First Sight- Fort Weyr, Early Winter, 2761 (Repost)
Essa liked the weyr. She'd liked it since she arrived, two turns ago. Sure, it was big and intimidating and full of too many people for her to recognize them all. But here she could do more or less as she wanted. She read. She trained. She slept. And she didn't speak to anyone who wasn't worth speaking to or answer questions she didn't care to. The other candidates had more or less lost interest in her when they learned she never said anything but the most basic of pleasantries. And that was the way she preferred things.
She'd liked Healer Hall as well, but there she'd been only a drudge and while she'd never been mistreated, she had seen the hidden contempt in too many eyes. She didn't want to be looked down upon. She just...wanted to be permitted to just be. To be herself. Without anyone trying to twist or change her or dig for secrets she didn't want to tell. And at the weyr, she'd found it. Or as close to it as she would ever come.
The one part of the weyr she didn't enjoy were the hatchings. There were too many people there, even more than the weyr normally held, from all over Pern. Barely a hatching went by when she didn't catch a few words in a familiar accent. Or see auburn curls like her brother's. Or blue-green eyes that could have been her own. One day, she was going to be caught. And on that day she'd be dragged home, candidacy or no candidacy.
Essa had considered dropping out a time or two but at 18 turns of age, she was too old to expect to ever move far in her craftwork. Dragonriding was her best chance of making it all worth it. To fight to be something, instead of not to be. So she stayed.
Her robes were neatly made, courtesy of two turns worth of modifications and improvements and the fine stitchwork her Ma had taught her. She'd never garnered much draconic notice and had no reason to expect this time to be different. None of the eggs had shown any more interest in her than they ever did. But it was the largest clutch laid in her time at Fort. And she didn't want much. All she wanted was a kind dragon, who would love her just the way she was and who she could learn to love in turn.
She stood near the back of the girls, angling herself so her face would be out of sight from the most of the sands. She knew it was stupid. She was hardly some long lost holder's heir being sought from across Pern. But she cared. And there were no dragons looking that way anyway.
A garnet hatched. Followed by a brown. Two greens. Another garnet. All Impressed to candidates on the sands. Essa clapped polite for their new riders.
The next egg to shake was an asshole. It hadn't even responded to her touch, when usually even the rude ones at least dignified her with a haughty sniff or a snap of anger.
And the dragon inside wasn't any better. It was a bronze, unsurprisingly. And a vainer and more stereotypical bronze she'd never met, she thought with wry amusement, as she watched him clean himself as carefully as a feline, as if his own shiny hide was more important than his rider to be.
Finally, he rose, going straight to the boys. He looked one over carefully, then the next, snorting in displeasure. And then he turned. His eyes met hers. And she could almost swear she saw a wry draconic smile as rainbows washed over his eyes, Ah. There you are, Essanora. Most inconsiderate of you, to position yourself so far away. I will take nourishment now. Followed by a bath. My shiny hide, as you put it, will not clean itself.
Essa's jaw all but hit the floor as she walked across the sands to pick her dragon up and get him fed. He...he couldn't possibly be as bad as he seemed, right?