"True art illuminates the mind and lifts the spirit. It is the pinnacle of all human endeavors."
NAME: Th’ou born Thendou
PRONOUNS: He/him/his
ORIENTATION: Closeted gay
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2742
AGE: 25 as of 2767
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Brownrider, Journeyman Harper
WING: Stormlight
EYES: Green
HAIR: Blond
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'11, average
FULL APPEARANCE: There's something timeless and almost ethereal about Th'ou, as if he just stepped from some ancient battle or timeworn tapestry on the wall. He dresses formally at all times and greets everyone with a proper bow. His blond hair is always well-groomed and worn almost as long as a girl's and his fair skin is so smooth it all but glows. He's rather vain about his appearance and puts a good deal of time into maintaining it and presenting himself in his best light. Oddly for a man and a candidate, he wears scented oil at nearly all times, leaving himself smelling perpetually of rich spices and herbs.
PERSONALITY: Th'ou is an old soul. And that is not a compliment. He's pompous, hidebound and arrogant, wishing everyone would just stay in their proper place. His manners are impeccable but in that overdone sort of way that makes everyone else feel uncomfortable and while he would never be crass enough to admit it, everyone just knows he's looking down on them. He frowns on ambition of all sorts. The powerful should fall naturally into their place, as if blessed by fate or some higher power, and the meek should conform and find joy in their obedience.
He devotes much of his time to his craft, believing in the old school of artistic perfection. He prefers to spend his time painting, composing or playing the gitar instead of doing degrading manual labor, although when ordered by his betters, he will obey. He favors the ornate classical styles, in all his activities, and is quite the talented artist although he does not consider it a fitting life's work. When complimented, he will deem it simply a gift of fate, for it is wrong to claim credit for things beyond mortal ken.
Th'ou believes in the natural hierarchy of golds on top and whites on the bottom and no mutations or garnets anywhere in the picture. He tries to keep to his place as a candidate, although he hopes to someday rise above it, if fate wills. He knows should he not Impress, it will be his destiny to be a mere entertainment, his purpose in life to please his patrons. And he's okay with that. Fate will guide him and he will accept its hand, wherever it may lead.
Yendall, sister
Other siblings
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Hold
HISTORY: Thendou was born a man out of time. He didn't know it at first nor did anyone else. He was just another holder child, one of many siblings. He grew, he played, he learned and when he came of age, he Apprenticed to Harper Hall. For it was clear from early days he was talented with both gitar and paintbrush and that his fate lay amongst the gentler crafts.
It was there he first read tales of bygone days and started to change. The further he progressed in his studies, the more he seemed to regress in time, as if he could preserve the past by his own actions alone. He was deemed eccentric in the way of geniuses and left be to his own devices.
When he completed his Apprenticeship, he was stationed near home, at High Reaches Weyr. A dragon there took a strong liking to him and deemed him a suitable candidate. Never one to deny the whims of fate, Thendou accepted. All will be as fate wills and so all will be as it is meant to be.
- Late Spring 2767- Thendou, now Th'ou, Impressed brown Pavith