"You will never touch my children again!"
RETIRE INFO: Adopt. Her family needs her
NAME: Molly
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Thoroughly taken.
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring, 2715
AGE: 52 as of 2767
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Steward, cook, general handy-woman
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Red, starting to show some grey
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'4", pleasantly plump
PLAY-BY: Julie Walters
FULL APPEARANCE: When poor orphaned children picture their ideal mother, they might envision someone not too different from Molly. Her body is soft and comfortable to hug or lean against and her brown eyes overflow with gentleness and compassion. Her fair skin has started to wrinkled and her once bright red hair is going to grey at the edges, but there is still an energy and vitality to her that suggests she can solve all the world's problems- or at least put it in a good attempt.
Whatever claims to fashion Molly might once have had were abandoned long ago. She dresses for ease and comfort, in long flowing skirts and soft tunics, in patterns that don't always match. Most of what she owns has been patched up at least once, usually more, and bears some stains from flour or ink or other things found in Semaca's lower grottos.
PERSONALITY: If the concept of "home" ever decided to take human form, the result would probably look a bit like Molly. She's every bit as kind and warm as she looks, with a smile and a cookie for any who need her. She loves her children and her family absolutely and is happy to extend that affection to all. And if she sometimes shows that love with badly knitted sweaters and other embarrassing displays? Well...that's part of being a mother.
Beneath the softness though lies a backbone of pure steel. Molly takes no nonsense, from her children or anyone else. No woman raises seven semi-successful children by being a pushover. She knows her family and her colleagues well and has little patience for any trouble. She won't hesitate to scold or punish, even if others are around and watching. It does her children no good not to face consequences, after all. Otherwise how will they learn?
There is a protectiveness at Molly's core. She won't let anyone or anything hurt her loved ones so long as she has the power to stop it. She can be surprisingly intimidating when she's in the mood to be. She shelters her children from as much as the world's cruelty as she can. Because she loves them and Molly is first and foremost a woman who fights for what she loves.
Son - Bill
Son - Charlie
Son - Percy
Son - Gred
Son - Forge of brown Onjuth
Son - Ron
Daughter - Ginny of Green Elencith
HISTORY: Molly was born of an old Istan line, the child of two riders. There was little out of the ordinary in her childhood. She played, she learned, she did chores and when she came of age, she stood as a candidate. It was there she met Arthur. She knew from their first conversation that he was the love of her life. It wasn't long after that she realized she loved him, and the future they could build together, more than she wanted to be a dragonrider. She wanted to marry him and have children and spend her days doting on her family, instead of watching them from a distance as they grew up in the Creche and she risked her life fighting other weyrs and eventually Thread.
So she quit. And proposed to Arthur the very next day. Not just a weyrmating, but a marriage, as holders had, the two of them together for the rest of their lives. To her delight, he agreed and Arthur and Molly became husband and wife.
Children followed soon after, one after the other, a small army of six red-haired sons and a single daughter, Ginny. Molly adored and was exasperated by them in equal measure, but did her best to raise them all as good people she could be proud of. It didn't matter whether they chose to become riders or handlers or neither, so long as they were kind and moral and brave and happy.
Molly herself worked in the Lower Caverns, first as a Cook, later as an Assistant Headwoman. It wasn't the most glamorous job, but she loved it. She got to help make the whole weyr a home for its people, including those who had no doting parents of their own.
For the most part, her children did stand and Impress in their time. In Ginny's case- a little before her time to stand had strictly come. She was proud of them and while the thought of them fighting thread worried her, she was coping. Until Emma decided to send three of her babies, her precious babies, to backwater Semaca as spies. They stayed away for long enough she started to worry. She hadn't raised her children to be anyone's pawns.
And so she decided her and Arthur would simply have to go themselves and make sure they weren't getting into too much trouble. When she found Semaca's lower caverns, or grotto, as they called it, disorganized and leaderless, she took command. Because somebody had to. Her babies could not live in the midst of this chaos!