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Baby, You're a Problem [Open]

Where the heart of the Weyr should be.
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Baby, You're a Problem [Open]

Daedra of Brown Drask - (Open to any)


"I know I say it every time, but it really feels like they all get cuter every time we visit!" Daedra's face beamed happily as she drolled on in her usual manner. Still coasting off the general high mood that 'volunteering' at the creche put her in.

It would probably linger for the entirety of the day and evening.

And all Drask could do was shake his large head with an exasperated 'whuff'. A small one of course so his handler wouldn't notice. Not that she would, currently, as she trailed behind him, merrily babbling to herself, or him, or anyone that listened.

"I wished I'd asked who the parents of the baby was. I just couldn't get over how cute they were-- they had pudgey cheeks like you, Drask!"

Daedra laughed at her own little comment, which prompted the old wher to start trotting his legs to move a bit faster. She always got that way with fledglings and even Drask could only take so much.

Cute-- cute, everything was 'cute'. Whelps were cute. Firelizards were cute. He was cute.... Drask really had no correlation of how all these things corresponded. He stopped trying to figure it out turns ago.

In this interim, Daedra continued with her little outspoken thoughts, even as she'd finally noticed the old Brown had pulled quite a bit ahead of her. So she increased her pace to close the distance.

"Drask, wait for me!"

Drask did not wait for her and kept going at his brisker than usual pace, leaving his handler to give chase behind him. Probably an uncommon sight, for a big behemoth of a wher to be high-tailing himself from someone far smaller and hardly as intimidating.
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Of course it wouldn't be long until a pitter-patter of very small feet took place next to Daedra, echoing as a tiny second set of footfalls through the lower caverns' din. There were wingbeats, too. Tiny ones, flurrying behind. Onlookers would notice the speck of blue while Whirly struggled to keep up with his bonded but ... kept his distance, just so, because that was a big wher.

"Where're we running to?" Sasha asked nonchalantly, effortlessly biting into the potato she wielded and munching away without missing a breath. "Why'sh yer bummdy rhonnin?"

AH, the joys of deciphering the Full Mouth Codex.
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"Don't talk while your mouth's full, it's rude."

A scold seemingly from nowhere, until a young girl materialized from a passage along Daedra and Sasha's way, startled from her thoughts by a massive brown wher barreling by, but recognizing her sister's voice and still aware enough to correct her. Poison sat comfortably on her shoulder, thankfully not being as much of a hazard to everyone's sanity as she usually was, begrudgingly accepting Cotozi gently petting her chest. Seeing them both hurry onward, Cotozi fell into pace alongside Daedra and Sasha, a bit of a frown on her face, in spite of her best efforts otherwise. "Why are we running?" she echoed, easily able to decipher Sasha's query and wanting to be clued in too. "Are you in trouble?" In that case, Cotozi would want to make herself and Sasha scarce fast.
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If the wherhandler didn’t know better, she would have sworn there were other voices mixed in her conversation. Which would have been strange, given that the only one she could address, at the moment, was Drask, and the Brown practically never verbalized words…

Taking a quick glance over her shoulder, Daedra was greeted to the sight of not one, but two children chasing after her with frantic gusto. For the moment, her pace slowed as she tried to figure who they were and what they were up to.

“Oh---well, hello,” she greeted, confused but still reasonably friendly in tone. Daedra’s pace had slowed down to a mild brisk pace, curiosity dousing her prior need to hurry. “-Going? I suppose to my weyr—”


The redhead perked her head up as she suddenly recalled. “Drask!!” she called out, spinning her attention back ahead of her. The old Brown hadn’t slowed in the slightest, having pulled ahead some good paces. Drask played ignorant to his handler’s call, as he suddenly cut a corner with determined purpose, as his large haunches and tail suddenly vanished from view. While he’d never do such a deed in the outside world, Drask was …. 85% assured that Daedra could keep herself out of trouble just inside the Weyr.

Daedra slowed to a complete halt when Drask fell out of sight. She sighed in defeat, seeing as there was little point to keep rushing after him. He was probably off to secure a solitary nap under his blankets, so he probably wouldn’t get into any trouble. (Maybe.) Turning her gaze, the redhead’s attention turned back to her own collection of followers.

“Where did you all come from?” The creche, if Daedra had to guess, though she didn’t really recall seeing them prior.
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Whirly dared not come any closer until the wher wheeled up and out of sight. Then the blue caught up to his handler in a few deft windbeats, alighting on Sasha's shoulder with several collective gulps of air. The little creature was still a youngling and his lungs hadn't fully adapted to the strain of flight.

The weyrbrat offered her potato to him but Whirly turned his head away, still breathing hard. She took a few mindful chews, swallowing only when they all gradually stopped walking.

"Oh yea! The ... the thing ... !" Sasha began to wildly gesture in the air, trying to convey her thoughts. "It's ... uh ... lots of kids n ... Some of 'em from here. You know? Didja know some of 'em got rider mums n' pops? And there's babies - " She stopped, pointing accusingly at Daedra. "N'I saw ya jus' there! Where'd yer big guy go? Why's he runnin'?"
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"I think it's creche you're looking for," Cotozi corrected again, pursing her lips a little, watching Whirly's plight as she spoke. Looking to Daedra, Cotozi put on a confused expression. "Did something scare him?" she asked, voice high in curiosity. "Drask, I mean. That's his name, isn't it? What you called him? I can't see how someone or something in a creche could scare a big wher like him!" Though she readily engaged, Cotozi was careful to keep both her and Sasha's names unknown. From what she'd observed of Daedra during her earlier visit, she seemed friendly enough, but she could tell little else. Better to be safe than sorry.
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Daedra of Brown Drask


“I suppose I should have guessed at that,” Daedra replied with a small smile. It was the most common area for the younger members of the Weyr; as was her usual reason for stopping by. Though this would be the first time the creche seemed to follow after her. There were firsts for everything, she supposed.

Daedra found herself even more surprised, though, when the older of the girls posed her with another question. “Drask?--But, yes, that is his name! He wasn't scared though,” the redhead happily clarified. She did find the idea very amusing though, which probably showed on her face.

“Drask rarely gets scared,” she explained. “It certainly wouldn't have been from either of you two, or anyone else in the creche, though! He doesn't mind children~”

What Daedra did know of the wher in this situation, was that Drask was ever the opportunist. He saw his opportunity to 'escape' for a nap, and that was most likely where he was rushing. Couldn't be coerced into any more 'distractions' if he was unconscious under a blanket, now could he?

Not that Daedra would explain or go into detail on that with two young children....

“He probably just wanted to go to our weyr. It is one of his favorite places,” she explained with a smile. Too bad for him, the door was closed while they were out. So until she caught up with him, Drask was out of luck.

“And, what of you two?” Daedra asked, looking between the smaller Sasha, and then to the older Cotzi. The handler was unfamiliar with the two young girls, though she'd probably seen them in passing from time to time. Or, she assumed so; there were quite a number of children in High Reaches. As much as she'd like to know them all, it was most likely an impossibility.

If she had to guess, the girls were probably related in some fashion – siblings or cousins perhaps. They did look somewhat alike, despite the difference in hair color. Similar around the eyes and the mouth.
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Sasha didn't miss a beat. And she certainly didn't shy away from more, ah, sensitive topics. "Mum n' pop got brought with us from the blizzard!" she yelped excitedly, clapping her hands together. Poor Whirly gave a jump at her antics, clinging tightly to her shoulders. "He - ow, owww Whirlyyyy that huuuurt!"

The blue's head ducked low and he crooned soothingly, the contour of his headknobs against his neck giving the impression of 'tucked back ears' like one would see on a scorned canine. Sasha touched his claws in tender acknowledgement but also rubbed at her own skin between his digits.

"Momma gonna be right sore to see more scratches, Whirly. You gotta stop that 'fore she starts lobbin' pans at'cha." Her attention drifted briefly from the conversation, allowing her sister to seize the spotlight.
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