. Mebbe she oughta be doin' that more often?
"Innit ya be's bein' a sweetums, Shouboy! No wonder you n' 'Zuku be's doin' the hibbity bibbity." Uncouth, as always. She gave him a light ribbing and a wink with malformed eyes. "He be's havin' a good 'un in ya's, fer sure!"
And then the egg was thrust into her hands. Gently, delicately. It was warm between her fingers and wobbling just so. In an instant she found herself back on the sands, witnessing Edwyth bursting from his unusual shell. The same life thrived beneath this one. It was a shame she couldn't really tell what this egg looked like.
There were splintering cracks and chirps around her. Some were already breaking loose! Sc'let drew in a breath. "We gon' do this, Eddie! Wonder what it's gonna be?"