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Letters, Never Sent

A place to put drabbles, one-shots, theme challenges, letters to other characters, and other assorted in-character bits.
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    Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:36 pm
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Letters, Never Sent

Post any letters your characters may have written that they never sent, kept in a journal, burned, hid away....
    Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:50 am
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A scrap of parchment can be found folded into a tiny square and shoved at the back of Journyeman Healer Lisbet's clothing chest. It appears to have been balled up and the un-balled before being folded, uncharacteristically untidy compared to the rest of her things.

Dear Ludo,

Leaving the Healer Hall was suggested as the next step for being a Journeyman, but I know plenty of Journeymen who never left. I must admit some trepidation; I suppose you will have heard about the attacks by now. I wonder, did you think of me?

It's sort of pathetic, isn't it. Writing a letter I'm never going to send to a man who has probably moved on -- you've always been popular with the girls. Ren never would learn your rooms; I'm sure it's on purpose.

The truth is, I don't want to write my family, because I don't want to tell them I'm afraid. I've heard C'fyn is down here, but I haven't seen them, and frankly coming in to an attack from the spotteds has me on edge. I've heard tell they're big enough here to attack a smaller green or a white, and they're certainly big enough to attack and kill a person. Three deaths, Ludo; it's unprecedented, as far as I'm aware. If they'd known this sort of thing was common, I doubt Keates would have pushed me so hard to come here.

There's something deeply wrong with this place. It makes me uneasy. Do you know, I walked into the Dining Cavern to find a bunch of taxidermy crudely arranged? It sounds like a juvenile sort of prank, but with the funerals being held so soon after, I found it ... off color, you know?

I've got a bad feeling about Semaca Weyr, and I'd never say it out loud or anything, but there's part of me that wants to beg a ride from a Dragonrider and ask to go home. Foolishness. This is a good opportunity for me, especially given ...

I miss you. I miss the smell of your hair and the shape of your hands -- the foolish, little things that I know you'll never miss about me. I miss the way you looked at me, like you never even saw the knot. You saw right through me, ever since the first time I met you. At the time, I thought you were irritating. I still think you are irritating.

I'm only homesick, really. Semaca is never quiet; not truly. I can hear the night-birds crying out, the thousands of bugs and strange rustlings in the forest beyond the Weyr, the bugling of the dragons when they get it in their heads that noise must be made... there's no library like there was at the Healer Hall. I mean, there is a library, but it's not like the one at home. The food here's different, too; a lot more fish and fruit and spice. I can tell you plainly, I do not miss your weird eating habits -- plain oats with salt every morning, you are and always have been a madman!

But I knew what we were from the start of it. It wasn't like you didn't warn me.

Ridiculous. I am ridiculous.
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    Wed Oct 16, 2024 8:06 pm
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A forgotten letter in Allina's weyr. Or at least, perhaps she would like it to be forgotten.

Mother and Father,

I know it's been some years since we've spoken. Not since I was Searched. I've tried to write you many times since then. (The following is crossed out) It has been diffic...I don't know-

I would like to introduce you to my dragon, Donnelith.

The letter ends abruptly.
Fort Weyr
Allina of Brown Donnelith
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