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Who wants the stick?! Go get the stick! [Fel]

A big open space, this leads to the jungle as well as having a small farmed area and space for feeding and training!
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    Sat May 04, 2024 7:36 am
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Who wants the stick?! Go get the stick! [Fel]

Hanging out in the bowl with a big cup of klah and a setting sun providing an exquisite backdrop was Radagast, fresh from his bed with matted hair and smelling something fierce. Alatar would get onto him later for his grooming skills (or lack thereof) later, to be sure. His weyrmate was insistent on bathing him every other day at the very least.

Not that he complained. Wink nudge.

With his love still groggily dozing and his watch due to start shortly, Radagast was content to bask in the diming light with Radask. Who was, at this moment, approaching his handler with a very large stick that may as well be a tree trunk.

Throw! The blue dropped the thing at his feet and sat there expectantly. His tongue lolled from his mouth. Radask was certainly a mutt in a past life. Even his butt wiggled! Throw stick!

"You expect me to lift that up?!"

Throw now! Radask jumped to all fours and let out a rumbling half-bellow, leaning onto his forelimbs with anticipation.

Ohhhh! Radagast set his mug aside and used all his strength to heft the thing up and toss it - just a few feet. But that was enough! Radask scooped it up and pranced around in high steps around the weyrbowl to flaunt his victory!

Radagast sighed, and sat, and picked up his mug -


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    Sun May 05, 2024 6:14 pm
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Heidrun thoroughly enjoyed her duties with Mazurka Squad. Finding new things? More than worthwhile. Coming back with her hair—what there was of it—more green than blonde thanks to a misstep into an algae-coated pond? Perfectly fine. Smelling like said algae-coated pond... less pleasant. She wanted to clean up and get changed, eat, and sleep in an actual bed after three days away. In that order.

Finnith walked beside her. Sort of beside her. The blue was incapable of walking in a straight line. Not physically, but mentally. Everything was too potentially interesting and would draw his attention. Even if it was only for a few moments, it was enough to draw him off course. Especially when that something was—

Playtime? Finnith asked, bounding up to the much smaller blue wher and his oversized stick. Is it reallyreallyreally playtime? Can I play? CanIcanI?

Especially when that something was playtime.
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    Wed May 08, 2024 11:41 am
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"Ah, see, there!" Radagast was a little more than relieved to see the blue and her rider striding up. That dragon definitely looked keen on joining whatever the wher had planned! "Lookit, you got a buddy to play with. Why don'cha share?"

Share?! Preposterous! Radask yoinked the log into his maw and trotted, cheekily glancing over his shoulder at the dragon. Dragon must take! Radask no just give!

With a bubbling laugh, Radagast placed his palm alongside his mouth and said to Finnith in an aside, "He's tryin' to egg ya into chasing him - oh my Faranth, what cesspool have you fallen into?" He held his gut while chortling at Heidrun's unfortunate hue. "So green! Are you ill?"
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    Fri May 10, 2024 4:02 am
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Finnith was not the most graceful creature on land, but he was more than happy to galumph off after the blue wher. The way the gangly blue moved was almost impressive, all flailing limbs as he followed the stick. I'll take it then! I'm taller and can run faster! Muchmuchmuchfaster! That was, in fact, rather doubtful... but Radask was weighed down by the massive stick.

Heidrun shook her head, gesturing out off toward the jungle and then to the somewhat obscured colors of Mazurka Squad on her wing badge.

«Can you understand sign?» she signed. It would be easier than trying to explain anything in writing... or via Finnith while the blue was already more than a little distracted by his game.
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    Fri May 17, 2024 11:58 am
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That galumphing blue! He was gaining on Radask with all his size adding to his gait. The wher picked up the pace, holding the big log as high as his thick skull could manage.

Faster to catch meeeee! Go figure, the clumsy oaf wasn't looking where he was going and plunked right into a hole. One he'd dug up earlier, as it were! Looking for bones ... or voles. Honestly who could tell what was going through his mind then. Still, it was deep! Radask was stuck! His tail was in the air! Radask trap!

"Ahhh, you'll be alright!" The blue wher was in no danger! He was just stuck because the log was wedged in and he wasn't going to let go. Poor boy would figure it out eventually! Radagast looked over the one in his presence, mentally smacking himself for not realizing her scars. Her dragon's wings had a strange form to them. Several realizations clicked into his head all at once. "Oh yes! Of course!" His hands shot before him, forming several shapes and signs as he picked up on the cues. «I do! You must be Heidrun? I am Radagast. That is Radask. You look a proper mess! Why are you wet?»
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    Sun May 19, 2024 7:54 am
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Doesn't matter how fast you go, I'll just go faster! Finnith crowed, still chasing the wher. Who suddenly dropped out of sight, which was very confusing because he was pretty sure whers couldn't go Between. They couldn't... right? Right? He skidded to a baffled stop.

Trapped where? I can send help! he called, marveling at how close the wher's mind voice sounded. He would have expected one who went Between to sound more distant than that.

Heidrun shook her head at the wher and dragon, then looked back over at Radagan. «I am. And my dragon is Finnith. You don't have to sign though, I can hear, I just can't speak. And I fell into a pond. A very stagnant pond. With algae.»
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    Sun May 26, 2024 1:42 pm
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Radask's tail was swinging out from the hole that was his new home. Thrashing, actually. He didn't like being upside down. But he would. not. let. go of that STICK! Radask see dirt! Radask become one with gophers!

OH OH! Maybe that's what dug the hole! Drool trickled down his jaw, effectively slicking up the wood and, well ... If something were to yank on him, he was gonna come loose real quick.

"Radask, whatever sees you from below is gonna have a tiny little heart attack!" The thought of some rodent locking eyes and immediately dropping dead from fright sent the old man into a fit of cackles. Shrugging off his long and rather ... smelly ... long coat - something for which it was far too hot out for! - Radagast held it out for the unfortunate blue rider. "Go ahead and dry off! A little green isn't gonna make that coat look any untidier kyaah kyaah hah!"
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    Tue May 28, 2024 5:26 pm
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Gophers...? Finnith asked, momentarily confused into actual quiet for once. However, it didn't take him long to spot the tail sticking out of the hole—blue tended to stand out against... well, everything. He would know. Wait, I thought you went between but you didn't, you tricked me! Is it hide and seek now? I like hide and seek, it's a good game! But why did you say you were trapped? Can I try the hole? Is it comfortable?

At least both blues appeared to be easily entertained, Heidrun thought. She shook her head at Radagast's offered coat though. «I'm not cold. Actually I think being damp might be better. Semaca is still hot to me, even though it's been Turns.»

She didn't think she would ever get used to the climate here. But what else was she supposed to do, return to Fort to mourn a brother who had died thinking her long since killed in Threadfall? Be stuck in the ground crew doing no exploration and never seeing anything interesting? No, she was much better off here at Semaca... even if sometimes the heat was rather uncomfortable.
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    Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:23 pm
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If fits, you can sits! Radask was inviting the blue to dive into the hole with him! Shamelessly wiggling in uncontrollable fervor, excited at having a new bestie get stuck in this rut with him. Can dig for gophers! Super tasty!

"No, NO." Welp that did it! Radagast rose, dusting himself off doing absolutely nothing for the level or grit caked onto his clothing. "Faranth, they're bleedin' toddlers. Radask that dragon is huge compared to you - yer gonna be a flat whercake if he gets in there with ya! 'Scuze me, bud ~ "

He shrugged in front of Finnith and seized Radask's tail as close to the base that he could without falling in himself. He groaned! He grunted! He began sweating bullets! Then he wheezed and relented. The wher wasn't even budging!

"Threadscore, Rad! You got good n' wedged in there! Sure you can't dig up?"

Huuuhhh ... He dangled his foreclaws at the dirt below him, but he still had a good distance ahead and the stick was keeping him propped up. Nope!

His handler leaned over, trying to catch a good look at the situation. "That stick's keepin you from slidin' down. Can't you cleave it in half with those chompers?"

A petulant whine. But then stick be gone!!

"Oh shells, ya fool!" Radagast grabbed at the wher's tail again, this time glancing at Finnith over his shoulder. "Whatcha say big blue? Can ya grab onto me and help pull? Ya ain't gonna hurt me. Thick coat, see?"
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