"Maybe...there's a UFO that's landed near here!"
NAME: Natsuno, usually goes by Nat
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
BIRTHDATE: Late Fall, 1793 (Equivalent Early Summer, 2757)
AGE: Equivalent 16 as of 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Greenrider
WING: Mazurka Squad
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Light brown, worn short
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'4, slender and athletic
PLAY-BY: Natsuno Minami (13 Sentinels)
FULL APPEARANCE: Nat is a short girl with a runner's build, her body shaped by fifteen turns of preparing to run Pern's roads. Her skin is the lighter side, but will tan a bit as she spends more time at Semaca. She keeps her brown hair cut short and out of her way, usually held back with pretty hair clips and pins. Her style of dress is pretty casual. She generally wears the shortest skirt or shorts she can get away with, not because she wants any romantic attention but because Semaca is hot, she finds it more comfortable and it's easier to run that way. She mostly wears modern clothes from the pirates or Semaca's storerooms, not knowing how to make her own, but will wear clothes in the style of her own time if she can find a tailor who can make them for her.
PERSONALITY: Natsuno is a bright, friendly, cheerful girl, with an overactive imagination. She loves bad harper stories and outlandish rumors that border on urban legend and takes them all far too seriously. She's quick to jump to conclusions based on these sketchy sources of information or ideas she's made up. Nat is obsessed with dragons, outer space and between. She's convinced that between can do lots of interesting things no one has figured out yet or been brave enough to try, although after their last journey, Minamith has put firm limits on their experimentation. Nat thinks there are other worlds out there somewhere and would deeply like to go to or meet someone from one of them. Until given definitive proof otherwise, she will remain convinced the 10th pass is a parallel universe.
Natsuno is pretty weird, but she has a good heart beneath it. She's pretty accepting of other people and their own eccentricities and tries to fix the mistakes she makes along the way. She can be pretty impulsive and often doesn't really think things through. Nat is a very curious and quick to investigate new and interesting and exciting mysteries, which can land her in over her head. She can be pretty oblivious sometimes. Nat wasn't a candidate for very long and was never the best student, so she has some gaps in her rider knowledge.
Nat enjoys the 10th pass and is happy there most days, but she still wants to find a way to get home. She misses her friends and family. She knows they're probably worried sick about her. She's convinced there is a way- she just hasn't found it yet.
Runner Parents (7th Pass)
Runner Younger Brothers (7th Pass)
BIRTHPLACE: Runner Station near Telgar Hold
HISTORY: Natsuno was born in a runner station near Telgar Hold, near the end of the sixth interval, to a runner family and grew up expecting to fulfill her role as one of Pern's messengers. From an early age, she loved stories and rumors, the more outlandish the better. She developed something of an obsession with dragons, partly because dragons were cool, partly based on exaggerated stories about dragons she absolutely believed.
When Nat was Searched soon after she turned 15 for Telgar's newest gold clutch, it was the greatest day of her life. Thread started falling around the time Nat Impressed and she was ready to fight it- It would be scary and dangerous, but protecting Pern was the right thing to do. Plus she'd have a dragon friend to fight besides her!
She was a candidate for only a few sevendays before she Impressed Green Minamith, her new partner in crime and her best friend. The two weren't the best weyrlings, never the most focused in class and always a bit more interested in their own adventures than their studies, but they weren't the worst either and they graduated on time. They made friends with their classmates and fellow weyrlings and were excited for all the possibilities in front of them.
Not long after graduating, Nat spotted a blue firelizard with a weird harness, crying and apparently in distress. The firelizard went between before she could catch it and Nat and Minamith followed, all the way to the tenth pass Semacan Jungle! Tam of Green Tamsk found Nat there and helped her and Minamith find their way to Semaca. They also found the flit, who Nat kept and calls BJ, based on a flash of an image she doesn't entirely understand but assumed was BJ telling her his name.