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K'zon of Brown Rurosuth

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K'zon of Brown Rurosuth

"We'll be together, always. That's what friends do."


NAME: K'zon, born Kuzon
PRONOUNS: He/him/his

BIRTHDATE: Early Autumn 2749
AGE: 24 as of 2773
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Nocturne Wing

EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Black, always a little too long and a bit messy
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'8, twiggy
PLAY-BY: Aladdin
FULL APPEARANCE: K'zon is a short, skinny young man, who never quite grew into himself. Even as an adult, he looks a bit awkward and gangly, his limbs slightly too long for the rest of his body. K'zon has thick black hair that he can never quite get to sit neatly on his head and bushy, expressive eyebrows to match. His eyes are brown and lively. He favors comfortable, light clothes, that aren't too hot in the Semacan heat and enjoys wearing bright colors when he can. He's a bit of an amateur sewer and has decorated some of his clothing with his own work. He is not very good. The right sleeve of his riding jacket is decorated with embroidery. Nobody is quite sure what it's supposed to represented (K'zon would claim flowers)- but it certainly is colorful.

PERSONALITY: K'zon is a happy, cheerful person, eager to experience all life has to offer. He's a bit of a dabbler, quick try to anything that perks his interest but not dedicated enough to become truly good at much. He sews a little, he cooks a little, he once managed to make some rather bad wine and is interested in trying again if he can find more promising grapes. He thinks he's better at all these things than he actually is. K'zon can be a bit arrogant, in a low-key sort of way. He overestimates his own abilities and doesn't recognize how much of his own happy life was luck rather than skill.

K'zon hates sitting still and always eager to be in the middle of something, preferably something new and exciting. If someone is doing something in his general vicinity, he'll want to be involved, out of a mix of boredom and genuine curiosity. He is easily distracted from the things he is actually supposed to be doing.

K'zon is friendly and extroverted. He likes most people and is generally interested in what they have to say- People come from so many interesting places and have so many unique perspectives. His own opinions on much of anything are a bit of a mystery, even to him, as he's easily persuaded by the arguments of whoever it is he's currently talking to and tends to agree with whatever side he's heard last. K'zon doesn't really understand the concept of 'personal space' or 'alone time.' He himself always wants to be surrounded by people and activity and so introverts confuse him. He can unintentionally make quite an annoyance of himself, not recognizing when someone just wants to be left alone and continuing to intrude. While K'zon likes most people, he has a small handful of people he truly considers friends. Jamil, Rurosuth, his family, a few others. He can be quite clingy.

Mother: Kulina
Father: Maizon
BIRTHPLACE: Somewhere on the trading roads
HISTORY: Kuzon was born the eldest child to a relatively successful pair of traders. He was always their golden child- they thought he could do or be anything. They humored him, in whatever he wished to do, proudly displaying his latest childish attempts at handicraft alongside their real wares whenever they stopped at a hold. Kuzon believed these praises of his 'potential,' because they were his parents and surely they knew best.

Kuzon's earliest memories are of traveling Pern alongside his caravan. There was a (slightly) older boy there named Jamil. Kuzon considered him his best friend in the entire world. Kuzon always wanted to be by his side, to see what new adventure he was going to dream up or to just talk to him, in the moments of quiet. He was kind and smart and such a great trader and Kuzon wanted to grow up to be just like him. Kuzon always assumed Jamil thought of him as a friend too.

When the two boys were 15, an Istan searchrider came and recognized the potential in Jamil. Kuzon was proud of him, but not surprised. Jamil would undoubtedly make an excellent dragonrider of Pern.

But Kuzon, who had NOT been Searched would miss him so much. And surely Jamil was miss him too. It had always been the two of them, together, for as long as either could remember.

When Kuzon's parents offered to bribe the searchrider, Kuzon went along with it. Candidacy could be fun! And he'd get to spend time exploring a beautiful island weyr, besides his best friend. Even if he couldn't Impress, candidacy would be an adventure and an experience and he could find something else to do at the weyr once he got tired of it. Surely Ista would have a use for one of his many talents. It was a little dishonest, but it wasn't really hurting anyone.

Kuzon thrived in candidacy. There were so many different things to learn and try. He dabbled in a number of different crafts, considering apprenticing, but none really stuck. He even enjoyed the chores- He got to learn the best way to change glows, how to dress a wound, how to clean a latrine...His parents showed up for every clutch he stood at, to cheer him on. They remained thoroughly convinced he would Impress and become a dragonrider, because their son was special. He didn't Impress, clutch after clutch, and neither did Jamil. Kuzon didn't mind- he was happy being a candidate and thought he could rather like being weyrfolk, when the "rider" thing inevitably didn't pan out. It'd be like being a candidate, minus the lessons and the clutches, forever. And Jamil would surely take him for lots of rides on HIS dragon.

And then, one clutch, everything changed. Kuzon had, as usual, glued himself to Jamil's side. A brown looked straight at the pair, eyes bright with rainbows, and Kuzon had already started to hug and congratulate Jamil when he heard the voice instead in his own head, I've been looking forward to meeting you, Kuzon. My name's Rurosuth, but I'm guessing you already know that.

Kuzon, now K'zon, was shocked and delighted by his new partner. He spent the rest of the hatching sure Jamil would Impress too and they would be classmates and riders together.

Jamil didn't Impress and barely spoke to him after the hatching. He left soon after, without a word. K'zon didn't understand what he'd done wrong.

K'zon's focus soon turned to learning to be a rider. K'zon and Rurosuth learned to work together quickly and the more K'zon learned about his dragon, the more he adored him. The pair completed weyrlinghood without incident and graduated through the wings. Their early threadfalls went quite well, through luck as much as skill, and the pair made new friends with wingmates and classmates.

K'zon enjoyed being a rider, but never forgot his friend. When he learned a classmate had spotted Jamil at Semaca, K'zon counted down the days until he could transfer to join him. Surely by now, no matter why he'd left, Jamil missed him and would be delighted to see him again. And the southern continent sounded like an exciting place. K'zon and Rurosuth would doubtlessly enjoy all it had to offer.

K'zon applied for transfer the day he became eligible and flew down to Semaca as soon as he was approved. He considered joining Chopin Squad, as he had always enjoyed those sort of chores in candidacy and that'd probably give him the most opportunities to work with weyrfolk like Jamil, but he recognized that Rurosuth would miss fighting and he wanted his dragon to be happy. He joined Nocturne Wing, because Rurosuth would miss threadfall if he didn't.
Essa of Bronze Gectusith
Hunter of Bronze Yndesk
Quinn of Bronze-White Louicyth
Wingleader S'bor of Bronze Yugoth
Allag of Brown Babyloth
Daphne of Brown Ogatath
ACM Estelle of Brown Jaehaeryth
Faralyn of Brown Grooth
Gymlin of Brown Glacendath
Ieyasu of Brown Ieyask
P'pin of Brown Palath
T'rin of Brown Celeth
Cole of Garnet Colsk and Blue Colodeosk
G'er of Garnet Neozeoth
Lily of Garnet Eridieth
N'ell of Garnet Pamith
Relli of Garnet Rellivask and Blue Relsk
Augury of Blue Velveth
Chrysanthe of Blue Bidath
Gellera of Blue Virtrath
Korra of Blue Raavath
Kyoshi of Blue Rugrunth
Miryem of Blue Riwenth
Thor of Blue Hinokath
Sam'in of Blue Salineath
Adora of Green Meilith
Elyron of Green Elyrosk
Kiriani of Green Tabesleuth
Wingsecond L'ir of Green Byth
Quintar of Green Task
S'atyl of Green Nineveth
Makoto of White Usakinth
M'ieln of White Hroth
Rhaenys of White Cosmiath
Wingleader Tyrion of White Voluntauth
High Reaches
Cynthia of Gold Eliask
Ce'na of Bronze Noath
Hela of Bronze Helsk and Brown Hesk
Azul of Brown Claarisath
Di'a of Brown Kasshuth
Dobby of Brown Kersuth
I'lir of Brown Belliorath
Ingrid of Brown Delinarth
Wingleader Myalla of Brown Enarth
Th'ou of Brown Pavith
Arya of Garnet Xrhuth
Wingsecond D'ark of Garnet Masreith
Duke of Garnet Legiath
Drusilla of Garnet Drusk
Squadsecond Tomas of Garnet Tomask and White Tsk
Weyrling Master Camilla of Blue Kamuith
Edda of Blue Katakurth
Jace of Blue Gallath
Jae of Blue Zappath
Sayla of Blue Sacroth
Sha'm of Blue Taarisoth
Stroud of Blue Strouth
Tamara of Blue Requeth
Ya'ra of Blue Dymrith
Yvaen of Blue Bolduth
Zhuli of Blue Zhusk and Blue Lisk
Kanon of Green Kibeth
Kip of Green Amizuth
Numann of Green Rannath
Raine of Green Spriggth
Wilred of Green Lresk and Blue Wilrsk
Sokka of Green Wintrath
T'ir of Green Blysith
Riku of White Taissath
Semaca Weyr
Arena of Void Oscamith
Alayna of Gold Wyzeth
Al'bus of Bronze Matanuth
Noor of Bronze Nuunieth
Schneizel of Bronze Damocleth
Athan of Brown Liraeth
Hermione of Brown Echoneth
K'zon of Brown Rurosuth
Sage of Brown Wisketoth
Shuri of Brown Motath
Varda of Brown Magmeth
Ei of Garnet Eisk
Karlach of Garnet Ussk
Ly'nk of Garnet Sakuyath
Maui of Garnet Mausk and Blue Mask
Uruk of Garnet Georsath
Artemis of Blue Phoebuth
Corleon of Blue Corleosk and White Corlesk
D'vir of Blue Cainhurth
Candidatemaster Naxen of Blue Anitoth
N'aya of Blue Ilouth
Point Rigel of Blue Cygneth
Ariel of Green Kshatriyath
Eleanor of Green Elsk
Eli'us of Green Sallith
Mi'wa of Green Ephiith
Natsuno of Green Minamith
L'ani of Green Haillenarth
Rhea of Green Rheask
Captain Vella of Green Vellask and Magma Vesk
V'rell of Green Peridoth
Wyatt of Green Emilith
Laera of White Tarth
Kowal of White Kowalsk
Pasca of White Judgmeth
R'tan of White Mazath
Steward Molly
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    Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:38 am
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”If you have something to say, say it while you're still alive.”
-Carlos (Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma)


NAME: Rurosuth
BIRTHDATE Early Winter 2768
AGE: 5 as of 2773

LENGTH: 50 feet
HEIGHT: 13 feet
WINGSPAN: 72 feet
COLOR: Brown
HEX CODE: #665343
FULL APPEARANCE: While not at the maximum size, Rurosuth seems larger than he actually is. He’s long and tall, sure, but his bulky figure creates an illusion that he is, overall, even larger than he actually is, in terms of measurements. Despite his strong muscle structure, he is well proportioned, with features that are strong, even blocky. Rurosuth will always enjoy athletic pursuits, and building muscle will never be a problem for him.

Flames lick his brown hide, his body a burning blaze. His claws are streaked with soot. Gray-browns rise from the flames like smoke, with burnt ashes scattered over his wings and head.
PERSONALITY: Rurosuth is friendly and kind, a dragon who one would struggle to dislike. Despite his strength and power, he is gentle and patient, often seeking to support others in whatever he does. Despite his considerate, thoughtful nature, he has a strong personality, tending to rush into danger to save others. Rurosuth is passionate about saving and protecting others; he is an extremely protective dragon in general, despite maintaining a relatively laid-back attitude. He doesn’t want any appreciation or praise, he just wants to make sure everyone else is happy and safe. Rurosuth doesn’t mind missing out if it means that someone else can shine.

He is a very chill dragon, when not faced with dangerous situations. Laid-back and calm, he nonetheless works hard and throws his all into everything he does. He doesn’t always think things through all the way, but makes good snap judgments and thinks quickly. While impulsive, Rurosuth always tries to speak from the heart and be as honest with himself and others as he can be. As an extremely caring dragon, he trusts easily and tries his best to protect others. He has no qualms about risking his own safety in threadfall, if it prevents another from bearing injury, and may require guidance from his rider to reel him in. To his rider, he will be patient and gentle, while encouraging them to be their best. He would do anything for them, and will make sure that they reach their goals, assuming he agrees with said goals.

Rurosuth enjoys athletic pursuits and works well in rescue-type situations, though he will throw himself fully into whatever tasks he is given.

Link to extra/original art

Dragon written by Pan.
Essa of Bronze Gectusith
Hunter of Bronze Yndesk
Quinn of Bronze-White Louicyth
Wingleader S'bor of Bronze Yugoth
Allag of Brown Babyloth
Daphne of Brown Ogatath
ACM Estelle of Brown Jaehaeryth
Faralyn of Brown Grooth
Gymlin of Brown Glacendath
Ieyasu of Brown Ieyask
P'pin of Brown Palath
T'rin of Brown Celeth
Cole of Garnet Colsk and Blue Colodeosk
G'er of Garnet Neozeoth
Lily of Garnet Eridieth
N'ell of Garnet Pamith
Relli of Garnet Rellivask and Blue Relsk
Augury of Blue Velveth
Chrysanthe of Blue Bidath
Gellera of Blue Virtrath
Korra of Blue Raavath
Kyoshi of Blue Rugrunth
Miryem of Blue Riwenth
Thor of Blue Hinokath
Sam'in of Blue Salineath
Adora of Green Meilith
Elyron of Green Elyrosk
Kiriani of Green Tabesleuth
Wingsecond L'ir of Green Byth
Quintar of Green Task
S'atyl of Green Nineveth
Makoto of White Usakinth
M'ieln of White Hroth
Rhaenys of White Cosmiath
Wingleader Tyrion of White Voluntauth
High Reaches
Cynthia of Gold Eliask
Ce'na of Bronze Noath
Hela of Bronze Helsk and Brown Hesk
Azul of Brown Claarisath
Di'a of Brown Kasshuth
Dobby of Brown Kersuth
I'lir of Brown Belliorath
Ingrid of Brown Delinarth
Wingleader Myalla of Brown Enarth
Th'ou of Brown Pavith
Arya of Garnet Xrhuth
Wingsecond D'ark of Garnet Masreith
Duke of Garnet Legiath
Drusilla of Garnet Drusk
Squadsecond Tomas of Garnet Tomask and White Tsk
Weyrling Master Camilla of Blue Kamuith
Edda of Blue Katakurth
Jace of Blue Gallath
Jae of Blue Zappath
Sayla of Blue Sacroth
Sha'm of Blue Taarisoth
Stroud of Blue Strouth
Tamara of Blue Requeth
Ya'ra of Blue Dymrith
Yvaen of Blue Bolduth
Zhuli of Blue Zhusk and Blue Lisk
Kanon of Green Kibeth
Kip of Green Amizuth
Numann of Green Rannath
Raine of Green Spriggth
Wilred of Green Lresk and Blue Wilrsk
Sokka of Green Wintrath
T'ir of Green Blysith
Riku of White Taissath
Semaca Weyr
Arena of Void Oscamith
Alayna of Gold Wyzeth
Al'bus of Bronze Matanuth
Noor of Bronze Nuunieth
Schneizel of Bronze Damocleth
Athan of Brown Liraeth
Hermione of Brown Echoneth
K'zon of Brown Rurosuth
Sage of Brown Wisketoth
Shuri of Brown Motath
Varda of Brown Magmeth
Ei of Garnet Eisk
Karlach of Garnet Ussk
Ly'nk of Garnet Sakuyath
Maui of Garnet Mausk and Blue Mask
Uruk of Garnet Georsath
Artemis of Blue Phoebuth
Corleon of Blue Corleosk and White Corlesk
D'vir of Blue Cainhurth
Candidatemaster Naxen of Blue Anitoth
N'aya of Blue Ilouth
Point Rigel of Blue Cygneth
Ariel of Green Kshatriyath
Eleanor of Green Elsk
Eli'us of Green Sallith
Mi'wa of Green Ephiith
Natsuno of Green Minamith
L'ani of Green Haillenarth
Rhea of Green Rheask
Captain Vella of Green Vellask and Magma Vesk
V'rell of Green Peridoth
Wyatt of Green Emilith
Laera of White Tarth
Kowal of White Kowalsk
Pasca of White Judgmeth
R'tan of White Mazath
Steward Molly
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