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Mora of Blue Orask [GACHA; RFR]

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Mora of Blue Orask [GACHA; RFR]


"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Mora
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: I dunno rn shrugs

BIRTHDATE: Late Spring, Turn 2749
AGE: 26 as of Late Summer, Turn 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: wherhandler, Smith
WING: probably Chopin Squad

EYES: blue
HAIR: curly brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6’7” tall, of a fit and sturdy build
PLAY-BY: Mora Bascht (Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory)

Mora tends to cuts a stern, utilitarian, almost imposing figure—she can be intimidating if she wants to. Her face, her height, her burly guard-canine-like build; they all lend themselves well to telegraphing the ‘don’t mess with me. Or else.’ vibes. Hers is a big, almost magnetic presence; Mora is capable of commanding attention wherever she is, if she so chooses.

She is often found in serviceable, utilitarian clothing; though she will sometimes wear a dress or skirts.

Mora is tall; and she has blue eyes, brown skin, and short dark brown curly hair. Her hair is styled similarly to a bobbed haircut, one with sideswept bangs; her curls tightly corkscrewing halfway down her neck to fall short of broad shoulders. She is strong and muscular, though her muscles aren’t entirely visible most of the time, as they are often hidden beneath her clothing. She has dexterous hands and fingers, which are great for fiddling with all manner of finicky objects; and a set of limbs flexible enough to either contort herself into all sorts of weird shapes in order to fix harder-to-reach things, or to be quick enough on her feet to hold her own in a fight. Mora also has a great no-nonsense ‘death stare’ that she pulls out sometimes; with its opposite a rarely seen broad grin that shines brighter than firelight glinting off metal, lighting up her face every time she laughs.


Mora is a larger-than-life woman who seems to rarely let her guard down.

She is very good at kicking butt and taking names; when provoked, Mora will absolutely beat up whoever’s the target of her wrath. She is quite protective of those she considers her ‘people’ —usually consisting of her Orask, any family/friends nearby, some of her fellow handlers, as well as some Smiths/people that she works with, in no particular order—and so she will go to great lengths to protect and/or defend them against anything (or anyone) she sees as a danger. In her eyes, their safety, and that of the Weyr, is paramount: it is often one of her top priorities in most emergencies. She will frequently do more than just speak up in their defence at any instance of injustice she witnesses her people suffering—she’s more than happy to make introductions along the lines of ‘fist, meet face’, especially with the worst offenders.

Hers is also a quicksilver clever mind that’s almost nearly as twisty as her curly hair; she is deviously inventive, and a wry woman full of cheeky comebacks, zingy one-liners and dry, almost sassy sarcasm. She is a very good problem-solver, when she’s inclined to be. Mora does enjoy the sometimes finicky work she does as a Smith; she seems to have a knack for it, and for fixing most things within her realm of expertise. (Mostly inanimate objects or mechanical things, though. If asked she’d say that she ain’t a Healer! She’s a Smith! Who happens to be a wherhandler.)

On the few occasions when Mora does let down her guard, she REALLY lets it down! Her laughter is loud and contagious; she takes up a lot of space just being herself, thanks to her larger-than-life presence. Also she really likes whers.

- parents
- any siblings
- any other family members


Born in late Spring of Turn 2749 to Crafter parents in Crom Hold, Mora had a rough-and-tumble childhood typical of most Crom-born kids. She grew up with the barraging symphonies of the mines and Smith forges almost-constantly in her ears day and night, with plenty of whers about, and plenty of playmates in the form of either her siblings or the occasional friend she made; both human and not. It was probably inevitable that she’d someday end up following in her family’s footsteps to become a Smith.. or a miner, whatever struck her fancy first.

When she was a child of somewhere between six and nine Turns old, came the day Thread returned to terrorise Pern once more—that horrifying silver rain from the pulsing Red Star in the sky—itself a tangible sign the 10th Pass had begun, a renewed onslaught for yet another fifty Turns of Pern’s history. Not that Mora would understand that just yet at this age, but still.

Eventually, at the age of around 11-12 ish, she began a SmithCraft apprenticeship. Which probably helped keep the teenage Mora out of trouble for a little bit—as she grew, she had also grown a penchant for getting herself embroiled in a fight, since she was already coming to the defence of those she saw as her ‘people’, even then. Mora soon discovered she had the Smithing knack, and found that she actually liked fixing things, especially some finicky items, and that she also enjoyed learning to craft metal into useful pieces for things such as knives and flamethrowers and whatnot. She practically flourished in the Craft; but then again, Smithing and mining were the only Crom-based livelihoods she’d ever known, so she had instinctively understood some of the ways of the Smith forges. Not everything, though, that required training and lessons.

Then the summer of Turn 2764 came, when the world was struck by a deadly Plague, one that spread all across Pern. Fortunately her family and most of her home Hold were survivors, though Mora was greatly saddened by the tragic loss of some members of Crom’s tight-knit community to the devastating disease. Among them some of her SmithCraft friends. Mora became even more protective of her people for a while after that grief-stricken summer.

The horrific memories of the plague slowly faded into the past as the Turn rolled on, and with it the news of the ‘Summerlands’ reaching them. How interesting! But it was not immediately relevant to Mora as of yet. It was merely a strange, faraway dream of greenery, dense jungles and sea all mashed up together—as described by the dry reports trickling in from the Weyrs, reports that hardly anyone in her Hold paid much notice to—which sounded all too distant and frankly quite foreign to her way of life, at least that’s what it seemed like to her. Crom was not exactly a place that had much in the way of trees, nor was it even anywhere near the seaside, after all. There was a river nearby, in terms of water sources, but that was about it, really. Plus, no greenery meant lower (to hopefully zero) chances of Thread burrowing and consuming everything; everybody knew that! Right?

Mora continued to train as a Smith over the next few Turns, until her 21st birthday arrived. Her parents gifted her a wher egg as a present; which soon broke open to reveal a beautiful little blue wherlet. Her heart was immediately captured by the newborn wrinkly but vibrant little creature, and so Mora proceeded to prick her finger so she could blood him—as she had seen some new handlers do at a recent Gather—and the bond between them was complete. She then knew that his name was Orask; and just like that, Mora of Blue Orask had become a wherhandler in her own right, with a wher of her own.

A Turn of wherlinghood—under the tutelage of some of the Hold’s older wherhandlers—seemed to go by in a blink of an eye, and then Mora found herself once more busily working away in her SmithCraft apprenticeship; it seemed like not much had changed, really, except now she had Orask by her side.

The next few Turns flashed on by, and soon Mora began thinking about that strange description of the place that had come to be known as ‘Semaca Weyr’. What must such a place be like? Some of her closest friends decided to transfer out down to the south, and Mora decided, well. Why not? She could use a change of scenery. Plus, the Weyr had just sent out a request for more crafters and weyrfolk etc etc to bolster its numbers (and give it some sorely needed support in a few areas). Why not, indeed.

And so Mora of Blue Orask decided to transfer down as well, to offer her skills. To travel on down to Semaca Weyr, where the humid jungles and the seaside waited; with its hidden danger of spotties, and pirates, and other potential dangers lurking..

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Last edited by Dragon_Dreamer_2018 on Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:27 am, edited 8 times in total.

Kreta of Blue Eseath (Equinox Wingleader, firelizard Leirath)

Xinia of Blue Yhargulth (firelizard Moonshine; originally HR, Impressed @ Fort)

Elgiibel of Green Elgiisk (firelizard Fireball Phoenix)

A’mi of Bronze Voidarth

Bolin of White Bolisk (originally of Igen. Firelizard NameHere)

D’ain of Brown Renouth (firelizard NameHere)

P’earl of Garnet Aemith (originally of Telgar. Firelizard Solar)

Candidate Rekka (originally of Southern Boll)


Viela of Green Oveceth (firelizard Treble; originally Fortian, Impressed @ HR)

L’ana of Brown Jomuroreth (firelizard Smoke)

Candidate Palindrome (firelizard Terret)

Bet’ti of Blue Trichath (feline Sushi; firelizard Evermore)

Emogi of Green Emogisk and Bronze Mogisk (firelizard Daisy Daze)


Trewyra of Green Orbith (originally of Igen. Firelizard Nexus)

Saekri of Green Paradisoth (originally of Ista; feline Felida)

Palico of White Himuroth (originally of High Reaches. Firelizard Sudsy)

E’nome of Blue Belleroth (Assistant Candidate Master; originally of Telgar. Firelizard Bubbles)

Weyrling Dew of Garnet Freth (originally of Ista; firelizard Moon)

Ranya of White Dayvith (runnerbeast Quilda; firelizard Haldanar)

Z’fyr of Brown Kintsugith (originally of Igen)
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NAME: Orask
BIRTHDATE Late Spring 2770
AGE: 05 as of Turn 2775

LENGTH: 12ft
HEIGHT: 5.25ft
COLOR: blue

Orask is not a very intimidating-looking wher. Practically the opposite of intimidating, in fact.

Blue Orask is tall for his colour, with a strong and trim body, and a long tail. He is built similarly to an equine, somewhat light-boned with a refined cast to his face, and a wingspan just barely long enough to allow him to glide, should he want to.

The majority of his body is painted a mid-afternoon summer sky blue, with a speckling of even paler, almost white colouring, which makes his hide appear to sparkle like a sun-struck gemstone, or an elaborately coloured glass statue. He is not in fact shiny, this patterning is merely an optical illusion. His other markings are simple; all four two-toed paws and the tip of his tail are dipped in a darker shade of blue, with the same summertime-ocean-blue tint coating both sides of his wings.


Orask loves Mora, but he is a quiet, snarky wher who insists he does not need her protection. (He often actually does, though. He likes to pretend he doesn’t; but Mora tends to see right through it. Especially in times of imminent danger.) He’d happily be snarky and brutally honest about others with his handler all day.

That said, however, this blue behaves more like a bundle of sunshine than a grumpy little ball of darkness, despite what he thinks. His demeanour most days matches the cheeriness of his hide, and he seemingly has decided it is his goal in life to make his bonded laugh sometimes with his antics. Frequently getting the laughter of others in the process. He likes really bad dad jokes (hi hungry, I’m Orask!) and just as equally terrible puns. Some days, it’s almost a competition to see who can get the other to roll their eyes more at each other.

He is also helpful, in that he will willingly fetch and bring back just about anything he can carry to his handler upon request; sometimes he’ll even bring her things that she didn’t ask for or need! This occasionally includes bringing back flowers or other people.

Orask also worries that Mora might get herself hurt—or into deeper trouble—as a direct result of her tendency to get into fist-fights on behalf of others, so he will oftentimes attempt to either mediate some of these incidents diplomatically, or attempt to look intimidating in other cases. More likely than not it’d blow up in his face, either way, but at least he tries.

Kreta of Blue Eseath (Equinox Wingleader, firelizard Leirath)

Xinia of Blue Yhargulth (firelizard Moonshine; originally HR, Impressed @ Fort)

Elgiibel of Green Elgiisk (firelizard Fireball Phoenix)

A’mi of Bronze Voidarth

Bolin of White Bolisk (originally of Igen. Firelizard NameHere)

D’ain of Brown Renouth (firelizard NameHere)

P’earl of Garnet Aemith (originally of Telgar. Firelizard Solar)

Candidate Rekka (originally of Southern Boll)


Viela of Green Oveceth (firelizard Treble; originally Fortian, Impressed @ HR)

L’ana of Brown Jomuroreth (firelizard Smoke)

Candidate Palindrome (firelizard Terret)

Bet’ti of Blue Trichath (feline Sushi; firelizard Evermore)

Emogi of Green Emogisk and Bronze Mogisk (firelizard Daisy Daze)


Trewyra of Green Orbith (originally of Igen. Firelizard Nexus)

Saekri of Green Paradisoth (originally of Ista; feline Felida)

Palico of White Himuroth (originally of High Reaches. Firelizard Sudsy)

E’nome of Blue Belleroth (Assistant Candidate Master; originally of Telgar. Firelizard Bubbles)

Weyrling Dew of Garnet Freth (originally of Ista; firelizard Moon)

Ranya of White Dayvith (runnerbeast Quilda; firelizard Haldanar)

Z’fyr of Brown Kintsugith (originally of Igen)
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-Mora needs a rank listed as a smith. She should be an apprentice since you didn't spend a trait to make her a journeyman.

-Mora needs a flaw.

-Note that if Mora is frequently beating people up, she will get in trouble for that. She's unlikely to frequently encounter situations that merit punching someone and if she does it without a lot of provocation, there would be IC consequences.

-What non-human friends would Mora have made?

-Not everyone at Crom is a smith or a miner. They still have cooks and farmers and weavers. It's a large hold and while smithing and mining are important parts of the economy, people do other things too.

-Why did Mora's parents give her a wher egg? She's been training as a smith and doesn't seem to have expressed any interest in becoming a wherhandler.
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