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Fort Guide

Guides and information on the playable locations--Fort, High Reaches, and Semaca--can be found here.
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Fort Guide

Fort Weyr

The first weyr established on the northern continent, Fort Weyr lies in the mountains near Fort and Ruatha and is able to hold up six-hundred dragons, a population only Benden can equal. It has a moderate, subtropical climate with distinct seasons and is supplied by tithes from nearby Holds. It was built in the caldera of an extinct volcano before the colonists' machines stopped working. To this day, some of its oldest internal walls are smoother than anything made by human hands.

Fort's leadership follows the traditional hierarchy, with the goldriders and their dragons' mates serving as Weyrwomen and Weyrleaders. Riders of smaller dragons, however, can rise as high as wingleader and every rider is treated with basic respect. While bronzes and golds do hold higher rank, other riders are not sacrificed, seen as disposable or otherwise abused.

Fort has held the Peacekeeper title since it was established, with some brief breaks when the position was usurped by other weyrs. What precisely this means is a matter of some debate as other weyrs do not for the most part welcome Fortian interference into their internal affairs. But it is an honor many Fortians take pride in and Fort Weyr is determined to keep the planet from falling into war and chaos again.

Fort Hold

Fort Hold is Pern's oldest hold and remains one of the largest. It is built of stone kept carefully clear of all greenery. Fort is a hold of the traditional model, ruled by a single Blooded family for generations. The current Lord is a woman named Vellaren, who rules well and with a lighter hand than her predecessor.

The last lord, Evander, was a tyrant, using a corpse of armed guards to oppress his citizens. Many of said guards were wherhandlers who committed atrocities on his orders, so some Fortians are still distrustful of whers and their people. Scars of his time still linger and most remember what it was like to live under his iron thumb.

Fort Hold is the hold most closely linked to the nearby Healer, Harper and Beastcrafter Halls. Its climate is temperate, with distinct seasons, but it is prone to droughts.

Fort's people are a diverse mix of crafters, wherhandlers and unskilled laborers. Many cotholds are beholden to Fort and it is among Pern's wealthiest and most successful holds.
Essa of Bronze Gectusith
Hunter of Bronze Yndesk
Quinn of Bronze-White Louicyth
Wingleader S'bor of Bronze Yugoth
Allag of Brown Babyloth
Daphne of Brown Ogatath
ACM Estelle of Brown Jaehaeryth
Faralyn of Brown Grooth
Gymlin of Brown Glacendath
Ieyasu of Brown Ieyask
P'pin of Brown Palath
T'rin of Brown Celeth
Cole of Garnet Colsk and Blue Colodeosk
G'er of Garnet Neozeoth
Lily of Garnet Eridieth
N'ell of Garnet Pamith
Relli of Garnet Rellivask and Blue Relsk
Augury of Blue Velveth
Chrysanthe of Blue Bidath
Gellera of Blue Virtrath
Korra of Blue Raavath
Kyoshi of Blue Rugrunth
Miryem of Blue Riwenth
Thor of Blue Hinokath
Sam'in of Blue Salineath
Adora of Green Meilith
Elyron of Green Elyrosk
Kiriani of Green Tabesleuth
Wingsecond L'ir of Green Byth
Quintar of Green Task
S'atyl of Green Nineveth
Makoto of White Usakinth
M'ieln of White Hroth
Rhaenys of White Cosmiath
Wingleader Tyrion of White Voluntauth
High Reaches
Cynthia of Gold Eliask
Ce'na of Bronze Noath
Hela of Bronze Helsk and Brown Hesk
Azul of Brown Claarisath
Di'a of Brown Kasshuth
Dobby of Brown Kersuth
I'lir of Brown Belliorath
Ingrid of Brown Delinarth
Wingleader Myalla of Brown Enarth
Th'ou of Brown Pavith
Arya of Garnet Xrhuth
Wingsecond D'ark of Garnet Masreith
Duke of Garnet Legiath
Drusilla of Garnet Drusk
Squadsecond Tomas of Garnet Tomask and White Tsk
Weyrling Master Camilla of Blue Kamuith
Edda of Blue Katakurth
Jace of Blue Gallath
Jae of Blue Zappath
Sayla of Blue Sacroth
Sha'm of Blue Taarisoth
Stroud of Blue Strouth
Tamara of Blue Requeth
Ya'ra of Blue Dymrith
Yvaen of Blue Bolduth
Zhuli of Blue Zhusk and Blue Lisk
Kanon of Green Kibeth
Kip of Green Amizuth
Numann of Green Rannath
Raine of Green Spriggth
Wilred of Green Lresk and Blue Wilrsk
Sokka of Green Wintrath
T'ir of Green Blysith
Riku of White Taissath
Semaca Weyr
Arena of Void Oscamith
Alayna of Gold Wyzeth
Al'bus of Bronze Matanuth
Noor of Bronze Nuunieth
Schneizel of Bronze Damocleth
Athan of Brown Liraeth
Hermione of Brown Echoneth
K'zon of Brown Rurosuth
Sage of Brown Wisketoth
Shuri of Brown Motath
Varda of Brown Magmeth
Ei of Garnet Eisk
Karlach of Garnet Ussk
Ly'nk of Garnet Sakuyath
Maui of Garnet Mausk and Blue Mask
Uruk of Garnet Georsath
Artemis of Blue Phoebuth
Corleon of Blue Corleosk and White Corlesk
D'vir of Blue Cainhurth
Candidatemaster Naxen of Blue Anitoth
N'aya of Blue Ilouth
Point Rigel of Blue Cygneth
Ariel of Green Kshatriyath
Eleanor of Green Elsk
Eli'us of Green Sallith
Mi'wa of Green Ephiith
Natsuno of Green Minamith
L'ani of Green Haillenarth
Rhea of Green Rheask
Captain Vella of Green Vellask and Magma Vesk
V'rell of Green Peridoth
Wyatt of Green Emilith
Laera of White Tarth
Kowal of White Kowalsk
Pasca of White Judgmeth
R'tan of White Mazath
Steward Molly
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