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Lost and Found [Ageno]

The massive weyrbowl. Herdbeasts graze, flights are held overhead. No more does dread hang over the open sky.
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    Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:13 pm
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Lost and Found [Ageno]

Nicola hadn’t been the same since that night. The night she and Colask lost everything. Coryn, Orysk , Auntie, Uncle …so many others more. She frequently awoke in the middle of the night, convinced she was back to that night. Attackers on their way again to take her family from her.

Once again, like many nights before Nicola was roused from her vivid nightmares by Colask. Nicola! Wakey-wakey! The bronze tugged at bed sheets, lightly head butting his handler as she screamed in the solace of their quarters Past is past, hurt will hurt. Worry not mine, it gets easier Concern flooded the wher’s voice , head lovingly thrusted into her arms. He was there for her and no harm would come to her while Colask could help it. “Thank you Colask , im sorry I just miss them, so much. If I was awake then… if I just-“ tears started to swell up in her eyes, hands shaking with rage and disappointment. Walk will help, get fresh air. Come now!
- -
The weyrbowl always looked different during night time, with the sun setting a soft light adorned Weyr , a new picture of the Weyr was painted. Golden and bright. The pair walked slowly , aimlessly, wordlessly with no particular aim.
“I know it’ll sound silly but… I’ve heard around from other handlers that there was a holdless handler come in a little ago” Nicola broke the silence, running a hand through the smooth hide to calm down .”And… and maybe . Just maybe! Coryn and Orysk survived ? That they too got separated and somehow came to land here like we did?” Nicola held onto every little bit of hope she could, rumours of all kinds floated through the wherhandler’s common rooms , but just this one, she was so sure it could be her cousin. “And if she’s alive maybe au- Colask are you even paying attention to me…?”

Colask wasn’t even listening , in fact he hadn’t heard one bit of what Nicola had just said. He squinted at a figure, two figures actually! A strangely familiar wher , yet he couldn’t place his paw on it yet. He kept his eyes locked on them, trying so hard to remember.

And then it clicked like pieces in a puzzle. Without warning Colask started into a gallop towards them , he had to make sure he was right. Nicola couldn’t take any more heart break. She was left there , helplessly staring at a distance, not understanding until she heard Colask.

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    Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:22 pm
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Coryn was weary. It showed on her face, in those dark bags under her eyes and worried lines etched along her mouth, always turned downward in a frown. Orysk was weary too. It showed in how fidgety she was, how her eyes darted like an animal in a cage. A Weyr was a strange place to them both, but it was welcome respite after traveling so far for so long, though Orysk was much more loathe to admit as much than Coryn was. Once it was dark enough, a setting sun's light not so bright, Coryn carefully removed Orysk's protective goggles from her broad head, swiping her thumb across one lens, seeing ash on her skin afterwards. It had her heart harden in her chest; she thought she'd gotten it all in her almost manic cleaning after... Shaking her head, she sighed and placed them safely in her bag. Orysk watched, quietly observing, sensing her bonded's muted distress. Though she sighed like it was such a hardship, she padded closer, staring her down for a moment before quite literally dropping her head into Coryn's lap. Coryn not give up, she said, though it seemed more for Coryn's benefit than her own belief in her bonded's quest. Orysk not let Coryn.

Though she had to question Orysk's sincerity by how she spoke, Coryn huffed softly before resting her hand on her garnet's head, knowing that she meant well under her less-than-pleasant attitude. "Thank you," she said aloud quietly, to which Orysk chuffed in response before quickly moving off again; she wasn't fond of such displays, as infrequently as she expressed them. Watching her wher go, Coryn took a slow breath before getting to her feet again, stretching her arms above her head and groaning as she heard a pop in her shoulders. "We won't stay long," she promised Orysk, knowing she was listening in spite of her dismissive body language. "We'll ask after Nicola and whoever else might've made it here before moving on." Good, Orysk grunted, turning to face her bonded again. Orysk not like Weyr. Coryn sighed, running her hand down Taryn's spine, where he fretted and preened himself at her shoulder. "We'll be safe from Thread here," she argued. "I think that's worth spending a single night in a strange place, wouldn't you agree?"

Before Orysk could agree or (more likely) disagree, a voice blared loud and strong in her mind, catching her by surprise. A bronze wher was galloping toward them, who she'd clocked in her earlier uneasy studies of her surroundings, but had chosen to disregard. Coryn was equally startled, her eyes wide as she watched him approach, wondering if what she'd heard could be true; there was but one wher that had such a mindvoice, who'd call Orysk by name. Orysk wasn't convinced, her body tense and ready to strike, lips curled to show her teeth. Coryn moved quickly, coming to stand at Orysk's shoulder as she opened her mind to her, showing her exactly what she'd forgotten in her three day memory span. Now recognizing him, Orysk bugled as she began loping to meet Colask, affecting excitement to conceal her true intentions. Once he was close enough, she skidded to a halt, kicking up a cloud of dust as she swung her tail under his legs, trying to trip him.

But as her wher was hurrying to see her brother, Taryn long since vanished in his alarm at such excitement, Coryn's focus was fixed on that distant figure that had been standing by Colask, not realizing Orysk's mischievous schemes in her shock. There was no one else that person could be but Nicola...right? Colask seemed happy and well, as she remembered him to be...but what if he answered to a new name now? What if that person wasn't Nicola? From where she stood, she judged by height and build that it was likely Nicola...but what if she was wrong? Regardless, she lifted a hand to hail them as she began walking closer, her heart beating faster in her chest, her spirits hopeful, though her face reflected nothing.

And that was about where Coryn noticed what Orysk was planinng.

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    Mon Apr 08, 2024 6:19 pm
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Colask would not stop for anything in the world at this point! His sister, whom he had accepted was long gone, was there! Right there! The bronze frequently had that night fresh on his mind, Nicola refused to forget and so, Colask neither could. The smoke… the shouts … the chaos. Only alive thanks to the bronze’s determination to not give in, to get as many people to safety. Even if as many people meant only Nicola.

Nicola on the other side was highly alarmed by the sudden abandonment . She couldn’t quite hear what Colask was shouting nor why he was galloping towards a wherhandler pair! ”Colask! Careful ! Careful ! Where are you-“ Nicola squinted her eyes at the oncoming garnet. Now closer she also recognised Orysk. But it couldn’t be, could it? The rumour couldn’t be true . But it was. There was Orysk and … Coryn? Nicola’s eyes widened , becoming nervous, hands fidgeting as she watched Colask get close to his clutchmate. Dont stand there you fool! Go to them! she screamed to herself in her mind. Legs carrying her as fast as they could to her cousin and her wher! They were alive!

Colask was so joyful, so delighted to see Orysk! He roared in joy , little leaps taking place as he galloped there. Orysk! You aliv- Orysk stopped and kicked up dust , blinding Colask to her intentions. The bronze fell into her trap , legs being taken from under him as he skidded head first a couple of feet. Nicola yelped hearing Colask’s sad little yowl then met with a roar of excitement. Shaking , the young handler stopped still at a large distance, huffing and puffing , tears swelling up in her eyes as she took a good look and her were suspicions finally confirmed.
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