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Smell Food, Must Go [Femisis]

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    Sat May 04, 2024 7:22 am
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Smell Food, Must Go [Femisis]

She couldn't see. That sucked. Like, seriously. Everything was light and shadow and not much else. And it hurt - the burns hasn't quite healed yet and everything tugged in bad ways when she tried to blink. But pain builds character! This wasn't something Sc'let couldn't get through with a little bull-headed persistence!

She thought, while walking into a wall for the umpteenth time.

Sc'let groaned, hovering a hand over her scarred face. "FORRRSSSK. A lil help, Eddy?"

But the brown bellowed loudly in her mind. A solid, weeping cry. I caaaan't you're insiiiiide. The boy was crying. Full on sobbing, the best a dragon could. He was totally, utterly helpless in this situation. The despair Sc'let felt from him was heartbreaking.

"C"mon babe, this ain't the worst thing!"

You're BLIND! Forever!

She attempted to reach him mentally to soothe his pain. The rider met a wall. Sc'let bit her lip. "Ohhh honneeeeh it'll be fine. Lokit, we'll go hunt some wherries together, mmkay? Sure I cans be figurin' out how to skin somethin' with my eyes closed! Just uh, make sure I'm actually skinnin' a bird and not a person, kay?"

Edwyth wailed.
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    Sun May 26, 2024 10:37 pm
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When Shouto had learned of Sc'let's unfortunate injury after threadfall, any lingering annoyance he had at her evaporated instantly. (He wasn't really annoyed with her, more that he was unused to being fawned over, even though Izuku practically worshiped the ground he walked on.) He hadn't been allowed into the infirmary understandably, but he needed to see for himself that she was okay. The first opportunity happened to be in the dining hall not long after. He entered just in time to see Sc'let bonk into a wall and he rushed over, gently taking her by the elbows. "Careful, you'll hurt yourself!" He exclaimed, gently steering her away from the wall. At this point they only had one eye between them, but it would have to do. Shouto had experience functioning with only one eye, after all.

Meanwhile, Drivith 'snuck' into Edwyth's weyr and chirped, trotting over in order to cuddle right up to her bigger brother. She knew he was hurting and needed the support. If it was her Shouto she would be the same way, after all. It's okay. She said, nuzzling his side. Yours is hurty, but is alive. If alive, can do anything!
Fort Weyr
Uryuu of Bronze Frydrykth | Kojaku
Byleth of Brown Gilgath
Cress of Brown Lumiouth
Jushiro of Brown Kotowarith
Megumi of Blue Zoth
Akira of Green Auruth | Kukuri
Gaelio of Green Vacuouth | Kimaris
Li'dyn of Green Vairrianth
Trowa of Green Yasogamith | Heavyarms
Remy of Blue Resk
Candidate Izumi
High Reaches Weyr
Hong'lu of Bronze Gerauth
Izuku of Bronze Xistanorth
Hitoshi of Blue Telliuth | Riot
Keith of Blue Shinadoth | Romelle
Shouto of Green Drivith | Mnythri
V'dar of Green Liralith
Juniper of Green Junipesk
Weyrling Saruhiko of Green Neneth
Wherling Adaman of Blue Adamansk | Dialga
Semaca Weyr
Niriru of Bronze Ziodyneth
Chrom of Garnet Joth | Stahl Zozi
Lio of Garnet Shisenitath | Ringtail
Minato of Blue Charoth
Crowe of White Eclith | Lunafreya
Soran of White Qanth | Exia
Karaze of Blue Karask
Weyrling Le'na of Garnet Jeroth
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    Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:36 am
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Edwyth wasn't really in a state to respond positively, at least. The wounds on his rider's face were too severe for him to simple shrug it off as something she would walk away from. She is alive and breathing, but she will never see properly again, he bemoaned. There was quiver to his voice. We will never fight Thread together.

Right there was another reason for his sorrow. Dragons were capable on their own - if they were capable of thrusting firestone into their mouths without the assistance of human hands.

Mine is useless. I am useless.

The little brown was grateful for his clutchmate's presence. Her warmth was a kind reminder against his sudden loneliness. Yet his neck splayed against the ground, forepaws over his muzzle because he could not bare to look at the sky knowing Sc'let never would.

Yet his rider was ... anything but hindered. Strong hands pulling back her shoulders were met with an instinctual flail. Shit surprised her and she didn't even know anybody was there! Until she heard Shouto's voice and broke into a wide, toothy grin. Arms that were out to strike wrapped around the shorter lad and threatened to squeeze the breath out of him.

"SHOUBOY!" she squealed, completely unfettered. "Come to check out my sweet battle scars? Do they look cool? I mean I cinnae see 'em so you gotta tell me and ... uh ... " Her stomach was obnoxiously loud, reminding her of the original agenda. "Soooooooo I can't be's seein' where I'm walkin' ... I'm flippin' hungry, mate. Gimme a hand?"
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