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A Quiet Cup of Klah [Fel]

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    Sat Sep 21, 2024 9:44 am
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"The dining hall is a public place, it's different. It's weirder when you go looking specifically for someone who doesn't know you, in their home. It's not like I sit in people's weyrs waiting for them to come back from drill so I can meet them!" Not that the idea wasn't occasionally tempting. Or hadn't been, when she'd first come to High Reaches and got lost trying to find her way anywhere. At least she'd been there long enough for that to no longer be an issue.

"Besides, my parents and I didn't part on... good terms. And attitudes toward riders weren't so sunny around Fort, when I left to come here. They might still be that way, and then they wouldn't want a rider in the family even if they weren't predisposed to dislike me if my parents sent letters calling me a terrible daughter. And it's not like I could send letters back home to try to smooth things over."

She glanced at the other woman's mug. "Do you want some more?"
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    Mon Sep 23, 2024 10:15 am
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"I guess you have a point there," Raev said, cursing her luck that Korinda only had reservations approaching people in private spaces.

At the mention of her parents being disapproving of her being a rider, Raev scoffed. "Most families would be honored to have a rider in the family. Sounds like your parents are a miserable bunch. Screw them, live your life without that negativity. If they're going so far as to send letters about how much they dislike you, you're better off without them." Not that Raev had ever really known her own parents much beyond the occasional dinner with her father, but he had never been disapproving of her, at least not outwardly so. Just disinterested, which was fine by her. She couldn't fathom how parents would not be excited and proud for their child to be a rider, the chances to bring that kind of honor to your family were so slim. Though Fort still adhered to the old ways of color hierarchy, maybe the people there were just simple-minded fools who couldn't see how good they had it.

"Oh, yeah, I could use some more," Raev said, starting to get up from the table.
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