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Quiet Time [Ageno]

The massive weyrbowl. Herdbeasts graze, flights are held overhead. No more does dread hang over the open sky.
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Quiet Time [Ageno]

Elsa was glad to finally have a bit of free time. Despite it being cold outside, she enjoyed the winters more so than she did the summers. Finding a nice place outside, she spread a blanket down and pulled her warm mug of klah to her lips, drawing a soft sigh as she took a sip. She had found out that her dear friend Noct might have some free time so she had sent Solstice off to deliver him a note, asking if he wanted to join her for a bit of relaxing and a warm drink. Irohith was laying behind her and accepting the chance to rest. He knew his rider wanted to spend time with a friend and he was content to let her, though despite his relaxed stance, the massive brown was closely watching the area, ready to jump to his rider's defense if he was needed.

Looking up as she heard wingbeats in the distance, she smiled, hoping it was whom she was waiting for. Would Noct come? Who knew. She certainly hoped so.
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Noct was grumbling under his furs at how cold it was, secure at Astiaith's neck as he winged low to where Elsa had asked them to meet. But no matter how he complained, he was quite glad to get a chance to be in Elsa's company again. At seeing her Solstice and receiving her note, he was looking forward to a reprieve in his weyrling lessons and get some free time to spend as he willed. Though he could've spent his free time getting some extra sleep, he wanted to see Elsa more than catching a candlemark or so more sleep. That meant more than he could put into words, as thoughts in his mind or a sentence at his lips, so he didn't try.

Drawing near to where he was directed to meet Elsa, it was clear she was present once he spotted a massive brown sprawled nearby. Easily recognizing Irohith, Noct directed Astiaith to land not far from where Elsa had put a blanket down, trying not to disrupt her things. Glad both he and his blue were long since comfortable flying, albeit for brief periods, Noct dropped from Astiaith's neck and landed in a practiced motion. Approaching together, Noct didn't smile at Elsa, typical for him, but his dark eyes showed how pleased he was to see her. "Hey," he said, greeting her simply as he took a seat near her. It is good to see you again, Astiaith added, checking in enough to greet both Elsa and Irohith too as he laid down not far from Irohith, though it was clear his thoughts were elsewhere soon enough.
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