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Shosha of Brown Mosraelth

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    Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:58 pm
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Shosha of Brown Mosraelth



" I shall have a spring where I'm boun' to, and flowers, and amaranths, and shining robes besides. "


NAME: Shosha
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ORIENTATION: Panromantic Asexual, prefers people with several Turns on her

BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2744
AGE: 24 as of Early Fall 2768
WING: Twilight

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dirty Blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'4", average
PLAY-BY: Anna Maxell Martin
Overall, Shosha is just fairly average. She's of average height and build, neither especially muscular nor pathetically weak. Really, the least average thing about her is likely her skin, fair from a life of indoor work. Her face is oval, with a rounded hairline; her nose is short and somewhat broad, and her eyes are light blue, with short, near-invisible eyelashes.Her hair is dirty blonde, and straight, to a few inches beyond her shoulders, though she usually keeps it pulled back in a neat bun. She tends to dress in dark, unremarkable clothing.

Shosha is, or rather was wholly dedicated to her Lady Thyma. She's still happiest when she has someone else to serve, or cling to really. She doesn't like being left to her own devices, and she often worries that being idle will get her into trouble. She wants to help, and wants to be busy, and generally lets people walk all over her so long as she feels useful. This mostly applies to her fellows at the Weyr now, but she's quick to curtsy and offer to fetch things for any visiting dignitaries too. She's not deluded about her station. She knows that being a Candidate means that she isn't a drudge now, and never will be again, but that doesn't change her desire to serve.

She's turned that now at least somewhat toward serving Pern as a whole. A rider, at least, performs quite an admirable service, though one that she also finds more than a little frightening. She won't let that stop her from trying though! But if she happens to meet a Lady at the Weyr who wants a chambermaid, well... She certainly won't protest. In fact, she'll probably advocate for herself quite tenaciously.

She prefers mending, needlework, and light cleaning to hard manual labor. She doesn't like to get dirty, and can actually get quite alarmed when she starts to get muddy. However, when it's a task that needs doing, she'll swallow it and finish, and then proceed to take an excessively long bath afterward. The one thing she'll avoid whenever possible is large animals; dragons make her nervous, but those at least are intelligent. Runners and herdbeasts? Faranth alone knows what they might do!

Despite her upbringing, she can be somewhat outspoken. She's not especially well-educated on the finer points of politics, but when she's among her peers, she'll pretend she is anyway. Her intense need to feel useful extends even to conversation, and if she has nothing to actually contribute, well, she'll make something up.

Mother, Nisha, Beastcrafter
Father, Parsho, Beastcrafter
Older sister, Parni
Younger brother, Shapar
Younger sister, Shoni
BIRTHPLACE: Southern Boll Hold
Shosha was born to a family of Beastcrafters, though it was clear from a fairly early age that she had no particular love for any furry creatures. She was frightened of the runners and herdbeasts, and wrinkled her nose at the smell of caprines no matter how long she was around them. No, she was turned over fairly young to the care of the Steward, who turned her over to the Housekeeper, who turned her over to the care of one Lady Thyma's maid.

Lady Thyma was a woman of the Blood, a fairly distant relative but a woman of rank nonetheless. She was in her middle age, though her maid Agnaery was far older. Neither of the women had ever had children, and Shosha was raised with the clear intention of taking over Agnaery's tasks as the woman grew too old to continue her duties. She loved it, and she loved Lady Thyma for giving her a place (not realizing that the lady herself had had little to do with the whole thing), and she took to the life well.

She was happy. Occasionally teased by some of the other young drudges, who saw it as unfair that she had gotten such an easy position without having to do the harder work first, but she was happy. Most of her life passed without note. She learned to read, in order to help with reading letters out loud, and later stories on the rare occasions that Lady Thyma was ill. She learned many of the finer points of how to dress a lady, and how to keep a bedchamber immaculately tidy.

Until, at the start of her twenty-first Turn, the plague struck.

Lady Thyma and Agnaery both succumbed to the illness; Shosha, though she took ill, survived. She spent most of the days after that crying for the women she regarded as her family. Her blood relatives, she'd hardly spoken to in Turns. But now they were gone, and she had nothing. She took a place in the kitchens, and if those who felt she'd risen too easily found themselves vindicated, well, she found it difficult to care for their opinions.

She kept hoping for a position as a lady's maid to open once more, but none ever did. She even wrote to other Holds, hoping, but to no avail. She was well and stuck in the kitchens, until the Searchdragon came. She was terrified of the massive creature, but Fort Weyr was a glamorous place. Surely someone would take her on as a personal maid there. If not, well, being a Rider was a type of service as well, and one she'd be glad to do.
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    Mon Jun 25, 2018 1:00 pm
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NAME: Mosraelth
BIRTHDATE Early Summer 2766
AGE: 2 Turns as of Early Fall 2768

LENGTH: 50 ft
HEIGHT: 13 ft
COLOR: Brown
HEX CODE: #813006
Mosraelth is not, at first, an exceptional dragon. He is slim and lanky, with a narrow frame and chest, as if he'd been compressed just slightly laterally. His narrow chest means that he will never have the deep wind of other browns, and will always have less endurance, particularly in extended flight. But, he is remarkably agile, his deep and narrow tail acting like a rudder, and alone among most large dragons, Mosraelth can perform the wingtip turns and corkscrews famed among greens and whites, and his ability to whip out of the way of errant Thread will make him a useful member of any Wing he should fly in.

His hide seems similarly staid at first glance; wood-brown, a sort of mahogany color, and without any of the striking markings that many other dragons bear. Like many things, however, it takes a second look to truly appreciate Mosraelth's beauty. The brown of his hide is deep and with an almost honey-colored glow, with the shades of mahogany and highlight blending across his frame, particularly in the fine membrane of his wings. Look even closer, and fine striations run along his body, like the grain of a hardwood, lending him the look of a carving rubbed in beeswax, soft and rich at the same time.

His voice rings clear and bright to all who hear it, like a loud bell.

What a wild child! Mosraelth is a rowdy creature, one who lives adventurously and on the edge. He's a rambunctious handful, with an attitude and temperment to match. He's always getting into this or that, having to know what's going on and being a part of the adventure himself. He can be a little reckless at times, not always remembering to think before he acts - something his rider will have to contend and wrestle with. He just wants to get up and go! Why can't the world move at the speed of light...just like him?

He has a slower, more tender side to him as well, one mostly reserved for his rider. Their well-being is of utmost importance to him, and he'll do just about anything to make sure they are happy and cared for, including acting and saying things that might embarrass. It's all within the realm of 'best intentions' though! He's a very hard worker, and will work himself to the bone in order to make sure the job gets done, whatever that might be. He also has a talent for easing and aiding the sick and injured, seeming to have a knack for easing their suffering and helping them in their times of need, making him a valuable resource to the healers.
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