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A Boring Sort [Firebrand]

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    Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:39 am
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A Boring Sort [Firebrand]

Chaneil stared morosely at the seemingly-endless heap of rags that needed to be sorted. He'd thought that becoming a Candidate would help him avoid this boring sort of task. They were supposed to learn about dragons after all, and other things that people thought were important but that he thought were just marginally less dull than a lifetime of drudgery. What next, counting the grains of rice in a sack? Though perhaps he shouldn't think such ideas, or they might just come true.

"We're going to be at this all day," he complained. This one was suitable for bandages, this one only for cleaning, that one was large enough to be repurposed... "Maybe even more than just today. We're going to be at this all sevenday. Or until winter."

He picked up another rag, scrutinizing it. How was it that he managed to get the worst possible chores? He pushed his blonde hair out of his eyes to try to see if the mark on the fabric was a stain, a burn mark, or simply some thread of a slightly different hue. Burn mark. Not suitable for reuse, then.
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    Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:25 am
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"We wouldn't have to be if you would pick up the pace," Sheridan said with a snort as she rolled her eyes. Seriously. She certainly didn't want to be sorting rags when there were other tasks to be done, but no matter how much she had argued with the Candidatemaster, she wasn't getting assigned to a different task instead. Sorting rags it was.

"You're spending too much time examining each one. A quick glance should be enough to tell you what it's good for." She had quickly developed a system for sorting that was much more efficient than whatever the stick in the mud she had been assigned to work with was doing. Just watching him made her impatient.

"You're so slow," she moaned, plucking a pile of rags from in front of him. "Watch me. Just a quick look will tell you what you need to know. Hole? Into the trash pile. White without spots? Bandages. Discolored but no holes? Cleaning." She held up examples of each as she spoke, then quickly folded the ones that could be used and tossed them into their respective piles. "Do you get it now? Or are you going to keep examining each one like it's a long-lost parchment that contains the secrets of the universe?"
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