Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:50 pm
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Flightleader Diamond of Garnet Hyliath
"Most of the former holdless I've interacted with are skilled hunters," Diamond said in response to Melosa's question. "Mostly out of necessity. But their experience is in hunting for themselves, not filling a Weyr-sized larder. Besides, we can always have whers and dragons suppliment our hunting needs." She sighed. "Unfortunately, I don't think the holdless have skills that could be converted to a large-scale environment anytime soon. We could have them educated in crafts that would be helpful, but that doesn't solve the housing situation."
She nibbled at the nail on her thumb. "Housing people in the Weyrbowl could be an option, but come winter it won't be particularly comfortable. We need to decide something before the weather turns, I think." After a moment of hesitation, she said, "Could we construct huts for the holdless outside of Weyr's walls? It'd give them privacy, a place to live, and the protection of the Weyr without straining our limited space."
Junior Wherleader Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Maritza slammed a hand down on the table. "The answer here should be obvious," she snapped, annoyed that she was the one having to say it. "We should throw the holdless out. They're criminals, who have already proved once that they cannot be trusted amongst their peers. Why should we suffer to give them our limited resources?"
Arisk was not in the council chambers, not wanting to crowd things, but she was near at hand, and she was paying attention to the meeting, listening through Maritza's ears. She winced at this, knowing it would not go over well with the rest of the council, and it seemed cruel given that many of the holdless had already gotten used to this place. She projected her thoughts into the council chamber, wanting to smooth things over. Sorry for interrupt, she called, Maritza mean well with suggestion. Maybe can ask holdless to leave in summer, and come back when cold? Give time to fix space problem.
Arisk! That was wholly inappropriate! Maritza snapped at her silently. She let out an annoyed huff. "I apologize for her, I've chided her appropriately," the handler said. "Regardless, if you all persist in insisting that the holdless remain here, perhaps we can have the candidates and weyrlings bunk with riders. They can get a sense of the day-to-day habits of riders that way, and we can convert their quarters into temperary lodgings." She glared around the table. "But for the record, I think that's much worse idea than just kicking out the holdless!"