The Heaviside Ball Clutch (Jellicles)Dam: Gold Nhelisk Sire: Brown HeskSeason and Turn: Early Spring 2775
Link to Thread: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle WhersNumber of Eggs: 13
Notable Events: Unusually large for a wher clutch
There were multiple mutations in this clutch- including an albino green, a blue with "whiskers" and a very plump white who speaks in complete sentences
The two gold eggs in the clutch both hatched gold
The first five eggs were all given to wherhandlers, causing some to wonder if the clutchmother was biased against candidates
Clutchmother gave an egg to her own handlers, which hatched a brown who tried to escape and eat without Impressing, scaring his siblings
Gold LanceskGold MorskBrown AskBrown GaskBrown NheskBlue AdamanskBlue LisaskBlue WilrskGreen EnniskGreen EnskGreen MhelliskGreen Opesk White Kiosk