"It's my life."
NAME: Tamara
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2739
AGE: 28 as of 2767
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
WING: Moonshot
EYES: Blue-green, sometimes behind thick and not particularly flattering glasses
HAIR: Light brown and straight
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'0, curvy
PLAY-BY: Amanda Blackstone, Detective Pikachu
FULL APPEARANCE: Tamara is a full-grown woman who still looks like a kid. A combination of a short height and a baby face have her still frequently mistaken for a candidate a decade younger, much to her annoyance. Her eyes are blue-green and her hair is an unexceptional light brown. She has pale skin with more moles than is strictly possible and is a little overweight. Her bone structure itself is narrow but her build is soft and rounded. She is just about always smiling, even when she's nervous or upset, and her clothes tend towards the casual and comfortable. She has a pair of thick glasses that she needs to see but often forgets or loses.
PERSONALITY: Tamara wants to do things her way, right or wrong, good or bad. She's an adult and her own woman and sick and tired of being expected to be someone else. Or so she claims. She's just a bit too eager to please and afraid of disappointing people to be particularly good at being rebellious, but she tries. She wants to define herself and be seen as more than just another of Tamara's daughters but she also wants to help and do the right thing and be a good member of the weyr.
For a girl who lived most of her life under Golre, Tamara remains oddly innocent. She's a bit gullible and tends to fall for most sob stories she hears. She sees the world in black and white and while she's capable of intellectualizing the shades of grey, actually recognizing them in real life is harder. Because she does believe in right and wrong and despite her insistence she doesn't care what anybody thinks, she's a bit of a stickler for the rules. Children aren't supposed to have alcohol and bubbly pies are SUPPOSED to be limited to one!
Tamara is better at thinking than she is at doing. She's a smart girl, a lot smarter than most would assume at first glance, but she's also pretty clumsy and not particularly athletic. Coming up with plans and remembering lots of trivia? She can do that. Actually carrying that bag of stone? Harder. She has a terrible sense of a direction and the ability to get lost in a weyr she's lived in all her life.
Tamara is not a morning person. The one relic of her expectations of wherhandlerhood is a marked preference for later candlemarks.
Mother: Zeara, Wherleader
Father: Tam, Bronzerider
Plenty of half-siblings
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr
HISTORY: Tamara was born at Golre's High Reaches, to a bronzehandler and a bronzerider. Despite growing up in the creche, she knew she was one of the special ones- there were expectations that she would follow in her mother's footsteps. A girl couldn't be a bronzerider after all, golds were rare and anything else would be less than what she was capable of.
She mostly complied. After all, she knew that bad things happened to green and blueriders at High Reaches and why wouldn't she want to be someone respected and important and safe? At seventeen, she entered wher candidacy. It...didn't go well. Senior wherhandlers advised her that she was too soft, without the stubborn strength of mind a handler needed and too squeamish around violence. And with Golre discouraging women from wherhandling...someone so clearly unsuitable was a liability.
As she wasn't a crafter and High Reaches always needed candidates, she was quietly shuffled into dragon candidacy instead. Tamara was absolutely terrified. She'd seen what life was like for the "lesser" riders and knew she wasn't goldrider material. Several clutches went by without her Impressing and she began to wonder where exactly she would go and what she would do if she didn't Impress.
But it never came to that. When Tamara was twenty turns of age, blue Requeth found her. A fierce, scrappy, violently protective blue, he kept the bullies at bay and kept them alive as they came of age and entered the wings. They survived, even thrived, but when Golre left, they celebrated.
And Tamara swore she would finally become her own person and build her own life. She's still not quite sure what that means several turns later...but she'll figure it out.