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Tzilai of Green Charith

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    Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:55 pm
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Tzilai of Green Charith


" Well if you can’t get what you love
You learn to love the things you’ve got
If you can’t be what you want
You learn to be the things you’re not
If you can’t get what you need
You learn to need the things that stop you dreaming "


RETIRE INFO: Retire Tzilai / Adopt Charith
NAME: Tzilai
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Panromantic Asexual

BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2745
AGE: 23 Turns as of Late Fall 2768
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
WING: Requiem Squad

HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 4'10", scrawny
Small and scrawny, with eternally messy dark hair and a habit of trying to make herself look even smaller than she really is, Tzilai sometimes looks almost like a half-feral feline, giving almost everyone she meets untrusting stares. Her face is somewhat round, though her features are surprisingly small and fine given such a round face. Her eyes are a dark brown and when she isn’t busy looking at everyone to make sure they aren’t plotting against her somehow, her face often bears a slight smirk. Those who know Erro might notice that Tzilai bears an extremely strong resemblance to her.

She absolutely hates skirts and dresses, preferring to wear pants or, even better, no clothing at all, though even she knows that walking around naked in the company of others is a poor idea. Save for the coldest days of winter, she also refuses to wear shoes, and the soles of her feet are hard and calloused. She seems to have no fashion sense at all, and isn’t always aware that she’s wearing colors that clash, or that her pants are entirely too large, though most of the time she wears drab-colored clothing, the better to avoid being seen in. She has a large scar from being scored by Thread on her right shoulder and partway down her back and upper arm.

Tzilai is supremely untrusting, taking quite a bit of time to get accustomed to new people and places. However, once she decides someone is trustworthy, she becomes almost clingy, following them around like a lost puppy because she isn’t really certain where else she should go. She still half-expects even those she deems trustworthy to betray her, and will be quick to betray them herself if she finds it necessary.

She’s more comfortable outdoors than in, and sees no problem with walking around outside during Threadfall so long as she’s out in the open where she can watch for Thread directly overhead; dragons get most of it anyway. That particular failing aside, she has strong survival instincts, and will do whatever it takes to continue living. If her life were on the line, she would break every conceivable taboo in order to survive. While she prefers to tell the truth to people and convince them of her viewpoint, if she feels even remotely threatened, she’ll immediately resort to lying and, in more dire circumstances, violence. However, she’s terrible at actually manipulating people successfully, and is awful at making up plausible-sounding lies.

The darkness is something that she’s not particularly fond of, and she has a habit of starting small fires in her quarters at night in order to keep them lit whenever she can get the fuel, being more accustomed to that than to the light of glows. She also tends to squirrel away food, hiding leftovers from her meals in her pockets, even occasionally taking things off of other people’s plates if they aren’t paying particular attention. Giving her food is also the quickest way to gain her trust.

She hates spending time on grooming, considering it to be a waste of time in which she could be doing something more productive, like ensuring that she’s going to be able to eat her next meal, or finding hidey-holes in the Weyr where nobody else could find her. In general, she won’t bathe unless told that she needs to, which is thankfully fairly often because kitchen workers are expected to be rather clean. Her hair she keeps cut fairly short, no longer than her chin so that she never needs to comb it, and she would probably curse at anyone who tried to actually get a comb through it, since it’s usually full of knots even at that length.

Father, Matzi, Holdless
Mother, Naolai, Holdless
BIRTHPLACE: A cave near Bitra Hold
Though both would forever swear to their daughter that they were innocent, Matzi and Naolai were both branded Holdless and cast out from Bitra Hold when the knife that had killed another man was found in Matzi’s possession and Naolai claimed that a woman who had, in fact, been eating dinner with the Lord Holder at the time of the murder, had planted the evidence on him. The pair, of course, held a considerable grudge against the dead man for winning a bet that they didn’t particularly want to make good on. The fact that Naolai was six months pregnant was of no consequence, though she did try to use it to her advantage, claiming that she couldn’t possibly travel in her condition. Their daughter was born three months later in a cave only two days’ walk removed from the Hold proper.

Tzilai was brought up to trust nobody, especially not those wearing Bitran colors. They were, after all, the enemy, the ones who had cast her innocent parents out despite their protests. Her parents taught her to be like themselves, ruthless and suspicious, doing whatever it took to survive and then some. Her mother was, in fact, quite accomplished at sneaking around in the dark, plucking what she might need from Trader caravans, and her father would go out to watch over her and make sure that she made it back safely; Tzilai wasn’t to ask about where the occasional injuries came from, or what became of the people who had caused them.

They moved around quite a bit, never staying in the same area for long, and especially avoiding the eyes of riders overhead. You never knew when they might be High Reaches riders who, it was rumored, would take just about anyone to further their war effort, even those who bore the mark of the Holdless. In this manner, they generally managed to avoid most of the war, and didn’t even become aware that it was over until well after the fact.

When she was eleven, Tzilai left her parents, instead striking off on her own, though she wasn’t really certain then just how she could survive on her own. Her father had insisted that she sneak up on a smaller cothold’s old and somewhat-inattentive watch-wher and kill it, telling her that it was the surest way for them to eat that night. She was less convinced of that fact, and instead of doing what he asked, fled, having no taste for violence when she’d seen plenty of berries in the woods nearby. She never saw her parents again.

The first few months were hard. She foraged for what she could get, and trapped a couple of wherries and furbeasts for their meat. At least she knew how to start a cookfire, and how to find the driest wood so that it gave off as little smoke as possible. However, she went to sleep hungry as often as she did with a full belly, and she spent far more time than she would have liked to admit looking behind her to make sure that her parents weren’t following her. Eventually she found her way to a more temperate climate than the mountains she’d spent most of her life in, and she stayed there, eventually learning that she was somewhere on the borders of Igen Weyr’s territory, in an area little cared-for since there were no nearby holdings, and she rather preferred it that way.

She spent the next few Turns simply trying to survive. Another Pass started up shortly after she found a cave to call her home, and she quickly learned that very little Thread made it to the ground during a Fall, and that the easiest way to avoid the Ground Crew afterward was to ensure that she made it to an area unaffected by the Fall, usually a cave about a mile away that was in a completely barren area that would never harbor a burrow; she would have made that her home permanently, but there was little to be found there in the way of food. Few riders ever seemed to look down during a Fall, and if any ever saw her, none came looking; or at least, none managed to find her afterward. Only once was she scored, leaving a deep scar on her right shoulder, arm and back before she remembered to jump into the stream she had been following for safety. After that painful reminder, she always watched the sky.

For the most part, she managed to avoid contact with other people entirely. Only once did she approach a hold, when she was sixteen, and that was when she was so ill that she wasn’t entirely certain what she was doing, or if it was a remotely good idea. She later decided that it probably wasn’t an especially good idea, especially given the amount of suspicion she drew, and she left as soon as she felt well enough to walk the distance back to her little hidey-hole of a cave. Still, the cotholders knew she was there, and that felt inherently unsafe, so she left.

She eventually found her way back to the mountains, though the different foliage told her that it was not the same area that her parents had usually favored; she didn’t know where she actually was, if she was to be perfectly honest, until one day a Fortian dragon landed right in front of her and she couldn’t run.

  • Ended up living permanently at Fort Weyr
  • Wanted to learn everything and didn't manage to settle on a single Craft; found that she actively disliked many of them, but it didn't stop her from wanting to learn all about them anyway.
  • Eventually became a Candidate because Impression seemed to be the only way to learn about dragons
  • Stood for a few Hatchings, became convinced that due to her past and parentage that she was unsuitable for a dragon
  • Impressed to Charith, who is her opposite in just about every way. As a result, the two bicker. A lot.
  • Transferred to Semaca, which is less... crowded.
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    Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:55 pm
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NAME: Charith
BIRTHDATE: Late Winter 2763
AGE: 4 Turns as of Early Fall 2768

LENGTH: 26 ft
HEIGHT: 6.5 ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #387747
While not the smallest dragon in the clutch Charith is rather dainty and elegant. Her legs are thin and slender, her face is pointed like an arrow, and her tail is thin. Her wings are narrow and she is an incredibly graceful dragon. She is a soft green all over, with such gorgeous markings. Her wings have darker, evergeen markings, long bands of color with sharp, diamond patterns crawling over her wingsails. The same markings are all along her hind legs. There are also light, minty markings around her face like some odd flower mask, and her forelegs and tail seem to be covered in lace. Her ridges are also the same light color.

Charith is a dragon who seems to have come from some long-lost haughty and high-class family. She always seems to be greater than other dragons, but she is very humble. She does not long for some leadership position or to rule, she simply wants her life to be her own. She has quite an eye for finding valuables or finding important resources. She also hates being dirty, absolutely hates it. Mud is a vile thing and should be struck from Pern! She can be quite the prissy princess, not liking such things as dirt or hard labor.

To her human, Charith is a big sister. She is an incredibly generous dragon, willing to give out as much as she can for one person. Even if it's something that ends with work, she will do it in order to help someone else. Even if she worked hard to get something, such as a scarf, or a treat, or something of that nature, she'll give it up if someone is more deserving than herself. For as prissy as she can be, she is a very gentle dragon who loves her siblings and her human. Her temper is slow to anger, but she will never hold back if she must defend someone she cares about or call someone out.
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    Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:56 pm
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NAME: Flit
BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2763
AGE: 3 Turns as of Late Fall 2767

Flit is a rather small blue, built for speed and agility for sure. His wings are on the short side, giving him maneuverability at the cost of strength and speed. He's bicolored, with his wings and the upper part of his body being a bold royal blue, and his lower half being a bright sky blue. The two colors meet in a wavy sort of pattern, as though a reverse of the ocean meeting the sky.

Flit is well aware of how cute Tzilai thinks he is, and takes every advantage he can as a result. He's clingy and doesn't like to leave her side, and will stare and whine pathetically until she hides him in her clothing if she's going somewhere he's not supposed to be. He's devious, but mostly uses it to get treats out of his owner, though he'll occasionally go to other people if she's trying too hard to get answers about how flight works out of him.

He has an adventurous streak, so long as it means he doesn't have to go far from his owner, and he loves to be brought to new places and try new foods. He seems to be especially fond of fish and bugs, and the lake is one of his favorite places when it's not frozen over.
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