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Noani of Blue Banajeth

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    Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:11 pm
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Noani of Blue Banajeth



" Are you asking why human beings eat potatoes in general, sir? ”


NAME: Noani (“Noah”, “Tuber girl” according to her siblings)
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers

BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2746
AGE: 21 as of Early Fall 2768
WING: Daylight Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark auburn
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5’10”, solid
PLAY-BY: Sasha Blouse (Attack on Titan)
Noani is slightly taller than average, with a solid build and somewhat short limbs for her height. She’s a little on the busty side, with broad shoulders and hips. Her face is wide, with slightly-chubby cheeks, and she has a little bit of a baby face, occasionally passing for younger than she is, at least where the face is concerned. Her eyes are a medium brown, and not especially large. Her lips are narrow and don’t seem to have much color to them. She’s slightly on the tan side, and gets darker in the sun, which she tends to spend quite a bit of time in. Her hair is dark auburn and extremely thick, cut to around her armpits but usually mostly held back in a ponytail, with only her bangs and a couple of shorter, broken-off bits in the front left out.

While she’ll wear pants most of the time for practicality, she’s actually rather fond of skirts, and will wear them in most of her free time. This includes any free time outside, though she has no compunctions about lifting a skirt up over her knees if she needs to in order to keep it out of a stream or an especially muddy patch of ground.

Noani is an extremely independent, stubborn young woman who follows her own orders and might consider listening to someone else. Eventually. Maybe. If they prove themselves to be competent, compassionate, and unlikely to get her killed. She’s not especially good with authority figures, and is very poor at following orders to the letter. She’ll probably get the task done, but she’ll get it done in her own way. She’s also not especially good at working in a group, and will refuse help outright if it’s not explicitly meant to be a group task, taking it as an insult to her own competence.

She likes to talk tough, acting as though she’s not afraid of anything. However, she’s actually a bit of a scaredy-cat, and when there comes a time that she needs to back up her claims, she’ll generally just freeze up or run. She’s especially not good in the face of something that’s physically threatening her, such as another person, or an angry animal.

Noani’s biggest weakness is food. She loves food, a lot. She’s especially fond of tubers, but really, she’ll take just about anything that will comfortably fill her belly. No matter who the food might actually belong to, if she’s hungry and she spots food, she will take it. The best gift a person could ever give her is food, and she usually gives other people food as gifts as well (though she will often expect them to share said food with her afterward). She enjoys cooking when she has no other way of getting food prepared, but it’s really just a means to an end.

Anitara, Mother, Farmer
Kannoxo, Father, Farmer
Older brother, Raxo
Older sister, Kannara
Older sister, Taraka
Younger brother, Nianno
Younger brother, Tarno
BIRTHPLACE: Cothold east of Ruatha
Noani was the fourth of six children born to a pair of cotholders slightly east of Ruatha, in the mountain foothills. The holding wasn’t much, just some farmland near a stand of hardwood trees that were mostly owned by Ruatha itself, but for the family it was home, and not one they would have traded for anything else. For the most part, Noani grew up helping her family in the fields and becoming known as a bit of a thief whenever anyone cooked tubers. If she saw them cooling, she would take them and run off to chow down on them. She loved tubers, to the point that her siblings would call her “Tuber Girl”. One time she even tried to feed an entire pile of raw tubers to a visiting wher, who was not the slightest bit interested in the “extremely generous gift”.

Though she did grow up during the tail end of the war, she has very few memories of any raids, and those vague and fuzzy at best. However, she is aware of the fact that she experienced some, and her older siblings have better memories than she does of those times. Because they lived near the forest, when their crops were plundered they were able to survive off of wild game until more could be planted. In fact, because of these times, Noani actually found that she prefers hunting to farming, because hunting results in food far more quickly than farming does, which requires waiting months for plants to grow.

When she turned 17, a Searchdragon actually showed up at their little cothold, and much to Noani’s glee, she was Searched, and her siblings were not. She spent several hours taunting them for that (much to the exasperation of the rider in question, who seemed to briefly doubt his dragon’s decision) as she gathered her things and said her goodbyes, and eventually headed to Fort Weyr. She’s pretty sure she has to Impress now, because there’s no way she can show her face at home again without a dragon after the things she said to her siblings.

  • Stood at a Hatching and was rejected
  • At her second Touching, made it quite clear that she wasn't interested in one particular egg
  • That egg's dragon, of course, proceeded to choose her. She didn't reject him, though it was a near thing, and she is now bonded with Banajeth
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NAME: Banajeth
BIRTHDATE Early Winter 2764
AGE: 3 Turns as of Early Fall 2768

LENGTH: 35.5 ft
HEIGHT: 6.5 ft
Banajeth is a smaller blue, and a little on the 'not terribly intimidating' side. He doesn't look like he will ever be particularly intimidating or strong. And he is pretty squishy. Sure, there is muscle underneath his skin, but smooshing his face is pretty much the best thing ever. Every time someone smooshes his cheeks, he squeaks. Every. Single. Time. He is very short for how long he is, about as big as a green despite being a decent length with an average wingspan. But he is a little sweetheart. He is a steely blue all over, with dark, denim blue markings that make him absolutely stunning. The dark blue colors large parts of his face, in large geometric patterns and intricate markings. Each one is accented with a beautiful sky blue, giving him great, almost glowing shapes over all of him.

Banajeth has a surprisingly deep voice for his size. He gets flustered easily when teased about Minevath.

Banajeth is the most precious cinnamon roll ever to grace Pern. He believes deeply that there is good in everyone, and that he can change the world. He believes that everyone has potential, and is incredibly devoted to the idea that anything is possible. However, he is prone to self-doubt and blames himself if things go wrong. That said, he is very supportive of those around him, believing in the best that they can do or be. He has the cutest little crush on Minevath, and is a little shy and sheepish around her, but he will leap into the sky without hesitation to protect her. Seieith is another dragon that he wants to look after, the two of them some of the greatest friends. He worries more than anything for the other, aware that life has not and will not be easy on his friend.

To his rider, Banajeth is incredibly codependent. He doesn't even realize it. More than anything, he needs to be needed. That's all he wants, to be needed. Even when he says that, he doesn't really understand that it isn't quite healthy. He is still incredibly supportive and caring, putting the needs of others far before himself. Though, he is not a pushover, and there is one incredible strength to him. He has not qualms with telling off larger dragons or getting into fights to make them back off or stop. He is dangerous to sleep next to, as he will curl around next to the nearest warm body and latch on, jokingly called 'The Badger Trap'.
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