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Crab-Apple [Open]

The massive weyrbowl. Herdbeasts graze, flights are held overhead. No more does dread hang over the open sky.
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Crab-Apple [Open]

Daedra of Brown Drask - Open to anyone

The weather was growing colder by the day, but thankfully the full on frosts of the season had yet to arrive. It was a reasonably overcast day with minimal wind, a fine afternoon, Daedra thought, as she stood on the crunchy grass before a paddock.

Another day, and another instance of Daedra proving she had far too much time on her hands as a wherhandler. Atleast Drask was with her, per the norm, instead of left to his own devices….

Smiling, the petite redhead gripped onto the top beam of the enclosure, using it to step up and set her feet on the lowest wood panel. Giving herself enough of a boost, Daedra rested on her arms as she looked over the enclosed space, perking up as something responded to the gentle clicking noise she made with her tongue.

A small group of runners were enjoying a bit of ‘freedom’ in the safe-space, nibbling on grass as they slowly moved about. Most barely even noticed or cared much for Daedra’s presence there, but one’s little triangular ears tweaked up when it heard her calling. Lifting its head for a look, the runner slowly meandered over to the section of fence where the small woman waited. Clearly the creature had some familiarity to her presence, hardly caring about the large Brown wher looking disgruntled beside her.

“Hello, friend~ Coming to say hello?” Daedra crooned to the runner, auburn brown with specking along their backside. The redhead outstretched her arm, offering her hand for the beast’s soft flesh nose to sniff and brush against. It seemed to be looking for something, and Daedra’s smile grew wider from the fact.

“I didn’t forget,” the petite woman assured, turning momentarily to pull a folded bundle from one of her pockets. Unfurling the corners of the handkerchief, was an apple nestled in the palm of her hand, cut and splaying out like a blossom. The runner nickered approvingly.

“This was supposed to be a snack for myself, but I don’t mind sharing,” she mused with a giggle, offering one of the slices to the floppy lips and flat pearly teeth.

Drask, on the other hand, watched in dismay as his handler offered the sweet, juicy slices to the runner. Offering a treat to a mindless creature, no better than the other herdbeasts! She could have been giving those wet little slices to him---Drask liked apples!
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"An apple for a runner and one for the maiden fair...but nobody to give an apple to the lonely wher."
The sound of the sung words drifted with Lark as he approached the paddock, stopping a fair enough distance away as he bowed to the watchwher and his handler alike. His lute remained strapped to his back, though he idly tapped at the polished wood of it with one hand.

"A fine day to you all. And what a lovely gathering to behold. I think your poor partner may want some of that treat, though." Lark gave a smile to Drask and Daedra in turn. "At least, he seemed to be looking at it rather wistfully." He leaned against the fence a few yards away, looking as unimposing and as charming as he could. A slight flip back of his hair was just meant to keep it out of his eyes. Probably.
Fort Weyr

Weyrling Alara of Garnet Alubrath
Edward of Bronze Warsk
Wafflous, the fighting cook

Semaca Weyr
Saralia of White Nahangyth
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Daedra had to reaffirm her hold, to avoid accidentally dropping her apple slices. Not that it would have mattered much, as she was sure the runners (or Drask) would have served as proper clean up, and they'd have not been wasted. However, the whole fun was getting to give them one at a time.

Curious, the petite handler set her attention on the particular new voice she didn't recognize. How very strange, as she hadn't noticed anyone around but... well, she could admit that she hadn't been looking much. Other than the pretty runners.

Daedra was about to offer greeting, but the man's comment had her turning her gaze onto Drask now. "I know he'd like one, but Drask has had two apples already," she explained. "- and a full helping of meat, plus some old vegetables left outside, and leftover meatpie and crusts..."

Drask's wrinkly lips pursed at her accusations. Not that he was denying them, but that still didn't mean there wasn't room for more apple. There was always room for a little more. Sure he ate, but so we're the runners with all the grass and straw. Runners didn't need sweet, juicy apples!

Daedra only offered the Brown a smile and shake of her head, before turning back to the stranger. It then occurred to her-

"Oh, I'm sorry-- are one of these runners yours? They're wonderful~" If she were honest, she didn't exactly know who they belonged to in the Weyr. Messengers most likely, but she always enjoyed coming to see them.

A soft nose brushed at her fingers, prompting her to offer another slice to the floppy lips.
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"No, the apologies should be all mine. I did not mean to imply he'd gone unfed, simply that he seemed to be peckish for that." He was still smiling as he turned to look at the runners.

"Mine? Oh. No. I ride when I must, but it's hard to keep a groomed Harper look astride a runner." He ran a hand through his hair again. "Though they're very handsome creatures sometimes, and they're clearly drawn to sweet things." He glanced at the apple, then Daedra, before turning back to the paddock. He left a hand over the fence, offering a scratch to a runner's neck, but no treats of his own.

"I just find the fresh air helps me when I'm working to compose a new piece, or affix one to my memory. It won't do to have a Harper who stumbles over lyrics, afyer all." He clucked his tongue softly. "Though, if I am disturbing you, I can find another place to ponder."
Fort Weyr

Weyrling Alara of Garnet Alubrath
Edward of Bronze Warsk
Wafflous, the fighting cook

Semaca Weyr
Saralia of White Nahangyth
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"Both of us would be hard-pressed to find a time when Drask isn't just a little 'peckish',"Daedra replied with a giggle, once again turning a warm, but semi-apologetic smile to the wher in question.

Though he still seemed groused, by his expression, she could tell he was not offended by her words. For Drask, there was always room for a little more food. After all, one could never tell when the food would be scarce, even in the sanctuary setting of a Weyr, or so they all liked to claim. Drask knew that better than most, so his only response to all the 'talk' was dropping his bottom end to ground, with a soundly thwump.

Drask craned his head slightly around his small handler to get a glance at this stranger running their mouth. There was none bonded to him, that he could tell, but the wher recognized the item on the man's back. Recognized it enough as one of those bothersome 'noise makers' that humans loved making a fuss about. If the Brown were able, he would have rolled his eyes. Instead he only let out a snort from his nose.

Daedra, on the other hand, was more than happy to be sociable. "Oh, I've always thought they were such beautiful creatures," the redhead beamed. "The ones kept at the Weyr especially! They're always so clean and with shiny coats~ " Daedra quickly shook her head to get her thoughts refocused. Surely her companion wasn't interested in her gushing about runners.

Or maybe he did, after all, he seemingly came over to see them too.

"Oh no-- you're not disturbing us at all," Daedra assured. If the redhead heard Drask's snort in response, she didn't react to it. "We're only spending some free time ourselves, so it's only right anyone else be allowed to do the same. Though, I suppose if you were hoping to get some work on your craft, you should have priority! I have to imagine being a Harper is demanding in its own right. Learning and playing an instrument alone is quite a talent!"

Drask personally didn't see what the big deal was with banging items with sticks or plucking tight strings... Humans and their human things. -Whuff-
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