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Neytiri of White Tirisk [RFR]

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Neytiri of White Tirisk [RFR]



"No one can teach you to See."
Neytiri, Avatar


NAME: Neytiri; previously N'iri
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Doesn't matter

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2740
AGE: 36 as of 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Dragonless, Squadrider
WING: Requiem

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
PLAY-BY: Thandie Newton
EXPY SOURCE: Neytiri (Avatar)
Neytiri is an impressive woman, standing at 6' 7" total and her build strong, but lithe and wiry. Between her warm brown skin, freckled from Turns of life under Semaca's sun, her eyes of burnt chocolate, and soft dark brown hair to her shoulders, she's quite an attractive woman, in addition to her physical prowess. For her wardrobe, she often gravitates toward airier garments, typically fond of sundresses, as well as other dresses, where appropriate, though she often readily wears a nice blouse and a skirt too. But should duty call, her fighting leathers are always at hand, well-kept and ready for action.

Though she was raised to follow Tradition and uphold its precepts, Neytiri is a woman defined by her experiences, not her upbringing. In her participation of Golre's war, fueled by a narrow mindset, that cost her father, sister, and her dragon, in addition to her Turns of seeing both good and bad in both beliefs, she's since adopted a more adaptable outlook. In fact, she can be outright defiant of commonly accepted norms and expectations, consistently defying authorities and disregarding orders she doesn't find in accordance of her own morals or beliefs. Though Neytiri can be incredibly headstrong and rigid, in addition to reckless and foolhardy on occasion, about things she feels strongly, she is courageous and loyal to those she cares about, willing to fight for them to every end. Though she's quite intelligent and eternally curious about new things, Neytiri fears change and every unknown it brings. In wake of such immense loss, she can be incredibly resistant and slow to respond to an alteration in her life, no matter how small.

Unfortunately, Neytiri is a very angry woman, exacerbated primarily as a result of losing her loved ones, her dragon in particular. It's quite easy for her to fly into a rage at those who wrong her or those she loves, and she cannot stand what she perceives as betrayal, especially from those closest to her. Once she trusts, it's steadfast, but should someone break that trust, her vengeance is assured. In addition, she often projects her negative associations on those close to whoever earned her ire; she doesn't always understand that she's forcing a son to pay for his father's sins, so to speak. On rare occasion, her nature to forgive can drive her to give others a second chance, but it's increasingly uncommon. Once she loses control of her emotions, it's like she's a different person altogether. Aggressive and outright hostile, she often finds it difficult not to resort to bloodshed in times of great stress. At heart, she's a warrior, and that's how she knows to engage others and her world: to fight. But in spite of her more vicious moments, she's a dutiful wherhandler, devoted mother, and loving weyrmate, willing to suffer every sacrifice for them all.

Eytukan - dragonrider - father - deceased
Mo'at - dragonrider - mother - living - open tie!
Sylwanin - dragonrider - older sister - deceased
Neteyam - Candidate - son [-21] - living - open tie!
Kiri - weyrbrat - daughter (adopted) [-22] - living - open tie!
Lotherak - weyrbrat - son [-22] - living - open tie!
Tuktirey - weyrbrat - daughter [-29] - living - open tie!
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: J'sully of Garnet Toruth [+4] - open tie!
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr
HISTORY: TW: death, death of dragon, grief
Neytiri was born to dragonriders Eytukan and Mo'at in 2740, in a High Reaches under Golre's rule. Being a proud bronzerider, Eytukan made sure to impress upon both his daughters from a young age that they'd grow up to Impress magnificent dragons and faithfully serve High Reaches Weyr. Excelling in her early studies, Neytiri indeed had her sights set on to presenting herself as a Candidate at fifteen Turns, but tragedy struck: Sylwanin, her older sister, was killed in a wartime skirmish in 2754, her dragon going between upon her death. Though such a loss left both her and her parents heartbroken and withdrawn, it made Neytiri more determined than ever to Impress and shoulder her sister's mantle; to see both her family and Weyr proud.

But Sylwanin had Impressed well, in High Reaches' eyes, and Neytiri did not; she had little care for such things at heart. In 2758, a bright little green hatched and chose Neytiri. Though she suffered scorn for attracting such a lowly color, seen as inferior in High Reaches' eyes, N'iri didn't care; Sezeth was all she wanted in a dragon. Between training to combat both Thread and other dragonriders, weyrlinghood was busy, but she graduated into her fighting wing unhindered. Though she'd known J'sully as Candidates, her training took precedence on her feelings, until he'd Impressed his garnet and completed his own weyrlinghood. Finding she could deny how she felt no longer and that those feelings were mutual, she took him for her weyrmate in 2760, but she was tragically robbed of her Sezeth in combat later that Turn. Dragon claws had inflicted mortal injury, causing her to crash-land; while N'iri survived, Sezeth didn't make it between, her neck broken on impact.

Losing Sezeth, being dragonless, left an aching void in her entire being. After being recovered by her wingmates and returned to High Reaches Weyr, N'iri was desolate. It didn't take long for her to drop her honorific in her grief, spending most of her time in her weyr or her weyrmate's arms, trying to will herself into a happier reality. But her actual reality hit her as she opened her eyes from restless sleep every morning: Sezeth was dead, her dragon eternally silent, nowhere to be found in her mind. As though things couldn't get worse, Golre and Vizeth declared formal war on Fort, personally leading her faithful bronzes in battle against them. Eytukan was listed among those bronzeriders who fell, her father paying for his Weyrwoman's hubris and his own.

But later that very same Turn, though she almost lost him time and again in her unstable health and her grief for both her dragon and her father, Neytiri gave birth to her first son. Neteyam gave her life new meaning, bringing a light to her world, a place she thought would be dark evermore. A Turn later, one of her old wingmates had her child, a daughter, but was fatally wounded in Threadfall not much later. Seeing as her father had been lost to Golre's madness some Turns ago, Kiri was in need of someone to love her in her parents' place. Neytiri stepped up, bringing her into her care shortly before giving birth to her second son, Lotherak. Mother to three children, she felt something close to happy again; though there would be no forgetting what she'd lost, she slowly began to heal.

Once Semaca Weyr was officially recognized and welcomed all able hands willing to join them, J'sully thought to accept and transfer, deciding it would do them all good to start somewhere new, to which Neytiri reluctantly agreed. Being a woman of routine, it was difficult to adjust, but she managed it; accepting a position among Semaca's weyrfolk, she did what she could to help her new Weyr, namely minding what few children needed minding, in addition to her own. A Turn after moving, she gave birth to her daughter Tuktirey, granting her a total of four wonderful children. Neytiri was happy in her own way, after all she'd lost, but Tuk wasn't all Semaca had in store for her. On an excursion that saw her almost beyond Semaca's safe borders, though she had J'sully and Toruth close at hand to protect her, Neytiri heard a sound and looked up to meet whirling facet eyes staring down at her. As he stepped from cover, she found herself facing a wild white wher.

But he didn't lunge and strike her down, as Neytiri thought he would. Rather, he decided she needed his strength, bowing before her to show she had nothing to fear from him; that he was hers, should she accept. Though shocked and overwhelmed, she agreed, cutting her palm to blood him, cementing a bond like which she thought had died in Sezeth. Tirisk was his name, he decided, hers as much as she was his, filling a void in her life that she had long since accepted would be ever empty. Though Tirisk's arrival was an incredible surprise for everyone, J'sully and all four children welcomed him. Tirisk repaid them by being a stalwart guardian of Neytiri and all that was hers. Once Neytiri and Tirisk graduated from training (something Neytiri thought she'd experience but once) and joined Requiem Squad, she's since served for about six Turns, through every challenge Semaca's jungles had in store and would present them in Turns to come.

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NAME: Tirisk
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2760
AGE: 16 as of 2776

LENGTH: 12 ft.
HEIGHT: 4.5 ft.
COLOR: White
HEX CODE: #2e2f3a
Muscular and strong, Tirisk is a powerful and intimidating wher, not to mention rather large for a white. Most of his body is as black as a starless night, but a silver-white coats his underbelly from throat to tail. In contrast, his spines and wingsails are a bright white color, as well as painting his body in blurry markings close to stars down his body from jaw to flank.

Tirisk is a wher that values his solitude, an independent beast who isn't afraid of what hides in Semaca's jungles, for he knows and trusts his own strength. Though he's rather hostile toward strangers and usually disagreeable as a whole, he can be remarkably permissive before his anger flares. Once roused to aggression, he's a vicious beast who kills easily and almost effortlessly, though he can still identify friend from foe, and does so readily. Though he often portrays himself as a dumb hulking brute, Tirisk is actually quite intelligent and something of a crafty sort, as well as incredibly particular on matters he has an opinion.

To his bonded, Tirisk is singularly devoted and loyal to every end. Incredibly territorial, he's quite touchy about his own space, but he also sees Neytiri's space, belongings, and children as his responsibility to protect and safeguard. An exception to that is her werymate, as neither Tirisk or J'sully see eye-to-eye, though he tolerates him for Neytiri's sake. Other than Neytiri and her children, he doesn't allow others into his space or touch him, brutally punishing those foolish enough to do so. Though he doesn't express love readily, he cares for Neytiri on a level few can match. No matter what, he'll ensure she has everything she needs to thrive, no matter who he must tear down to do it.

VOICE: Tirisk rarely speaks, but his voice is very low and harsh, like he's always growling. Loud and strong, his roar is meant to strike fear into those that hear it.
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