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Sahak of Blue Sahtsk

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    Tue Oct 23, 2018 7:02 pm
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Sahak of Blue Sahtsk



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NAME: Sahak
ORIENTATION: Aromantic asexual

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2742
AGE: 28 as of Late Fall 2770
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler
WING: Pavane Squad

EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Dark brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'1", muscular
PLAY-BY: Nathaniel Arcand
Sahak is just a little taller than average, of a somewhat muscular build. He has tan skin and dark brown eyes and hair, though he can barely seem to grow any facial hair at all. His face is diamond-shaped, with a slightly wide, short nose and a rather thin-lipped mouth. His hair is kept cut short, the better to stay out of his way. He wears primarily simple clothing in neutral colors, though he's become rather enamored of the color blue since meeting Sahtsk.

Sahak is a young man with all the subtlety of a tropical fish. He wears all of his emotions on his sleeve, and rarely takes the time to filter anything that comes out of his mouth. That's not to say that he's unkind; quite the opposite in fact, he's rather perceptive of other people's feelings and keen to help those who are hurting. Most of the time, he honestly does think and say nice things. But when he doesn't, there is no holding him back from speaking. He's straightforward and sincere, regardless of anything else.

He enjoys the company of other people, and actively seeks social situations. He doesn't do well in isolation, but thrives when he can just be around someone, even if they're not speaking to (or particularly interested in) him at that moment. He's the sort to carry his socks in need of repair to dinner, just because he doesn't want to sit alone in his own quarters to darn them.

Rarely the type to sit still for long, he prefers doing to talking. Politics bores him because it's all talk, and rules are often there to prevent him from doing as he pleases, so he frequently ignores them. This doesn't always put him in the good graces of those in charge of him, though he's usually quite good about finishing his work. It's what he does when he's finished and bored that becomes problematic.

FAMILY: Extremely large: six older siblings, many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews.
BIRTHPLACE: Fort-territory cothold
Sahak is the youngest of seven children born to a farming family in Fort territory. His parents died of an illness when he was young, but he hardly knew the difference; with six older siblings, several aunts and uncles, and a grandmother to raise him, in addition to a number of cousins, he hardly lacked for family. He grew up happy, healthy, and mostly free of trouble—though he, like many farm children, learned the painful way not to annoy a herdbeast. Luckily the kick resulted only in bruises.

Thoroughly uninterested in the idea of romance, he was quite content to be one of the many uncles to his siblings' children and work in the fields and help with anything else that needed doing. He was a farmer, and he certainly wasn't bad at it. But there are things that even the best farmers can't prevent. Nature can be cruel, and when a drought killed most of the cothold's crops, they appealed to Fort Hold for aid. There was little forthcoming. They weren't the only ones suffering. And when fire swept through and they found themselves required to flee or burn, they chose to flee.

When it had passed, they found the stone structures standing, though cracked in places by the heat. Of their crops and belongings, the little food they had put away for the winter, there was nothing.

Sahak, along with three of his siblings and eight of his nieces and nephews, left in order to ease the burden of rebuilding on those who stayed behind. There were simply too many mouths, someone had to go. Fort Hold was interesting for a time, but crowded. Even he, who had grown up in a small place with many people, felt the press around him. Or perhaps it was just that they weren't his family; all his life, everyone he'd been in close quarters with had been closely related to him.

Luckily, Semaca Weyr needed farmers.

He took quickly to life there. He missed his family, but there was so much to see, and do! One rule, however, quickly came to grate on him: the restrictions on where he could go and when. "Don't go into the jungle," they said, but he had never been good at listening to rules he didn't want to follow, and being accustomed to going for walks when and where he pleased (during Threadfall aside, though even staying indoors for that wasn't something he was fond of, but a matter of simple practicality) he didn't do a good job of obeying.

He'd thought that if he met anything dangerous out there, it would be the spotties everyone kept whispering about. Torok was not a spotty, but he looked dangerous. The blue was napping, avoiding hunting for the pack yet again as he was none too fond of the sight or smell of blood. Having to eat things that bled was bad enough! Sahak tripped over him and thought he was going to be eaten then and there.

He was not eaten. Torok, seeing a chance to get away from Rannik and her endless demands, seized the opportunity. He licked at the blood on the human's skinned elbow and became Sahtsk.

The awkward, impromptu pair did not exactly take to life together immediately. Things didn't go horribly, but Sahak didn't know the first thing about whers, and Sahtsk didn't know the first thing about humans. He'd seen whers and humans together, but always from a distance. Neither knew what boundaries there were supposed to be, but they're learning. Slowly.
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    Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:08 pm
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NAME: Sahtsk
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2756
AGE: 14 as of Late Fall 2770

LENGTH: 12.5 ft
HEIGHT: 4.5 ft
Sahtsk isn't a large blue by any means. He's rather small and delicate, with narrow wings and slightly less muscle than one might expect, though that certainly isn't to say he isn't muscular: he's still a wher, after all. His hide is a beautiful soft, pale sky blue color. He's mostly just that solid color, but he has faint, lighter markings like lacy gloves on his front paws, and ankle bracelets on his rear legs. A scaly sort of pattern leading into the end of his tail is also lighter, and he has little circles under his eyes.

His voice is quiet, and somewhat high in pitch though still clearly masculine.

Sahtsk isn't very good at being a wher, and was especially not good at being a wild wher. He's soft-spoken and polite, deferring to others in most matters. He's averse to all manner of conflict, and will choose to flee rather than fight in almost every situation. He likes to hide from those who might be angry with him, and is actually quite adept at finding little hidey-holes where he can get away from everything. He hates violence of all sorts, not even being especially happy about hunting; he deals with it because he has to eat, but doesn't like to hunt for any other reason, and has a particular hatred for the smell of blood.

With his handler, and other people and whers he likes, he's rather cuddly and affectionate. While he likes to get far away from stressful situations, he much prefers to have company; he's definitely not a loner at heart.
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