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So Alive [Flight]

This is the roads into and out of the High Reaches area, as well as the skies for flights, races, and other assorted events.
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So Alive [Flight]

Zen had been pondering over some charts he had made for his entertainment about the color spread here at High Reaches when he felt a bolt go down his spine. It was as if someone had poured boiling water directly down his back and it shot off threw the rest of him like a lightening bolt. He groaned as he knew what this was as he noticed his Garnet staring longingly into the sky and he sighed. " Go.. before I change my mind." He grumbled through clenched teeth. She really did pick the worst times.

He moved forward to lock the door to his weyr and sought out something ice cold to drink, something to calm the annoying fire in his blood.

Kerakeiath hesitated for a moment longer then rose from her bed of straw and took off into the sky, riding the air as if she was swimming in a sea of clouds. While she did this, she called out to the weyr.

" Brave dragons of High Reaches, I, Kerakeiath seek you out for a lovely afternoon flight. Would anyone desire to keep me company? If so, come find me." She called out, gliding leisurely along the clouds, though she dipped down occasionally to make herself easily visible.
Last edited by Ezra on Mon Oct 07, 2024 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Kubith may have just risen recently, but that didn't seem a reason not to chase. At least, not a good enough one. And how often did a garnet fly another? She did glance back at her rider briefly to check in.

"Far be it from me to stop horny dragons." Mahi didn't look up from the riding straps she was adjusting.
"Go show off." They gave a little wave to the garnet, who launched herself from the weyr with a soft bugle, tail fins elegantly lifting them towards the clouds.

Two garnets together would be a treasure trove. I hope I might join you in this beautiful sky.

She executed a little spin as she rose in pursuit. No harm in showing off a little prowess on the way, right?
Fort Weyr

Alara of Garnet Alubrath
Edward of Bronze Warsk
Wafflous, the fighting cook

Semaca Weyr
Saralia of White Nahangyth
Xanatos the Journeyman Smith
Garma of Green Vranath

High Reaches Weyr
Kovu, Herder
Mahi of Garnet Kubith
Lark the Harper
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Brave, huh? Brynth said in response to a garnet's call for chasers. He wasn't the sort of dragon to leave one of his wingmates high and dry when she had needs and was asking for help fulfilling them.

"Seriously?" Barca demanded when the brown launched himself from their weyr. "Why do you always go after your wingmates, dude? You realize I have to look at them afterwards! I have to look them in their eyes and remember that, even if you don't!"

You are far too prudish for a dragonrider, Barca. It is merely a biological urge. It is normal and natural, and you could always indulge in it yourself if you so desired. Barca didn't reply, but she made a rude gesture, making a point of sending the brown the image. Oh good, you understand the concept then. He felt Barca's horror through their bond and gleefully flew after the rising female.

I will gladly keep you company, Kerakeiath, he called. I am in a good mood today, and I'd love to share it with you! It wasn't often that he got a rise out of his rider rather than the other way around, so he was going to ride the glow that had left him with for this entire chase.
L'fy of Brown Dioth | Going Merry (flit)
B'layk of Blue Radarth
Wingsecond G'las of Green Quenith | Dazzle (flit)
Weyrling Br'on of Green Mesomelath | Apolline (flit)
Y'olai of White Tsukasath
Jackrum of Brown Krusk
Columbo of Blue Lumsk | Dog (flit)
Attolia of Cinder Attolisk
Ronica of White Onisk and Brown Osk
Assistant Headwoman Houlihan | Soldier (flit)
Candidate Heiro | Thetis (flit)
High Reaches
Dani of Bronze Bladeth | Ceecee (flit)
Barca of Brown Brynth
Healer's Wingleader Y'ang of Brown Kullilth | Bokhee (flit)
Diamond of Garnet Hyliath | Spessartine Skud (flit)
Elross of Blue Hisahith
Weyrling Ry'n of Green Yuelith
Dukat of Bronze Dusk
Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Ennis of Green Ennisk and Green Szensk
Weyrfolk Anabella
Candidate Miguel
Candidate Nayru
Wher Candidate Haron
M'ten of Garnet Noggoth
Weyrleader B'ram of Blue Sininulth | Sunrise (flit)
Bre'q of Blue Ostoriath
D'ax of Blue Firarith | Kahless (flit)
F'lin of Green Eraelth | Rusty (flit)
Tychon of Green Ezanath | Thalassa Narcissa (bird)
Weyrling S'ra of White Moggeth
Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk | Filly (flit)
Rosethorn of Garnet Thornsk and Brown Rosesk
Candidate Hamuntep
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Lau'ren of Blue Cedrateth

Kerakeiath rises.

The statement was given with a particular tone of indifference, strangely. Enough to prompt the Junior Flightleader to look up from his work. Normally Cedrateth was very receptive to flight requests.

"Don't you wish to go?" Even without response yet, Lau'ren searched a bit deeper to his bonded. Cedrateth did want to go, but he was trying to suppress himself. The Blue generally had a reason for the things he did, and Lau'ren didn't have to make many guesses.

"I hope it's not on my account," he mused. Cedrateth didn't immediately reply, but the very tip of one wing gave the barest twitch. Lau'ren couldn't help the small smile.

"Go on, go for a flight. You work just as hard for the Council as the rest, plus I'm not making much headway on this paperwork. We should take the excuse for some recreation."

Cedrateth swerved his head around to study his rider, perhaps silently double checking that, yes, this was all right. Needing little further prompt, the Blue rose to his firm legs.

I will return soon - later rather than immediately, I hope.

"Best of luck, my friend," Lau'ren waved him off.

Taking to the sky, Cedrateth moved his way towards the gathering dragon, his sights only locked to Kerakeiath.

Your company I would be most honored to keep, Garnet Kerakeiath, he called out, ever courteous. You are a lovely respite this afternoon, and I thank you for it.
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    Mon Oct 07, 2024 6:26 pm
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Stormlight, stormlight, stormlight. As far as the multi-faceted eyes could see! Well, Alsetth was not having it. Despite losing Kubith in the most recent flight of fancy, the green lacked the notion of surrender. Even when the garnet of her previous attention joined in this race to claim the loins of another!

Kerakeiath was far less competitive. Her flight felt leisurely - dipping in and out of the clouds in a romanticized dance. Alsetth was no the fastest and did not make the claim to be, so she was somewhat grateful for this lax temperament. But she was also painfully aware that the others would catch wind of the same realization, so thus she strained to push onward.

Come now, Kerakeiath! Allow Alsetth to waltz with you among the plumes of white! she called, ascending.
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Y'all of Brown Sintheath

You know, you really do pick the daggum worst moments to decide to go haring off after some pretty gal, Y'all complained to her dragon as she pulled on the recalcitrant herdbeast's headstall again. She shook her head to get a stray wisp of frizzy blonde hair out of her eyes. Can't a lady relax once in a while?

This is relaxing? Sintheath asked, baffled as he so often was by his rider's notions. Besides, your place is as a rider. You need not spend your time doing... this. Not when there are other duties to attend to.

It's called a hobby, darlin'. You should try one sometime.

Sintheath snorted loudly, though he knew that Y'all could not hear. He was back in their weyr, having been forbidden by his rider from, as she put it, "sending the beasts into a tizzy". Well, it wasn't his fault if his feelings for the garnet in the sky inconvenienced his rider. She could block him out if she chose. He would chase as he willed, and he did want to chase now. The vibrant red dragon far above, dipping in and out of the clouds, called to him.

He answered, his massive form rising into the air behind her, broad wings pumping through his ascent. He wasn't sure that it was a lovely afternoon with all these clouds, but he supposed that it could be a lovely flight nevertheless. It was good to stretch his wings. He could enjoy this either way.

I come! he called, his voice deep and resonant.
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Shr'k looked up in the sky as Kerakeiath rose towards the afternoon sun. He had been enjoying his walk in the cold winter air and sighed as the mental barrage hit him.

Yo Shr'k! I'm gonna go chase. You're good down there for a while without me? Donketh called from his perch outside their weyr.

Yes, Donketh. I'll be fine. It wasn't enough for you to win that recent flight, eh? You need more?

The ladies need more, Shr'k! So long as the fine dragons of High Reaches keep rising, I'll keep chasing. No risk of you ending up in leadership because the ladies can't get enough of me here.

Fine, go. Shr'k told Donketh dismissively. He would continue to enjoy his solitary walk while the dragon had his fun.

Like an arrow, Donketh took off into the sky, falling in line behind the growing group of suitors. No need for him to try any flashy flight maneuvers when he could charm her with his words. It is a fine day for a flight! I'd be more than happy to keep you company, Kerakeiath. Did you know red is my favorite color? So striking and nice, it looks lovely amongst all this white and gray.
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Kerakeiath was beyond pleased to see so many lovely dragons that were following her into this skydance. But she knew she had to make a choice and probably quickly so not to keep these lovely dragons waiting. Thinking this over for a few moments to make sure she made a choice she wanted, she called out softly to her chasers.

" Brave and lovely dragons all of you, however, I can only pick one dance partner this day and today that is you, Brynth." She said, turning her head to look to see if the other dragon would follow her.

Zen would just have to deal with it.
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