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Incoming Collision [Galaxy]

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    Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:12 pm
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Incoming Collision [Galaxy]

"Zuu! Come back here, you little brat!" With an uncharacteristic frown on her face, Giana chased after the irritable blue. She wasn't sure what had set him off, but he was definitely annoyed about something.

Goranask, who was just waking up, was stretching slowly as he padded along behind Gi. He radiated amusement.

Suddenly, Zuu changed his path, switching swiftly upwards, and Gi had to skid to a stop to try to keep from running into another handler. "FORSK!"
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    Thu Jan 09, 2025 2:43 pm
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"Faranth damned corridors" Cerys complained loudly, one had skimming the rock walls as she wandered. "You know they could've made these corridors less topsy and turvy, but nooooo. Gotta keep it interesting in Semaca you know?"

Take care or break nose. Or foot. Pick . Cynerysk mused , padding steadily by her. Keeping one eye on Cerys to avoid tragedy on happy. The garnet wher was accustomed to Cerys stubbornness and instance on guiding herself without aid.

"Nah, look Cynerysk I gotta keep life interesting someh-" Cerys laughed, only to be interrupted by a loud whizz!. She frowned, angling her head towards the wher. "Was that a firelizard or a Semacan creature I should be worried about?"

Cynerysk began to reply, when she spotted a handler and a bronze wher about to crash into them!
Cerys! Stop!
Cerys skidded to a sudden stop, hearing a very loud FORSK!

"Woah! Dang, you alright?" Cerys asked, half laughing. She rested a hand on the garnet's hide, patting it softly, a silent signal for the wher to share her sight with her. As the handler and her bronze came into sight, Cerys could help but grin at the sight of the striking brown-haired girl"Shards! What a sight for sore eyes... literally!"
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    Thu Jan 09, 2025 11:18 pm
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The brown-haired girl she'd almost run into was about Gi's height and lean, if not quite as daintily built as Giana herself. Proof, like Gi was, that you didn't have to be physically imposing to handle a wher. Her garnet was bulky for her color, but of course, Goranask was larger still. She was a nice color, though. Kind of magenta-ish.

"Sorry about that," Gi sighed, an apologetic smile on her lips. "Zuu got away from me." She gestured vaguely at the blue flit, who had decided to cling to an uneven bit of rock wall a little above and behind the other wherpair; the firelizard flashed his bright white teeth in warning. "He's an ornery one. Just a bit over a turn now, and not showing any signs of settling down."

At least for the moment, Zuu seemed content to stay where he was, out of reach and not doing anything other than glare at the two wherpairs. Which meant maybe Gi could actually do more than apologize and run. "I'm Giana, by the way, and this handsome lad is Goranask. It's nice to meet you, even if it was by me almost running you down."
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    Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:05 pm
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Cerys pulled down her shirt, grinning a little too wide as she faced the direction in which the Bronzehandler's voice came in. A much more feminine woman than herself- and prettier still ! "Shardin' firelizards am I right? You've got nothing to apologise for!" Cerys chuckled, getting a look of Zuu through Cynerysk's eyes not liking the look of those white teeth. Especially the idea of them tightly around her forearm. "My pa tried to convince me to get one of those one. Said they're smart critters, and would it would be a good idea to use it as my sight. Obviously, I said no, don't need some blistering tiny beast to help me."

"Well then I found her. But that's a story for another time!" Cerys fondly patted the thick hide of her wher.

Cynerysk stared at Zuu meeting his warning with a loud deep hiss.
Firelizard only nuisance , should be cast of all Weyrs. Too many distractions for rides and handlers Cynerysk chimed in , pawing the ground as if at any moment she might snap Zuu up.

Cerys snorted. "Can't expect much of poor Zuu here, I mean at one turn old most whers can just about carry their darn handler without trippin' !"

"Nice to meet ya Giana and Goranask! And the forskin critter too" Cerys grinned, extending a hand toward the other handler "I'm Cerys and she's Cynerysk, but Faranth help me - she might as well be a rulebook with legs."

Am right here.... Cynerysk growled with her attempt at rolling her eyes.
Unimpressed with the firelizard, she flicked her gaze towards the little blue. How get nuisance down from there?
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    Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:20 pm
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Giana smiled at the other handler, slow and warm. The other girl was pretty, even with her short mousey hair; her eyes were a fascinating shade of blue.

Those pale, washed-out eyes didn't focus quite right. Added to her comment about her pa wanting her to get a firelizard to use as her sight - the other woman was blind. That startled Giana; she wasn't really used to the idea of riders and handlers with such difficulties. It had to be interesting ... but she could see how having a dragonkin bondmate could help. She and Goranask could look through each other's eyes, after all, even though they didn't usually need to.

She grinned when Cynerysk called Zuu a nuisance. He was at that. "Goranask and I talked about it before I got him, but I don't think either of us expected him to be quite so ... bitey. He does like cuddling. When it's his idea."

The flit was very opinionated most of the time. Stubborn. Loud. At least he generally warned people, with a flash of those sharp teeth or a little nip, before he actually bit. Also, he had disturbingly good eye contact, which he was using right now, glaring pointedly at Giana about ... something. "Uh, mostly I just wait, unless I really need to move him. Bitey, remember?"

Zuu teeth sharp, Goranask observed, eyeing the flit dubiously. Not hurt bad. Still sharp.
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