"What a bunch of a-holes."
NAME: Faralyn
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Hot and dangerous. *wink*
BIRTHDATE: Winter 2740
AGE: 26 as of Fall 2767
OCCUPATION: Whatever pays, wingrider
WING: Twilight Wing
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Black, long, silky and curly
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'3, built like a runner, all long limbs and lean muscle
PLAY-BY: Zoe Saldana
FULL APPEARANCE: With her long legs, smooth caramel skin and silky black hair, Faralyn is stunning and she knows it. She dresses to accentuate her figure, in tight clothing, typically leather, with some eye-catching jewelry thrown in to draw attention to her curves and sparkling brown eyes. She favors dramatic makeup that accentuates her sharply drawn features and is rarely found without a bit of a smirk on her lips. It's easy to take her for just another piece of eye-candy, but the observant will note that she moves like a well-trained fighter and recognize the rest of the pretty package for what it is. A distraction.
PERSONALITY: Despite what you may have heard, Faralyn does have morals. They're just more...flexible than most people's. Weyrleaders, Lord Holders, Mastercrafters, she'll betray them all without compunction. Because they don't matter. Most people don't, honestly. The list of people she values is very small but she'll stand by those people through thick and through thin. The only problem is telling who those people are. Because faking a friendship or love affair? Totally within Faralyn's playbook. Hey if it works, it works.
Faralyn is very fond of her marks and not too particular about where they come from. You need a lift to a Lord Holder's private retreat? That'll be 50 marks. Need someone to steal your rival's new smithing contraption? 100. She's a rider now and takes her threadfighting duties seriously, because getting all of Pern eaten by thread would be a real a-hole move, but that doesn't mean she can't have a bit of extra-curricular fun now does it?
Despite what her appearance may suggest, Faralyn is not overly vain. She's well aware of her sex appeal though and fully willing to use it as a distraction when warranted. Faralyn is an excellent fighter, disciplined and well-trained, but perfectly happy to use dirty tricks if you leave yourself open to them. What? It's not her fault you're an idiot. She likes to win.
The one type of person Faralyn does have a genuine soft spot for? Harpers. She loves music and dancing and would never disrupt a performance. Because what do you think she is, some type of savage?
Father: Fartoo, Blue/brown wherhandler and generally absent from all things Faralyn
Mother: Darlyn, Green wherhandler and generally incompetent at all things Faralyn
Siblings: The Fartclan.
HISTORY: Faralyn was born in the middle of a war. Her mother was a wherhandler who continued to carry a torch for a man who had long since forgotten her, also a wherhandler. It was obvious from the start what Faralyn was supposed to be. A soldier and a wherhandler, another warm piece of cannon fodder for the weyr.
Yeah, forsk those shards. Faralyn took her training and ran. The day she turned fourteen, she was out, without even leaving a note to say where she'd gone. Wasn't like she was leaving much behind. Her mother was too busy with the war and her daydreams to notice her half the time. The creche workers had enough kids to worry about. And her friends were already lining up like good little soldiers, ready to die for weyr and duty. Faralyn didn't roll like that.
So she joined a trader caravan as a guard. The head guard was skeptical, to say the least, of this skinny fourteen year old weyr girl who claimed she could fight. But he tossed her in the ring with another new recruit, a twenty year old man twice her size, and told her to show him what she could do. Faralyn did. She was hired on the spot.
The war ended a turn later, but Faralyn had gotten a taste for the transient life, so she didn't go back. She kept traveling, spending a few months with a caravan here, another few in a hold there, a few in a crafthall when she got bored, offering her services as a guard, fighter, thief, spy or whatever else was needed to whoever could afford to pay. She wasn't picky.
One turn, a wealthy holder hired her to protect his daughter, who was going to Telgar Weyr as a candidate. As weyrs didn't exactly welcome hired guns roaming their halls, the easiest way in was as a fellow candidate. Faralyn was fully prepared to seduce or bribe a searchrider, but one took her right in, saying she had the right sort of mind or some such shit. Seemed her weyr blood was good for something after all.
She went in and followed the girl. Who was perfectly fine. She was at a weyr, not a holdless camp. Hatching day came and, despite her protestations that she wasn't really a candidate, brown Grooth decided that she was really his rider. Which was...not ideal. How was she supposed to head down to Ista before winter with a baby dragon in tow? She considered running away again but as she couldn't exactly feed a baby dragon on her own, she stayed. And transferred back to the Fort the moment she'd graduated. If she had to be stuck at a weyr for the rest of her life, she might as well be at the one near Harper Hall.