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L'ndrah of Green Yuiryth

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    Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:39 pm
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L'ndrah of Green Yuiryth

"Gross! Freaking idiot!"
- Napoleon Dynamite


NAME: L'ndrah [Lyzandrah]
ORIENTATION: Demiromantic bisexual

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2746
AGE: 31 as of Winter 2777
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Smith, Greenrider
WING: Daylight Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10" and stocky
FULL APPEARANCE: One's first impression of L'ndrah would be to keep their distance - and rightfully so. Nothing about his exterior promotes a cheerful disposition. From his constantly slouched posture to the eternal frown, there is only one word that truly describes him: 'cranky'. He keeps his dark brown hair neat and orderly, hardly touching the tips of his shoulders. Yet his bangs are allowed to run free as they sweep across his left eye, completely obscuring it from view. This might be a tactful decision, as it also conceals the heavy threadscoring on his left cheek. His face is pocketmarked by acne scars. L'ndrah has a nose piercing that circles from one nostril to the other as well as two piercings on his left ear - both on the upper cartilage. He is broad-shouldered and lanky, though the muscles of his arms are well-defined from his turns working the forge. L'ndrah, for some reason, is never quite able to grow a full-fledged beard and moustache, so he's stuck with wisps of what could have been.

PERSONALITY: L'ndrah is unpleasant to be around and he has no right to be. His upbringing was stable, his family healthy and happy. Yet he's such a recluse that if one were to try and pry him from his comfort zone, he may as well be hissing and spitting. He gives the air of somebody suffering from depression but he is not, in fact, depressed. L'ndrah just ... doesn't like people. Not much, anyway. In fact he's a pretty big asshole. Whenever he isn't silent as a statue, he's making snarky comments under his breath. If somebody calls him on it, he acts like they 'just don't understand him'. Nobody understands him. He's all pent up angst with few redeeming qualities other than cleaning up nice and he doesn't cause any trouble (because causing trouble means you actually have to be present).

L'ndrah does genuinely love his family. He just has a very odd way of showing it. It's primarily in the form of 'defending their honor' and he gets riled up very quickly if one besmirches their good name - particularly Leena with her tragic fall from Wingleadership. Otherwise he is very passive about his kin and doesn't really interact with them all that much, which gives the impression he doesn't care.

Of all the things that he can't be bothered with, hygiene and health are two of them. L'ndrah's baths are spread out a little too thin and he doesn't always eat when he really should - mostly because he just can't be bothered to remember. How troublesome. Catch him during a long sevenday and he will be ripe. Funnily enough this turns on its head pretty quickly if somebody catches his eye. L'ndrah is not immune to love and when he falls, he falls hard. Like, borderline obsessive. He pines for that 'one true romance', mistaking a simple glance his way as a showing of somebody's desire in him. If L'ndrah is suddenly clean and proper and smelling like roses, it's because he's actively pursuing the heart of another who probably doesn't even know he exists. And he will fall hard once rejected. He's a nice guy! Nobody gets him.

Leena of Green Verinth- Older sister
Sarah of Green Lukith - Older sister (✝)
Arena of Void Oscamith - Sister (36)
A handful of other siblings - Open Ties
HISTORY: Weyrbred as could be, Lyzandrah was born into the creche from the breeding of two dragonriders who never really lay claim to him. That was all well and good. He was raised with love and affection and taught all about dragonkin and Weyr workings from the getgo. He was surrounded on all sides by children claiming to be his siblings - or at least, half-siblings. It didn't matter much to him whether they were full-blooded or not. He loved them all the same. His older sisters were constantly getting into trouble. Arena was the most sensible of their lot, next to him. Lyzandrah decided from a young age that it was best to keep his head down instead of shoving his neck into trouble.

Everything changed when ... puberty came. So many ch-ch-changes and Lyzandrah's mood flipped with a quick switch. Once upon a time he had been happy-go-lucky but after coming of age he was just ... sullen, quiet, angry. There was no call to reason for this as his life was ultimately a happy one. His increased dourness was only compounded by the fire-lizard egg he was given by Sarah as a nameday gift. The crude and belittling green that became of the egg was no saint. Lyzandrah distanced himself from his siblings and set upon his own path which was ... pretty uncertain, as it were. He knew he wanted to be a dragonrider - or at least that's what he was told he should be. Lyzandrah was skeptical of it. In the meantime, he turned his eyes towards smithing as a potential craft because Faranth did it feel good to beat hot metal mercilessly into shape.

Of course he would stand for clutches as they were laid - once he was old enough to be considered a candidate, of course! Though Lyzandrah wasn't completely sure if this was the destiny he wanted. One by one, his siblings Impressed before him. Leena and Sarah both became bonded to greens on the same day. It seemed emerald was a hue best suited for their family, as Yuiryth claimed him as her own from the clutch that Benden had wreaked havoc upon during its Touching. The sparks between Yuiryth and Molift were real and fiery and continue to this day.

It wasn't long after his christening of L'ndrah that Sarah was befouled by the blade of bandits. Leena blamed her weyrmate, Danielle, for the murder and L'ndrah found himself in the same corner as her. Arena was not convinced but was also ... quiet herself. If he had been able to see past his own desire to separate from others, L'ndrah would notice that Arena was doing much of the same. His older sister eventually transferred to Semaca Weyr for reasons he was not certain of, though he suspected it had something to do with he inability to Impress a dragon and how close she was to aging out ... Soon L'ndrah joined the ranks of fully-fledged riders. He took up in Daylight Wing under the wingleadership of Leena, but it was not to last. In 2769 a catastrophic threadfall led to two fatalities in their wing, one of which Leena was fully responsible for. She stepped down from her position. The following turn, a clump was blown into L'ndrah's face, resulting in an unsightly scar on his left cheek.

There were whisperings of his sister finally becoming bonded to an unusual dragon at Semaca. He really should be trying to reach out soon. Eventually. Maybe next turn.
Last edited by Windra on Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:41 am, edited 14 times in total.
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NAME: Molift
BIRTHDATE Summer 2759
AGE: 18 as of Summer 2777

COLOR: Green
FULL APPEARANCE: Molift is not a pretty flit. Her appearance, coupled with her attitude, reminds one of an ornery old person. She is emerald primarily, but her body is coated in polka-dots of greens in the lime and pastel shades. She carries herself unusually, as though there is a hump on her back ... although there is not.

PERSONALITY: In a word? Vindictive. Molift is every bit the horrible mother-in-law you'd expect her to be. She is critical of everything L'ndrah ever was and ever will be. Mental images sent his way often portray the man in degrading ways. Despite this, she seems to be completely reliant on him for her every need. Yet she is far from grateful, wreaking absolute havoc if even one of her demands is not met in just the right way. Molift refuses care from other individuals, going so far as to bite people who approach if they aren't L'ndrah. She hates Yuiryth. The feeling is especially mutual. Despite the dragon's almost daily attempts to chase her away, she keeps coming back like a cancerous growth.
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We have to be ready, there's too many things we have to do. Did you take care of yourself before this? What did you do? I was worried about you!


NAME: Yuiryth
BIRTHDATE Early Winter 2764
AGE: 13 as of Winter 2777



HEIGHT: 6.5ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #4d8c52


Yuiryth falls on the smaller spectrum for greens. Her weedy frame makes her seem like she will never amount to much, and her stunted build is not ideal for combat. She is not very strong, not having the room for extra muscles on her small body. And while she tries very hard, it might take some practice before she can do certain physical acts. Lasting a full Fall comes to mind, but her first several Flights will also be quite short. She just doesn't have much stamina.

Yuiryth is a smaller green. She doesn't look like she will amount to much, not really built to fight but not really impressive either. It is a really odd sort of being for a dragon. She isn't very strong and it may take several Falls before she can fly the full duration of it. She tries, she really does. She's just kind of bad at being a dragon. She is a darker foresty green. Her markings are a bright, light green that almost looks white in a bright light. The lighter color slides over her nose and forearms, with lovely designs across her chest as if it is elegant jewelry. It crosses her tail like a net. There is a darker green framing most of her markings, especially over her face, paws, and tail.


Yuiryth, despite her not terribly imposing appearance, has a strong, forceful personality. She cares, she really does, and she shows it with a lot of, well, nagging. Mostly to other people she cares about, but it counts no matter what. Did you eat today? Did you clean up? How can you expect to be a good dragonrider if you don't study? The more she pesters, the more she loves, and there is part of her that is just terrified that if she doesn't make sure everything is done right, that someone will get hurt because of their carelessness. However, even with her rider, there is no dragon she pesters more than Bidath. She feels that if she does not, the other dragon will not get his work done.

As stated, Yuiryth can be a little overbearing. However, she is very compassionate. When people aren't looking, or when she thinks people aren't looking, she has very heavy self-esteem issues. She worries that she isn't good enough, that because she isn't as good as dragons like Lieuteth or Hildath, that she just... isn't worth it. She hopes that if she can support others, then maybe things will get better and people won't notice her flaws. She is a very caring dragon, and can be very sweet, she just buries it under her own doubts. As she grows, she will become more comfortable with herself and stronger, to be able to overcome her own shortcomings. With a family, and support, Yuiryth will be able to do great things.

VOICE: Yuiryth has a high-pitched voice that will sound underdeveloped for as long as she lives. She tends towards shrillness when agitated, and even her attempts to sound serious come out insincere.
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