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Thatch of Blue Kidagakath

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Thatch of Blue Kidagakath



"Oh, I swim pretty girl... Pr-Pretty good, pretty good. Sw... Good. Swim good. Pretty good. I swim pretty good."
Milo, Atlantis: The Lost Empire


NAME: Thatch
PRONOUNS: Nonbinary (they/them/theirs), also accepts masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Questioning

BIRTHDATE: Late Winter 2749
AGE: 27 as of 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Assistant Shopkeeper, Wingrider
WING: Chopin

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
PLAY-BY: Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
EXPY SOURCE: Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
At 5' 8" tall, Thatch is relatively short for his assigned sex, his build twiggy and his frame narrow. From spending time outdoors, his light skin is slowly taking on a tan, though he burns easily. Behind large glasses that help him see, his eyes are a rich brown color, as is his hair, which is kept short. Regarding his wardrobe, Thatch seems to prefer muted colors, usually seen in a neat tunic and breeches alongside his riding boots.

Thatch isn't someone you'll readily find making small talk or going above and beyond to engage others. Being rather introverted and perhaps a touch shy, he has trouble navigating social encounters, often stuttering while particularly nervous. Conversation is a trial, seeing as they struggle to establish a connection to others and doesn't like to talk about themselves; keeping things professional and speaking strictly about business is easier on them. Usually, he doesn't know what to say; everything was said for him until recent times. Though Thatch is a good-natured and kind person, a strong facet of his personality is his insecurity. Feeling inadequate, like he's always starting at a disadvantage, he pushes himself to do better than he did previously, invariably setting impossible standards for himself.

Thatch struggles to assert himself quite often, usually inclined to say nothing and accept what others say on his behalf, rather than stand up and speak for himself. As a result, he often bottles up his thoughts and emotions, choosing not to address them in favor of carrying on as though nothing happened. As much as he hates feeling like his voice isn't heard, he rarely takes action to remedy that himself. Thatch's feelings about his father are...complicated, so much so that he'd rather not acknowledge it at all. Kidagakath helps. Being bonded to such a strong dragon is a boon he didn't think he'd get to experience, that support that he had wanted for so long; he loves her more than all else. In spite of all his troubles, Thatch is a gentle soul and always means well in everything he does, though he still struggles to show it sometimes.

Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk - father - wherhandler/dishonest salesman - living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none to his knowledge
BIRTHPLACE: Some stretch of wilderness along a caravan's route
Thatch was born in some unremarkable part of Pern, his parents both part of a trading caravan. Though he doesn't remember much of his other parent, he still misses them sometimes, especially in contrast to what he now knows of his father. Regardless, he was too young to remember much of them or the bandit attack that drove them away, left in his father's care as they continued traveling, where Dunsmith eventually decided to stay in Ogren Hold. Life in a Hold was good for young Thatch, such stability important for a child his age, but while other children were playing, he was to stay close to home under his father's watchful eye.

Thatch didn't mind that at first, being an introverted sort who didn't naturally take to most activities children his age did. Seeing as he wasn't permitted to Apprentice as a Scribe as he originally wanted, rare as Apprentices were in a Hold so small, he rather took up keeping records for his father's shop as he grew older and more responsible. As a young man fond of order and literature, keeping Dunsmith's shop tidy and his ledgers organized was his pride and joy growing up. But as time went on, Thatch wanted more independence and opportunity, but both were stifled by Dunsmith's overprotectiveness and his inability to listen and let him for himself, leading him to believe that his father must know what was best for him and accept it.

That all changed after Thatch found his father's other ledgers, aged eighteen. It hurt him beyond words that his father, someone he trusted absolutely, was involved in such dishonest business. It was enough to push him to make his first choice of his own: to leave. All he left was a letter explaining his choice and telling Dunsmith not to come find him; he didn't stay to say goodbye in person, choosing to steal away like a thief in dawn's faint light. It was after that he realized he had little experience to carry him elsewhere, sheltered for so long. Realizing he had little recourse but to look to his roots for hope and comfort, he joined a small caravan as it left Ogren, putting his father and everything he had ever known behind him.

Whether it was fate or fortune, a Searchdragon of Ista found Thatch and chose him as a prospective Candidate. Of course, he accepted immediately; he would be a fool to refuse such an honor, an amazing opportunity. It would be three Turns later that he Impressed Kidagakath, a blue who showed him what a true bond could be and would always stand by him. Weyrlinghood was a trial in and of itself, but he succeeded and graduated well, thanks to her support. Life in Ista was comfortable and Thatch was happy, getting a chance to learn everything he had been denied, including his own self-expression.

But it seemed Dunsmith, as usual, had elected not to heed his request, trying to pull some strings and find him. Thatch wouldn't stand it, not again. Now that Kidagakath was old enough to transfer, he decided they would go somewhere Dunsmith had no connections: Semaca. It was a wild land, full of dangers and unknowns, but Kidagakath eagerly awaited what challenges awaited them. Thatch looked forward to exploring more of his new home as well, but he was hoping for some peace more so than a new adventure.

Well, unfortunately for him, a quiet future wasn't in the books.

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NAME: Kidagakath
BIRTHDATE: Mid Spring 2770
AGE: 6 as of 2776

LENGTH: 32 ft.
HEIGHT: 8 ft.
WINGSPAN: 48 ft.
HEX CODE: #a8edf9
A smaller blue than most, Kidagakath is light and lithe, making her a fast and agile flyer and fighter. While a dazzling crystal blue dominates her entire body, making her a radiant sight in flight, darker river blue paints bold stripes from her face all along her body to her tail, as well as her wing arms and strong shoulders.

Kidagakath is a warrior through and through. Born to challenge Thread and all else that would threaten Pern, she puts heavy emphasis on her drills and training, making her a skilled fighter and a boon to her wing. Though she can be cautious of those she considers outsiders, it comes from a drive to protect rather than something malevolent. Once roused to action, she's an incredibly aggressive and vicious dragon, as though she carries an entire Weyr's worth of rage in her body. Otherwise, she's quite a stoic and inwardly focused blue, a proud beast who's duty is to her Weyr; ever vigilant for danger, she's a brave soul determined to guard her home. Though she can be a difficult dragon on occasion, she respects most everyone within her Weyr on a basic level and accepts them readily enough.

Thatch gets to see who Kidagakath really is inside. Behind such strength she puts forward for everyone else to see, she's an intelligent dragon who's eager to learn, taking a great interest in her bonded's studies and a curiosity for knowledge as a whole. Unfalteringly and unwaveringly, she can be very kind and cares for those under her care like her own blood, showing a softer facet to her personality. While it's rare for her to express it, she can be a playful and fun-loving blue, especially toward Thatch. Kidagakath is always alert, making her quite resourceful and quick to adapt in stressful situations; she has an eye for finding every little detail. Oddly enough, she can be rather persuasive once she puts her mind to it and her company is often rather soothing; she has an uncanny sense as to what someone might need or want and will gladly adapt.

Kidagakath uses she/her/hers pronouns, but is biologically masculine.

VOICE: Kidagakath's voice skews feminine, strong and powerful.
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-"Life in a Hold was good for young Thatch, such stability important for a child his age, but while other children were going to Apprentice, he was to stay close to home under his father's watchful eye."

Most children of a small hold like Thatch's would not become apprentices. His staying home would have been pretty normal and not an exception.

-Where did Thatch go after he ran away and before the searchdragon found him? Why was High Reaches unsuitable?
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