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B'eep of Green Gaeleeth

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B'eep of Green Gaeleeth


"A barony of ivy in the trees
Expanding out its empire by degrees
And all the branches burst abloom
In the boom
Heaven sent this cardinal maroon
To decorate our living room"
- June Hymn, The Decemberists


NAME: B'eep
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers

BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2757
AGE: 18 as of Late Summer 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'2", slender
Small and slender, with wide blue eyes and curly blonde hair, Bopeep is the picture of girlish innocence. She's not necessarily pretty, with a gap in her front teeth and thin, pale lips and fair skin heavily freckled by the sun, but she's cute. It's something that will follow her throughout her life, and will probably be more appreciated when she's older than when she's still in her youth.

For all her delicate looks though, Bopeep is anything but. She's strong for her size, though larger people are far stronger. She's rarely sick, and she bounces back quickly from injuries—evidenced by the several scars on her elbows and knees. Her clothing is simple, and even after coming to the Weyr, she'll favor simple dresses in pale colors or muted browns with hems around her calves, with hose underneath for modesty and sturdy boots. She's relentlessly practical, letting only her hair be a point of vanity. She loves her hair, letting it grow down almost to her waist, and she keeps it pinned up in a braid around the crown of her head while she works, lest it get chewed on.

Her voice is high and girlish, and won't fall much even when she reaches maturity. She has a strong, broad accent that makes her Keroon roots far more obvious than she'd like.

Bopeep is a rather self-sufficient girl. She's had to be, but she also likes herself that way; she's proud that she has the will and the resourcefulness to get by in almost any situation life throws at her. She sees the world as being primarily defined by problems that need solving, and she's convinced she has the answers to all of them, regardless of how unqualified she might be. She's a bit on the arrogant side in that way, and it takes a lot for her to admit that maybe she was wrong. Still, when in search of a creative solution or someone with the drive to see things through, she'll always be happy to provide that—even though she's not always successful. Failure devastates her briefly, and she's prone to crying over it, though she bounces back quickly.

She's a rather caring person overall, wanting to do good in the world but not always entirely certain how to do it. She loves animals and humans alike, and has a knack for inserting herself into just about any conversation that catches her interest. Maybe too good a knack. She talks a lot, yammering on about anything even tangentially related, and she seems to have no sense of when gossip shouldn't be passed along because it might be hurtful. She also has very little sense of personal space, liking to stand very close to others when speaking to them. This goes over much better with sheep than with people.

She loves being outdoors, and revels in the beauty of nature. All things are glorious and wonderful to her, from the leaves in the trees to little bugs that bite, with their delicate wings.

Bopeep's sense of humor is strangely morbid for one so young and apparently innocent. She jokes about death a lot, and she has a rather unsettling fascination with how efficiently spotties can kill. Luckily, it's only an idle, academic fascination; Bopeep actually hates violence, and occasionally faints at the sight of blood. She's learned to deal with seeing meat, accepting it as a simple fact of life (though she still hates handling it), but injuries still get her sometimes. She often talks about blood though, in hopes that making light of it will lessen its impact on her.

Mother, Peepessa
Father, Shanbonil
Older brother, Pessan
7 other older siblings
BIRTHPLACE: Cothold in the outlying land of Keroon
TW: mention of stillbirth, implied homophobia

Bopeep was the baby of her family, with eight siblings already born before her, plus two she later learned of who had been stillborn. With so many older siblings, she learned at a young age that expectations from her parents were high—they already knew very well how much even younger children were capable of. Bopeep didn't mind. She liked helping out on the farm, even if it was just picking up eggs and chasing lambs around.

Even as a very young child, she learned to approach death with a certain matter-of-factness. Sheep were lost every year: some to predators, some to disease and injury, some to the process of lambing. Others were simply slaughtered by her family for meat, a process she understood but hated to have to see in any way. Death was something that simply happened, and letting it bother her was out of the question. Still, she loved the sheep, and especially loved the lambs.

As she got older, her responsibilities grew. When she wasn't quite thirteen, one ewe Bopeep had grown rather fond of died trying to give birth, along with one of her lambs. The other survived, and her father brought the lamb to Bopeep to raise, as none of the other ewes were close enough to lambing to provide milk yet. The lamb was tiny, born early; Bopeep named her Ewelogy, a living memorial of her mother.

Her parents weren't quite sure what to think of the name, but they let the matter be. Ewelogy grew into a healthy ewe, though being hand-reared had led her to be far more attached to people than to other sheep. She was more a pet than a member of the herd, and Bopeep was perfectly happy with the arrangement.

She expected to do what her siblings were largely beginning to do (or had already done): marry another farmer. She'd bring her family's sheep to the marriage, and her future husband would have something else to offer. Both families would benefit, and if she was very lucky she'd even love the man. That was interrupted by another prospect entirely: Semaca Weyr. They needed people with farming skills, and one of her older brothers decided to go. She begged to go with him. She'd always gotten along well with Pessan, though she knew some people thought less of him because he showed no inclination toward marrying, or toward any women at all.

In the end, her parents relented. There was no objection from those who would travel to the south despite her age, as she had the skills they were looking for—and a few sheep to take with her. And so she left, eager to see this new land. And maybe if she was lucky, they'd even let her get close to a dragon.
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NAME: Ewelogy
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2770
AGE: 5 as of Late Summer 2775

Rather on the small side for a full-grown sheep, Ewelogy otherwise looks like most others of her breed. She has short, cream-colored wool that largely sheds in the summer, with black legs and a black head. Her muzzle and a spot on the top of her head are white, and her nose is more pink than black.

Ewelogy loves people, especially Bopeep who she follows around like she's her mother—because she effectively is. She's often after treats, and is well aware of the fact that they're often found in people's pockets, and won't hesitate to try to chew through said pockets if she smells something there. She doesn't do well when left with only other sheep for long periods of time, and needs at least occasional human contact to be happy. She doesn't really seem to know how to be a member of her own species.
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NAME: Gaeleeth
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2775
AGE: Newborn as of Late Summer 2775



LENGTH: 26ft
HEIGHT: 6.5ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #33473A
A very delicate and lithe green, Gaeleeth is quite a dainty-looking creature. She has large ridges, and a narrow face, and overall she is rather pleasant to look at. She is a soft, dark evergreen all over, her tail and wings fading to a lighter minty color, the same lighter color covering the backs of her wings. She has patterned markings. There are twists of ivy around the base of her neck, and over her chest and sides, up to her wing joints, are pendant-like patterns that give her a rather regal appearance, as if she is draped in the finery of a Lord Holder's treasury, only in green instead of gold.

A smart dragon who enjoys finding out everything and everything, Gaeleeth is inquisitive and ready to learn everything that she can. She can be friendly and personable, fairly easy to get along with. She would like to learn all there is to learn, so she could use it sometime in the future, nevermind the three-day-memory that dragons have, and she is no different. She aims to use everything she learns to advance her position in the social and political hierarchy of the weyr. She wants to expand her influence, to be able to have a say in the major goings-on and the relationships going outside of Semaca Weyr as well. She focuses on what will cause the least amount of trouble for the least amount of people. She is not so careful as Freth is, not desiring to solve every problem and think of every little person. She does not follow blindly, and she finds herself often at odds with others as she approaches things with a far cooler head than many of her siblings.

To her rider, Gaeleeth is a more maternal sort of dragon. She sees herself as tutor and a caretaker, here to usher them into their proper roles and into their full potential. Or, what she thinks is their true potential. She may have a very different idea of that than her rider does, and that may lead to some arguments before they both come to an agreement. She does mean well, and she has many grand ideas. There is nothing that seems too much for her, though she is not as ruthless as some of her siblings. She has a tendency to ramble if she gets on a topic that she particularly is interested in, after she has learned about them, of course.

Voice: Very casual and friendly, Gaeleeth is an easy green to listen to. She's happy to chat, happy to ask how the day is going, her voice is light and almost airy in tone.

Why Me?: Well, Gaeleeth isn't a noble dragon who could save the world, but she thinks that Bopeep is more than good enough for her. Also she has a sheep. Sheep are interesting.

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