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Michelle of Blue Sprath [RFR]

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Michelle of Blue Sprath [RFR]

"Why is everyone so sentimental about old people? Old people are arseholes!"


NAME: Michelle
GENDER: Cis Woman
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2754
AGE: 23
WING: Daylight Wing
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'7", slender
PLAY-BY: Jamie-Lee O'Donnell
EXPY SOURCE: Michelle Mallon from Derry Girls

An averagely pretty young woman, Michelle does her best to stand out with a rebellious sense of fashion, including self-pierced ears, though she seldom has the jewelry to wear in them. She enjoys showing off her own body as much as she can, though she is somewhat constrained by societal norms, and sometimes copes with simply tying a midriff or trying a little extra rouge on her cheeks or lips.

Her curly hair is typically worn down, though she may occasionally wear a ponytail if forced, and her clothing is often slightly eclectic or flashy, to the extent her pocketbook and job allows.

PERSONALITY: Michelle is rebellious and at times cantankerous, butting heads with authority figures more often than not, leading to a latrine or kitchen scrubbing on more than one occasion. She tends to not obey without question, needing a reason to act rather than an order. She is unquestioningly loyal when that loyalty is earned, but one has to work rather hard to get past her tough shell first.

In her speech, she is crass and often vulgar. She is not afraid to fight her own battles, or for her friends, and fiercely when need be, but she doesn't typically pick a fight unless her or her dearest are not antagonized first. She will always try to get in the last word, but almost never resorts to physical conflict. She has a great sensitivity towards injustice, perceived or otherwise, and will fiercely argue things she believes to be unfair or unreasonable.

To her friends, Michelle is unwavering in her loyalty, though she does not spare them from her sarcasm or quips. She sometimes sees herself as the leader of the friend group, but is seldom motivated beyond gaining a better place for them all.

Sometimes a bit too eager for the spotlight, Michelle has an occasional tendency to overindulge in alcohol and can be quite the performer after a few glasses of wine.

Mother: Deirdre - Journeyman Healer
Father: Martin - Journeyman Healer
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Nobody permanent, yet.
HISTORY: Born to two Healer parents and with a strictly traditional upbringing, Michelle has sought to break the mold practically from her first breath of air. Rules were always harder to follow, and her constant "why"s seldom endeared her to the creche workers, who labeled her as a troublemaker from the start.

She didn't try to be trouble, exactly, but neither was she sorry for who she was and who she wanted to be, though she didn't exactly know what that was for a long time. For a time, she assisted her parents in the infirmary, but found medicine to constraining and just a little bit too sterile for her taste. She didn't really seem to have an affinity for any of the Crafts at all, and simply worked where she was needed.

She signed up for Candidacy when she was eligible, and for five long years it seemed like she wasn't quite suited for the dragons, either. At twenty, she practically fell asleep standing on the sands and awaiting yet another set of rejections, but a firm nudge woke her up. It was a wet hatchling blue with a set of waves on his wings and enough of a rebellious heart he headed straight for the girl who wasn't even looking at the eggs.

Three years after Sprath's hatching, they have settled into their full wing duties. Though, still neither of them like rules, and they will find plenty more to bend in the future.
Last edited by Calingaladha on Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
Fort Weyr

Alara of Garnet Alubrath
Edward of Bronze Warsk
Wafflous, the fighting cook
Weyrling Luisa of Blue Rhinusleth

Semaca Weyr
Saralia of White Nahangyth
Xanatos the Journeyman Smith
Garma of Green Vranath
Candidate Joffrey

High Reaches Weyr
Kovu, Herder
Mahi of Garnet Kubith
Candidate Nellie
Lark the Harper
G'ri of Brown Rookyth
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NAME: Sprath
BIRTHDATE Spring 2774
AGE: 3 as of 2777

LENGTH: 35 ft.
HEIGHT: 8.25 ft.
WINGSPAN: 50 ft.
HEX CODE: [color=#91B4C3#91B4C3][/color]
Sprath is a decidedly nautical-looking dragon. The base of his hide is a pale turquoise, but most of his body and the lower halves of his wings are covered in a marking that looks like a slightly-abstract painting of a wave. There's pale blue seafoam, cobalt-blue seawater, and pale spray.

Sprath's voice is high-pitched and a little on the rough side. For some reason he doesn't use "is" or "are" or "am" but instead substitutes "do be". He do be Sprath.

Sprath is a dragon that seems to just roll with the punches and go where life takes him. He likes his freedom, and takes a dim view of any restrictions on it, but if he absolutely has to he'll follow along until he can do as he wants again. Rules are little more than loose suggestions to him. He much prefers to be the one in charge if he can, even if he doesn't really have any specific agenda to advance with his leadership. With people he's friendly, almost overly so. He doesn't just want to make friends, he needs to be well-liked; he sees anything else as a vague threat, even where none actually exists.

He has a deep love of the water, and often bemoans his inability to actually fit on a boat. He speaks fondly of the hierarchies that he's certain must exist on a ship, even if he'd be terrible at actually staying within them himself. He is extremely protective of his home, and for the Weyr's sake he'd even take orders happily.

Sprath is wholly devoted to his rider, ranking them above even the Weyr, if only barely. He'd move mountains if he had to, in order to keep them safe and happy.

Fort Weyr

Alara of Garnet Alubrath
Edward of Bronze Warsk
Wafflous, the fighting cook
Weyrling Luisa of Blue Rhinusleth

Semaca Weyr
Saralia of White Nahangyth
Xanatos the Journeyman Smith
Garma of Green Vranath
Candidate Joffrey

High Reaches Weyr
Kovu, Herder
Mahi of Garnet Kubith
Candidate Nellie
Lark the Harper
G'ri of Brown Rookyth
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