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Let's See A Smile [Firebrand]

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Let's See A Smile [Firebrand]

Dyggvi was obviously staring. T'rios was a new transfer to High Reaches and Stormlight wing, but in all his time here, he hadn't smiled. Smiling was good. Smiling meant someone was happy. So T'rios wasn't happy. But why? It's no concern of ours, Chugoth commented tartly, sprawled to his full length to catch all of a fading sun's rays. Dyggvi didn't respond, too focused on his thoughts, unaware of how disconcerting his staring might be for someone who didn't know him and his quirks very well. It was but a moment later that he spoke his mind. "Why don't you smile, T'rios?" Dyggvi queried his new wingmate, his voice almost plaintive, as though it was a simple question at dinner or drills, rather than an intrusion of privacy between near strangers in a bathing cavern.
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    Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:30 pm
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T'rios looked up from his scrubbing, frowning at his wingmate who had addressed him. Dyggvi was their name, he was fairly certain. He had not spoken to them much, since he was still adjusting to life at High Reaches and frankly, didn't care to make friends with every random rider and weyrfolk who he crossed paths with. Especially one who had such a penchant for staring. Why they felt the need to have a conversation while they were both bathing was beyond T'rios, but he responded.

"Why would I waste my time and energy with smiling? I'm not a Harper, my job is not to provide mirth to the world, it's to protect it. If you want a lackadaisical fool, you'll have to look elsewhere."

B-b-be nice. They're only trying to make conversation. And you should smile more. Taibabrith interjected from her perch outside their weyr.

I'll smile for you, but not for someone who thinks it necessary to bring up discussions in the bath.
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Dyggvi blinked, seeming perplexed by T'rios' response. "Smiling isn't a waste of time," he argued, setting his head at an angle as he regarded his wingmate. "Smiling doesn't make someone a fool or a laughing stock. Smiling means you're happy. That you want to share that happiness with others. And you don't need to be a Harper to do that." Putting his chin in his hands and his elbows on cool stone where his bathing pool ended and floor beyond began, he stared harder at T'rios, like he was a puzzle he had to solve. "But you don't smile," Dyggvi went on, frowning. "Which means you aren't happy. But why?" Or he's simply leaping for joy at all times and he simply doesn't care to show it, Chugoth sarcastically commented, irritation bleeding into his voice. One man's happiness isn't yours to get involved in. So you've met someone who doesn't smile. Big deal. It is a big deal! Dyggvi protested.
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T'rios frowned further at Dyggvi. They certainly liked to ask big questions while both of them were naked.

Honestly, he wasn't happy. He had moments where he experienced joy, sure. Mostly when he was with Taibabrith, but he wasn't a perpetually gleeful kind of man. Who could be, if they had seen the pain and suffering he had? Despite the many years that had passed, he still often thought of Maria, of that terrible, indescribable loss. But he didn't want nor need to get into that with someone who was basically a stranger.

"I'm just not a cheery guy," he said, hoping that would be enough to make Dyggvi stop prying. "What makes you smile, if you're so insistent on prying into my affairs?"
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Dyggvi didn't seem placated by T'rios' answer at all, seeing as they frowned at him again. Those were words of someone who had something to hide, who was hurting and keeping that hurt to themselves. Perhaps he needed time still before he could face it. Dyggvi had known T'rios for but a brief while, seeing as he was a recent transfer to High Reaches. Perhaps sharing his own reasons for smiling, as T'rios had inquired, would encourage him to smile too. "I smile for things that bring me joy," Dyggvi explained airily. "Mostly big, important things. Everyday aspects of my life that I love. My dragon, Chugoth. My little sister, Bunny. My friends. But I smile for other things too. Smaller, not-so-important things, but things that are good nonetheless. Hearing others laugh is my favorite. I don't need to be part of what brings them joy to feel happy too."
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"Hmph, that's good for you then." T'rios snorted. "I just don't smile much, alright? Never have." Faranth, Dyggvi was certainly fixated on this. T'rios was unsure what he had done to draw the rider's attention, but whatever it was, he was not pleased. He didn't care for nosey people, and the more Dyggvi pushed, the deeper he frowned.

"I don't exactly feel much joy. I am fine with that. This is who I am," he told them with finality in his tone. He hoped that could be the end of the conversation. He didn't expect it to be, since Dyggvi seemed to be the persistent sort, but maybe they would pick up on the social cues he was laying down and leave him to bathe in peace.

T-t-that's pretty funny, coming from you. Taibabrith teased. Y-y-y-you're not exactly the most savvy conversationalist I've seen, she privately told him, her tone bemused.

I also don't bother people who clearly want to be left alone.
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