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Threadfall Record

Guides and information on the playable locations--Fort, High Reaches, and Semaca--can be found here.
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    Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:35 pm
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Threadfall Record


Season: Late Fall
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Notable Events:
  • None


Season: Early Spring
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Notable Events:
  • A green in Aurora Wing is killed (Hadley of Green Edith)
  • Aurora Wing suffers several serious injuries

Season: Early Fall
Link: Link to Post
Notable Events:
  • A blue in Daylight Wing is killed by Thread (L'vi of Blue Ersith)
  • Aurora Wing again suffers several serious injuries
  • Twilight Wing's wingleader, A'dre of Brown Malikath, is killed
  • A blue in Twilight Wing is killed in a collision (D'tia of Blue Alloth)
  • A bronze in Midnight Wing is killed by Thread (T'jen of Bronze Lobeliath)


Season: Late Spring
Link: Link to Post
Notable Events:
  • First on-screen Threadfall for High Reaches
  • A High Reaches greenrider is killed by Thread (Nereida of Green Eth)

Season: Late Fall
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Notable Events:
  • Hecate of Almandine Cabadath is "killed" by Threadfall, not to be seen again for several Turns
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    Sat Jul 11, 2020 2:43 pm
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Season: Early Spring
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Notable Events:
  • A Firestorm brownrider was killed by Thread (B'ian of Brown Alleluth)

Season: Early Summer
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Notable Events:
  • Fall was over High Reaches territory only
  • A Starfall white (Ougamith) is killed by Thread

Season: Early Fall
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Notable Events:
  • A Firestorm brown (P'lon of Brown Chimaeth) is killed by a crash into burning trees


Season: Early Spring
Link: Link to Post
Notable Events:
  • A Daylight Wing blue (Heidrun of Blue Finnith) is "killed" by Thread, not to be seen for several Turns
  • Fort's Senior Weyrwoman, Danse of Gold Macath, is killed in Threadfall.
  • Four Fortian pairs - Danse of Gold Macath, Elsa of Brown Tizaketh, Siala of Brown Nehth, and Re'laur of Brown Vaugnairth - collide disastrously, going Between to what will later become Semaca. The brownriders are all presumed dead.
  • Two High Reaches pairs - Morrow of White Sheoth and Shalla of White Venoth - collide and end up in what will later become Semaca. They're presumed dead.

Season: Early Fall
Link: Link to Post
Notable Events:
  • A Daylight green pair (Brexley of Green Kalcerith) is killed when they run into another dragon's flame
  • The Weyrlingmaster's dragon, Quth, is killed by Thread
  • A Twilight green pair (Morrigan of Green Feranath) is killed by Thread
  • A Starfall blue pair (Vasmeera of Blue Majereth) is killed by Thread


Season: Early Spring
Link: Link to post
Notable Events:
  • Fort Weyr has to deal with extremely windy conditions, leading to many injuries
  • An Aurora wing blue, Gearath, is killed by Thread
  • An Aurora wing green pair, M'len of Green Leyshath, is killed by Thread
  • The Weyrleader's dragon, bronze Keramerth, is killed by Thread
  • High Reaches has terrible visibility, leading to many injuries
  • A Starfall blue pair (F'lix of Blue Jeiuneuth) is killed by Thread
  • Sunburst Squad's leader's wher (Gold Lennask) is killed when she falls into a Thread burrow
  • First on-screen Threadfall for what will later become Semaca

Season: Early Fall
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Notable Events:
  • Midnight Wink
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    Sat Jul 11, 2020 4:45 pm
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Season: Early Spring
Link: Link to post
Notable Events:
  • None

Season: Late Fall
Link: Link to post
Notable Events:
  • Twilight Sing


Season: Early Spring
Link: Link to post
Notable Events:
  • A member of Fort's Healer's Wing (Ellea of Garnet Nightengath) is killed in a collision
  • A member of Fort's Healer's Wing (Inara of Blue Inarassk) is killed when a dragon patient kicks her, causing major internal injuries
  • A member of Starfall Wing, Asuka of Green Ayanath, is killed by Thread
  • A member of Moonshot Wing, Vash'ti of Blue Aerisoth, is killed by Thread
  • High Reaches Healer's wingleader, Na'ri of Green Kasheth, suffers a heart attack and dies
  • A member of Mazurka Squad, Neeka of Blue Raiboth, is killed in a cliff collapse while exploring.


Season: Early Spring
Link: Link to thread
Notable Events:
  • High Reaches has several serious injuries, especially in Moonfall Wing.

Season: Late Fall
Link: Link to thread
Notable Events:
  • A member of Dusk Squad, Fortran of White Forsk, is killed when falls into a burrow
  • Starfall Wing is devastated by Thread, with no one unharmed, several seriously injured, and one pair (L'ten of Green Shestith) killed.
  • A member of Semaca's Healer's Wing, Al'une of White Shayith, dies of a brian aneurysm during the Fall.
  • Cygneth causes a rockslide, causing problems for some of Mazurka Squad.
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    Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:20 am
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Season: Late Summer
Link: Link to thread
Notable Events:
  • Daylight Wing suffers a large number of casualties, including the Wingsecond. The Wingleader also steps down as a result of the Fall.
  • Two green pairs in Daylight, Cobol of Green Tsoth and E'rni of Green Endarakth, are killed by Thread.
  • A firestorm bronze, Cresceth, is killed by Thread


Season: Late Spring
Link: Link to thread
Notable Events:
  • The Fall devastates High Reaches' wings, with almost none of Moonshot even completing the Fall.
  • A Moonshot garnet pair, I'an of Garnet Coloth, is killed in a collision.
  • A Firestorm white pair, Kalyle of White Cuccoth, is killed by Thread.
  • High Reaches' Healer's Wing has every dragon capable of flight help out with the other wings, with disastrous results for several of those pairs.
  • There's extensive Thread burrows at High Reaches, leading to a rockslide that kills a green wher (Patiesk) and injures much of the Ground Crew.
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