"I have a plan!"
NAME: Pasca
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
BIRTHDATE: Fall 2750
AGE: 21 as Fall 2771
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'3, slender
PLAY-BY: Malina (Emperor's New School)
FULL APPEARANCE: Pasca has big eyes, full lips and an expressive face that shows fairly openly just about everything she feels. Her hair is thick and very straight. She wears it long and is quite fond of putting little accessories in it. Otherwise, she mostly dresses to move, favoring light pants and practical shoes and clothes without the sort of little touches that could get snagged on one of Semaca's many trees.
PERSONALITY: Pasca is pretty casual about her holdless background. It isn't something she's proud or ashamed of. It's just where she comes from and if anyone asks, she'll tell them. If they have a problem with that, it's their issue. She's not going to lie just to make them feel better. Like the rest of her family, Pasca is comfortable hunting and tracking and generally looking after herself. She doesn't quite understand why Semaca has so many rules and restrictions, although she tries to follow them because so long as she's living there, she guesses they get to make the rules...Mostly. She's still got to have a bit of freedom, doesn't she?
Pasca has a solid head on her shoulders and fairly down to earth priorities. Right now, the best thing she can do is stay at Semaca with Ollie. The rest of her family have each other. If that changes, then she'll change with it. She doesn't have any grand schemes or ideas, just the things she needs to do now. She leans decidedly more to common sense than book smarts. Complicated intellectual challenges mostly just confuse her and some of what Semaca is doing seems to her like a bunch of people too enamored with their own intellects to have any sense.
Pasca has a wry sense of humor and tends to view everything that happens at the weyr with bemusement and from a bit of a remove. She doesn't consider herself really a part of it and doesn't take much of what's happening there all that seriously. She has trouble remembering names, calling most people she's not close to by nicknames based on what distinguishes them in her mind instead.
Father: Sikta
Mother: Gameda
Brothers: Ollie, Wendl, Ular
BIRTHPLACE: Somewhere in the wilds. Hard to say exactly where.
HISTORY: Pasca had a pretty happy childhood. She had a troop of fellow holdless looking out for her and a family she loved. She never really thought very much about what it would be like to have a hold and certainly never wished she did. She learned to help provide for and protect her family and even received a few basic Harper lessons from a woman who had clearly gotten very, very lost in her travels. It wasn't the easiest life but it was all she knew.
When Ollie announced he was a boy, not a girl as they had all assumed, Pasca, like the rest of their group, supported him, He was her family and if he said he was a he, well- she guessed he'd know that better than they could.
The return of thread posed the first serious threat their little group had faced. They could no longer travel freely but had to move between caves, saving the longer treks in the open for winter when thread did not fall. They adapted though and continued, more or less unaware of what was happening on the wider Pern.
When drought came, followed by fire, they struggled to find enough food to keep everyone fed. Ollie left, in the name of giving them one less mouth to feed, but Pasca stayed and did the best she could to help provide for their group. It was a long winter but they made it through and with the spring came new rain and a return to something closer to normal.
And then...Ollie came back, with a fancy boy and a fancy dragon who said Pasca could be a candidate. Pasca agreed to go with them, not because she particularly cared about strange southern weyrs or whatever they were going on about, but because her family was fine now and Ollie was alone. Their group had always stuck together. That was what made them strong.